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Nedávné recenze uživatele Berry Wuffs

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5 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
1.6 hodin celkem
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Friendly fire with 3 wide swinging melee units and a ranged unit was a very poor decision.

Gameplay is otherwise fine (when on sale) with a simple loop of hordes of enemies coming to attack your single point of defense with the option to buy walls and, when unlocked, turrets. You gain exp and on level up can choose between 3 basic options like skill cd, buffs on perfect dodge, ultimate damage increase, and so on without anything unique for each character.

Some of the skill attack animations take way too long and leave you open to attack which is not great when you are surrounded by 10 enemies and are trying to use your AoE attack which is very counterintuitive. Enemies can be knocked around your barriers so make sure you deal with them before they run off to attack your defense point. AI are not great at reviving the player if they player goes down (which will happen often due to an AI skill attack again friendly fire is a very poor decision for this type of game).

The healer kid is probably the best because he can heal, increase defense and his ultimate which doesnt take long to build is the best out of all 4 as it makes a healing circle on the ground that also buffs allies and damages enemies and lasts for a long time.

Overall 6/10 okay with friends but seriously the friendly fire idea needs to be removed.
Odesláno 31. prosince 2024.
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8 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
1 osoba ohodnotila tuto recenzi jako vtipnou
11.0 hodin celkem
Game is functional. Enemies sprint and will stutter step due to no reaction animation for getting around corners, etc. Enemies are sponges on high difficulties and their animations are a bit quick and look goofy. You get a wrench for melee but it takes 7+ whacks to mangle the enemy legs to get them to drop for stomping. The stomp has tiny range despite the animation and is several frames too long to do and several frames too long for the recovery so you are stuck in place for little bit. Grenades are near worthless and difficult to aim accurately. Shotgun does not feel very powerful or satisfying to use. There is a chainsaw in the dressing room but no chainsaw ingame that I found while exploring. The "voice acting" is just that tiktok girl ai voice.

But you get to be an anime girl with tig ol' bitties running around in a swimsuit so 7/10 pick it up on sale.
Odesláno 3. října 2024. Naposledy upraveno 3. října 2024.
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2.4 hodin celkem
I hesitate to recommend it due to the length of the levels. I only played the first area but it went for what felt like forever with the rate of loot being insanely high because most of it is trash. You can recycle and upcycle trash to make it worthwhile but it doesnt feel necessary early on when everything dies quickly.

Combat is functional with me playing as a cleric and not being able to die due to self heal and shield spells along with good single target damage to easily beat bosses and enemies alike. But again, the length of the levels are insane. Two hours to beat one level with about 70% of it being samey crypts and the bosses themselves being loosely/awfully connected.

For a cheap price it could be worth it, especially with friends but I dont recommend for anything more than a few bucks. Still, there were moments of fun to be had.
Odesláno 26. července 2024.
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125.6 hodin celkem
This game is good. It's by no means great and by no means bad. It is a very unique experience of being some schmuck from the middle ages who barely knew how to wipe his own ass and throw a punch to a potential one man army or a "pacifist" with a mace taking on three or more men in a fight. Getting there is a slog, though. You dont learn how to parry until a bit into the game and you will be slow and weak for a good portion. And forget about using a bow unless you have really good intuition of tragectory or get the mod to turn on crosshairs with the bow and even then it's a bit of a toss-up.

Combat is a mess. While it's understandable for it to be a bit on the slower side, it does not make sense for a majority of random bandits in peasant clothes to be doing parries and combos like a trained veteran soldier. Enemies have a tendency to swarm you from every direction which again makes sense but sometimes enemies get stuck sprinting/running into you to try and get behind you and switching targets to them sometimes doesnt work and makes swinging difficult when they can parry you or you dont swing at all. Enemies also have the ability to parry you even if you are directly behind them which is not ideal or break out of a parry to parry you right back when you are doing a follow up strike.

There are combos you can learn but they are hard to learn and sometimes not worth it with being unable to pull them off when surrounded due to being stunlocked by 4 guys constantly smacking you (unless you pull off a parry but sometimes the parry move throws the enemy behind you and you turn to face them which means you open your back to their mates). Armor is vital for survival in combat but wont mean much if you dont manage your stamina as you take increased damage when your stamina is drained and are likely to take full damage from an attack from behind. But combat is not all the game has to offer and it's possible to leave the fighting to others or run away on horseback (if you have a horse and can outrun the enemy before they tackle you).

There is also the living in medieval times with a pseudo-realism survival thing where you need to eat and sleep and can get drunk with hangovers and swaying camera that makes one feel sick if watching for too long. There are potions to alleviate hangovers or drop your fill meter if you overate. You can frolick about in dirt but everyone will question why you look so awful. You can wash yourself in a trough or get a proper bath at the bath house or just hire a warm hole or both. You can learn to read and read skill books to help you level up or give unique dialogue options for a handful of quests (though there is also an achievement for one of the dlcs for getting through it without being able to read). There are the less moral quests of robbing and pillaging but you can donate to the church if you want to clear your conscience if you want to rp being a good boi but none of it is really necessary. You can leave the dead alone or rob the dead. You can pick some pockets of the rich (or the poor) for your own gain or someone else's. If you are good at persuasion, you can try to talk your way out of trouble if caught but it doesnt always work. You can ask about towns and learn about the history and lore of the world if that's to your liking.

