Alpha Daddy
✯Cᴏᴀʟᴇsᴄᴇᴅ sᴘᴀᴄᴇᴅᴜsᴛ✯   San Antonio, Texas, United States
Dakota Jones/Alpha Daddy/Jex
2/21/1996 - 5/22/2017

Jex's mom here. I now have access to Jex's account. I was going to close my son's account, but friends of his asked me not to. I will accept friends request for those who would like to post to his page, but I will not answer messages through his account. Many of you have sent him private goodbyes.

March 28,2018
Thank you all for wishing my son a Happy Birthday. I had a hard time that day. Did lots of crying. I can't believe it will be a year in May that he left. It still feels like yesterday. I was sitting here the other day thinking about when he would play arma or GM or whatever he was playing. He would be talking crap with y'all. Usually talking ♥♥♥♥ lol. He had his headphones on so he didn't realize how loud he was and I'd go in his room and tell him to stfu already. Now I would do anything to hear his voice again. I'd do anything to see him again. But on the flip side, I am trying to grief more positively. Is that even a thing? Basically, I stop questioning why. I stop with the constant what ifs. I realized it won't change anything. He will still be gone. And I will never get answers anyway. I'm learning how to let myself go through whatever emotion I need at that moment and then pick myself up and move forward. It's not always easy. I see something he liked. Hear something that reminds me of him. Or I find something in the house that was his or he had last. And it sometimes brings me to my knees. Literally. It's funny though. If he knew I was on his steam acct talking to his friends he would have had a fit. I guess I embarrassed him 😢. Even funnier. He was exactly like me.
                You're haunted by the fact
                                    you don't know
         where you are or where you've been.

                                  Mechanical Love


                                Ɩ’m pеᴦfectly fine, thaᴨk уou܁


                      BubᏏles Ꮟυried in ᴛhɪs ϳʋпgle.
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Goat™ 4 Mar @ 5:07pm 
Back again, I guess. Not sure why I felt the need to stop by your page again but here we are. Wish we got to know each other better in the short time we talked. The comments below should say it all, you were loved and you are missed. Hope you've found peace
Trey 28 Jan @ 9:35am 
Missing you never gets any easier no matter how much time passes, i dont even remember how long its been now, but we still think about you all the time.
Sen 28 Jan @ 1:15am 
So I went to FWA. I don't know if you ever went to it. Don't know if con's were even your thing. I think I just kinda forgot. I'm an idiot, I know.

I think the weird part was this board that was there that was kind of haunting me. It was a "for those no longer with us" thing. Write the name down. I don't know why I noticed it at first but I know for a fact it kept moving.

It was in the corner of my eyes first. Then it was next to me and eventually directly in front of where I was walking through the weekend. I guess I needed to let it out.

So I did

At like 3AM on a Saturday I wrote down your name. Seven years later.I don't know why that was what broke me again. Cried like a baby in my friend's arms. Yeah. I'm a ♥♥♥♥♥ you can say it.

It's funny. I guess Im learning no matter how 'over it' you can project you're never really okay with it. Maybe that's just me.

God I miss you.
Sen 28 Jan @ 1:02am 
I don't really think you ever knew how much I loved and cared about you. You're the reason I'm so insistent to tell my friends "I love you" instead of "Goodbye" most days. There are days I think about you and cry. Other days I think about you and smile. I guess that's what it's all about.

All in all I still am the idiot who looks up at the stars because of you. You'd call me so many things if I ever told you that, then we'd laugh and go back to whatever dumb-ass game we were playing, probably.

Love you, buddy.
Epicdenver 26 Jan @ 8:46am 
recently i found a old clip from arma 3 exile with jex in it, and seeing you guys all post about it.
Polybius 25 Jan @ 8:10pm 
me too, i feel awful for the time my friends told me to kick him out of playing a sven coop game with us, now more than i ever do i wish he had joined us :(