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総プレイ時間:67.5時間 (レビュー投稿時点:6.8時間)
I made ghost sounds while near a fire exit towards people who were on the other side of a wall from me

they got chased by a spider and died

I then got chased by said spider and left through the fire exit i was near

i did not learn my lesson and will do it again.
(we made our quota shortly after and recovered the bodies.)
投稿日 2023年11月24日.
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Game is... janky, broken at parts, and sometimes outright rude.

Long story short: Devs dropped off the face of the earth after Full Release. Game was released with more and more fixes instead of a completed story, and with that, the game is just... dropped. They got your money, players. They left with your money. And now they put up two fingers and they've vanished.

I'd love to make mods that add to the story my way, or overturn the entire story, maybe change that garbage skill tree from... fifteen, twenty skills to actually be more like a skill tree, and actually make classes be classes, rather than starting gear and skills (or none at all if you're a drifter). But the workshop is just people translating the game, which feels like it's not using the actual potential.

Also, if you wanna check out the game, just watch a playthrough. The animations are janky, the hitboxes are garbage (yes, fire above the tree, not the shadowbeast in front of you, yes, shoot the wall, not the corpse parasite behind the wall), investigations to search for signs are... sometimes just outright abhorrent, you need to search so many of the same spots just to eventually end up outside of the hinted area and find it five steps away from where it said it was, despite it saying "no signal" on your microphones.

Dialog's atrocious, with grammatical issues and punctuation failure syndrome. I do like the comic cutscenes, but that's about it after a while, aside from investigation which has its good parts absolutely lambasted afterwards.

Also, getting called a cop for showing signs (such as this random blood decal you've just picked up) makes no sense. Not that a lot of other stuff looks more like random junk stock images pasted over everything, and repeated several times, rather than making your own stuff.

Some bosses (the poltergeists, ecriee or whatever) that I've seen, which is to say just three of them, are... unclear in what they actually do, followed by dodging their attacks being GATED behind skills that, again, don't make sense (why do I need to learn to throw a chunk of rotting meat? Why do I need to learn how to put a chain on my pants?)... maybe the skills would make sense if it's with *certain* things you don't understand.

Also, don't forget. Healing. Stims take off your precious max HP, which can be worse than using a medkit. That you can't ever use. Because the enemy either exists and is in constant chase, disabling the medkit, or is out of your vision and is currently looking for you, and you can't use your medkit because it's not safe.

Ammo being able to deal damage to certain types is alright, but when you can't easily switch out your ammo on the fly, it becomes troubling because the type you need isn't on you, and you die to something you can't figure out if you've dodged or not (corpse parasites), despite going right under their attack.

Oh, and there's no melee options, and all UV gadgets are glowsticks. Not flashlights. Glowsticks. And your hunting knife doesn't count. (Not that the ghoul you just killed ended up completely out of bounds flopping as a FRESH model, instead of dropping the model normally like shadowbeasts, or those ground tendrils you just dealt with don't count as big enough to carve, yet they look like a simple spike given many bones and some ball shapes).

By the way, did I mention the bosses look like they're just animated pictures? Yeah. But don't worry. It's the condensation/cold spot scanner that lags your game. Not the flaming skull or the random death tornado that just spawned all of a sudden. Which you still can't really dodge because... reasons. I dunno.

TL;DR: Devs dropping off of the face of the earth after patching with ez-break burlap patches leave an unfinished game with more jank than there is a single chapter. Yes, there is only one chapter.
投稿日 2023年4月6日.
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総プレイ時間:132.8時間 (レビュー投稿時点:85.0時間)
This game? Fun stuff.
Sure, we got the occasional bug, we've got the occasional "I'm stuck and can't do a thing anymore."
But who says you can't have fun with something that is still improving over time?
You might need to be patient for RNG to give you the right spells or wands or perks, but if you can get away with just one spell, you can have as much fun as proceeding to commit mass extinction in a wand.
Each level is varied and introduces interesting designs and feelings, some include the challenge of "how to navigate?"
But, I've never really tried mods. Not that I'm going to immediately try modding the game - I might not know where to start - but to see something that readily accepts modding, that's a fun feature.
And the graphics - there's a sort of feeling you wouldn't get with deep detail or 3D models. It feels nostalgic and beautiful, with the pixels somehow making each creature you meet feel like art, despite how small they may be.
Oh, and I'm not forgetting the fact EVERY pixel has been simulated - yes, it's been said by them. But that's the best part. Even in giant chunks, the pixels can still fall as different materials.
Highly recommended - really.

P.S. Suggestions, suggestions. I wish I had things to suggest. If I did have suggestions, where shall I drop them?
投稿日 2021年6月11日.
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It's a rather odd game - sure, you've got your fun art style and characters, but there were a number of odd... well, let's just call them abnormalities. One of them included how often they walled nearby blocks despite you having to, of course, break through them to make more space. The fact, too, that you could make so much space suddenly and they didn't simply care - that's another problem.