I encountered a couple bugs but nothing game breaking. I fell through the map once while picking mushrooms (it only happened the one time but still) which caused me to lose an hour's worth of progress because I forgot to save/save by sleeping. Some npc paths bugged out for some quests which needed a reload to fix which again made me lose some time (I think it only happened 3 times). An npc was stuck as hostile towards me despite no interaction prior and would constantly run away until I punched a guard and got arrested (there is a system for that but it was a bandit that should not have that npc flag).

One time out of boredom I skyrim saved and then murdered an entire town which got me 10 days jail time which is the same amount of time I got for punching a guard even though I murdered about 20 guards. I'm not sure how the ruling worked on that but I guess ten days is the max prison sentence back then.

There is a lot to discover and a lot of land to explore but honestly it's not entirely gripping with engagement (seen a forest seen them all etc) with soooome enemy camps spread out but that means having to do combat (tip: get the Stinger or anything with a high Stab damage and just keep stabbing their face, with a chance for knockout with the headcracker perk). There are some graves you can dig up or caves to explore with a torch that throws light 5 feet in front of you so not a good time overall and some herbs for alchemy which I mostly ignored but if it's your thing it's there for you (I just bought potions from the alchemists in towns).

Overall I'd say it's worth it as an experience. Not so much as a game, but an experience. And maaaaybe not worth full price unless you want to fully support the company.
Odesláno 14. července 2024.
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1.1 hodin celkem
The doggo is cute. The mom is cute. Everything is cute.
Odesláno 28. března 2024.
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0.8 hodin celkem
it is a game.
Odesláno 21. února 2024.
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12 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
0.2 hodin celkem
Recenze předběžného přístupu
An ambitious game for sure that was unfortunately made by someone way out of their depths. Animations are awful, there is no customization to speak of other than what looks like a zombie skin one has to buy, the ambiance and sound effects are grating to the ears, controls are dated, hitboxes are not clean, everything looks like it came out of a 1999 fever dream after a binge of tibia online.

Edit: I understand the game is in early access but early access games are to be a rough draft of the final product and this is like getting blasted by sand at 300mph rough. Also the gall to have an in game shop and a kickstarter is nuts.
Odesláno 9. října 2023. Naposledy upraveno 11. října 2023.
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Vývojář reagoval dne 10. říj. 2023 v 12.51 (zobrazit reakci)
1 osoba ohodnotila tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
4.0 hodin celkem (3.7 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Do I like this game? Not really.
Is the game good? Not really.
Is it worth the price? I got it on sale for $0.90 and I don't know.

It may be a first game attempt but boy does it show. At certain parts, enemies would hit me while I was in cover despite this being a cover based on rails shooter. Reloading/shooting sticks out more of the character's body so living is really not something yer likely to do first runthrough of the game. The shield guys are amazingly annoying with their high health value to stun them and by the time they are stunned you're out of bullets and have to reload and they recover in that reload window (starting weapons only, granted, but the first level has three of them lined up next to eachother and you only have starting weapons). The targetting reticle is this weird diamond shape with a line going to the lower right without any clear indication of where exactly your bullets will go. The gun selection is limited with no option to change your pistol to something that will give you the option to keep progressing in the level rather than be ignored by bosses/tougher enemies. You have to buy clips for your gun to increase how much ammo you will start the level with which the game was in no hurry to tell me about and never did.

Does it have replay value? Well I mean you have to replay levels to get enough funds to get better guns to do damage to bosses that will be immune/take reduced damage from starter guns/what have you.

Honestly this game feels more like a game you'd find on Newgrounds or Armor Games or some flash game site, know what I mean?

Do I recommend this? I mean...the girls look weird so can't recommend it for that. The gameplay can be frustrating at times and janky at other times so can't recommend it for that. The voice acting...is a thing in the game.

Look, if you're willing to overlook a few bruises and weird dark spots on a banana then go for it. Maybe you'll get some enjoyment out of it. Just don't pay full price.
Odesláno 26. února 2020.
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22 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
4 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako vtipnou
0.1 hodin celkem
Hey the game plays itself for me with auto combat and auto navigation. I could try to write a sarcastic comment about how much easier this has made my life but having everything automated for me has made me incapable of doing anything other than watch my character run around.

Side note: It doesn't look half bad, especially for a pc port of a mobile game.
Odesláno 7. března 2018. Naposledy upraveno 4. dubna 2018.
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6 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
2.0 hodin celkem
Recenze předběžného přístupu
In queue: Position 297

1 1/2 hours later.

In queue: Position 8

For some reason queue window closes. Choose to attempt login again.

In queue: Position 96

Yeah...no. Sorry but no.
Odesláno 24. února 2018.
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