The Dwelvers devs don't seem active, anymore. Now, not to be upset, but it's weird - the Player isn't guided fully on what they're supposed to do and what not to do, and the fact they can summon up the existance of a Human base and a Impanzee base in the tutorial (which was weird) made this feel very awkward, like the Player was supposed to know in one direction this would happen and another it wouldn't. It also ended up killing the base (This was in the tutorial, so, again, perhaps it wasn't an intended bug.) But like I said, they aren't active, it seems, so they might have abandoned this game to goodwill or something of the sort.

An additional note is that I found it weird Solid Rock has HP, walls in the Tutorial that were "human made" looked oddly like ours, and wasn't destructible in any way - just the door when they got close enough, and how the player is greeted to, at the second campaign (tutorial), a very silent Dark Mother and text as if a Narrator suddenly took her position, and tried to act like them. This very weird shift made me feel like the Devs either got lazy or forgot how to create a working tutorial voice.

And before I end this, no, I don't exactly feel this game is reccomendable - even with 18 hours on it. It's easy to say this is an attempt to make a good game, but after just one mission and some terrible habits made by even the most inexperienced player, the holes are already there. What exactly WAS the plan? Was there even a plan? Once more: not recommended.
投稿日 2020年7月15日.
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総プレイ時間:478.7時間 (レビュー投稿時点:428.6時間)
Cultist Simulator. A fun game, with the occult feel. It's a unique way to run a tabletop game. It's got its ups and downs, for example where timers run with the intention of never stopping, and killing you just because you didn't have the health in time... or perhaps that health was a reward card hidden from you, and it takes it anyhow. I'm thankful for that one. Though, I'm surprised; the highest of cultists are so difficult to obtain. And I'm wondering... why not give us a chance to convert prisoners into cultists? If they weren't cultists already...

But what I wanted to say, now. This game. it has good features but occasionally they're murderous features. I recommend this one-player game for those who like to read, because the lore goes deeper than any other I've seen, and yet seems so shallow...
投稿日 2020年3月22日.
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総プレイ時間:33.1時間 (レビュー投稿時点:32.3時間)
i just like it even after its been here for quite a while
投稿日 2019年12月30日.
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7 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
総プレイ時間:601.7時間 (レビュー投稿時点:300.2時間)
Now, the game is pretty good, but there are a few issues. Let's start with them. And I'm not going to be easy. I've played this game for a while and the updates have gone crazy.

One: World generation. It's not how long you put that custom seed for a world that is the issue, it's how it decides to process it. It's where it processes as much as possible, as it seems, not a good chunk around your decided spawn location like one normal game would do.

Two: How things happen. Sometimes, worlds will look like this: No houses to start near, no road either. Other times: House, or two. Hundred. Oh what's that? You wanna go in? Here's a zombie to get in your way. Now you're inside after that zombie or two. What's that? Not hard enough? Suddenly, zombies from the sides of the TV without any indication they were there in the first place! Now there's four after you that you can't possibly stop! ...unforgiving even on the easiest difficulty.

Third: Menus. For making/loading a world: Maybe don't seem like it is a server? Maybe make an option to display it as a singleplayer game. For that editing a prefab thing: What are you doing sending me to that... strange world of nothingness in a godmode setting?

Last but not least: Loading times. In general. They're inconsistent. First, you're booting up the game, it's quick. Then, another loading. Takes about thirty seconds, or something. Okay. Now you're making a world. I already mentioned this, but again: Why are you taking over twenty minutes just to load a simple world to die in so quickly?

Overall: I don't think this game is suited for players who mind constant death, slow loading times, and very difficult-to-understand menu-ing. I think the updates have made The Fun Pimps(?)' game go off the deep end. Unless they fix the game up, this cannot be saved a few updates later.
投稿日 2019年12月2日.
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総プレイ時間:596.4時間 (レビュー投稿時点:570.4時間)
This is actually a surprisingly good game. Although sure, it might look like an old-school game, the idea of rhythm in a rogue-like actually mixes better than expected. At times it does get difficult, but don't be discouraged. I recommend this game to those looking for a challenge especially if they've played other rhythm-based games and rogue-likes, and know what the two are like.
投稿日 2019年6月30日.
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総プレイ時間:32.3時間 (レビュー投稿時点:2.7時間)
awesome game just like the app i played thanks for making it on steam my phone doesnt work right now so im glad i get to play this anyway
投稿日 2017年2月8日.
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2 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
Still amazed, I jump through the well again and again... No lies, there is aways something diffrent generated within less than a second, and I keep killing enemies, destroying objects and blocks. Purchasing things from the store, taking intresting upgrades and picking up so many gems. There's not enough words to describe this complicated yet simple game! Want to get a game of random yet same, fast yet slow madness yet calm flow? Here's your one yet many chance(es).
投稿日 2016年12月30日.
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