M'aiq the Liar
Quinn AKA Pepper Jack   Canada
:engageattack:"Greetings! M'aiq knows many things. What is your interest? You seek knowledge. M'aiq has much. Some of it verified by actual facts!" :steamthumbsup::Geralt:

"M'aiq does not know this word. You wish others to help you in your quest? Coward! If you must, search for the Argonian Im-Leet, or perhaps the big Nord, Rolf the Uber. They will certainly wish to join you."

"Ahh... The beauty of the naked form. These Dunmer are rather prudish, are they not? Of course, there is an island you can reach filled with wonderful, naked, glistening bodies. It only appears when the moons are full, the rain falls, the seas run red, and it's M'aiq's birthday." - Referencing the pronounced nudity in Daggerfall.

"People always enjoy a good fable. M'aiq has yet to find one, though. Perhaps one day."

"Some people wish to throw their weapons. That seems foolish to M'aiq. If you hold your weapon, you only need one."

"M'aiq's father was also called M'aiq. As was M'aiq's father's father. At least, that is what his father said. But then again, you can never trust a liar."

"M'aiq can travel fast across the land. Some lazy types take carriages. It is all the same to M'aiq."

"M'aiq is done talking."

Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Pepper Jack dont play

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Divinity: Original Sin 2
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Mass Effect™ Legendary Edition
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This game is a masterpiece, but like every masterpiece, it has its flaws. Its gameplay is its biggest issue, but I can overlook many of its faults because the positives outweigh the negatives. To start off with, the story is the best in the series; no matter your choices, it's always interesting. The number of choices you can make during your playthrough can be overwhelming at first. Firstly, your choices will always have consequences, and it becomes overwhelming if you're like me and always want to make the best decision. This game forces you to make decisions quickly, and you will soon realize that it's like real life and you will make bad decisions in haste, and you're undoubtedly going to be influenced by your emotions if you get emotionally invested, like myself, in the world and characters.

The gameplay is functional to a point; it definitely isn't as refined as I'd like it to be, yet it can be fun if you learn all the mechanics. Its biggest fault is the enemy's targeting. Sometimes you will find you should be hitting enemies but simply cannot based on the targeting system. It becomes rather infuriating when facing multiple targets, especially if there are a combination of ranged and heavily armored targets. There are multiple options for how you can handle these engagements, but none of them are refined to the point where they are utterly satisfying. However, you get used to the mechanics to the point where there is some fun to be had.

The setting and graphics are very well done, to the point where you can say the graphics in some aspects are superior to the sequel in the series. The cities are excellently portrayed, and you get a feeling of just how big the world is with the views you come across in the story. Character models are well done and varied to the point where NPCs are unique and varied. The texture models are the weakest link in the graphics department, but can be excused considering how old the game actually is and that it was a graphical masterpiece when it was released. You can consider it the second coming of Crysis, making many PC gamers have to upgrade their components to handle this wonderful beast.

Now to the story, which is the best of the series. The amount of cliffhangers and twists in the story make this a thoroughly enjoyable experience. Considering all the choices that change the outcome of the story, it is mind-boggling. Based on a choice in the first act, it will wildly change the path of the story through the next two chapters, making this well worth playing multiple times. Even after five playthroughs, I still want to go back and see how the choices I didn't make would affect the story. The characters are well written, and with a lack of stereotypes from many fantasy mediums, this game is a breath of fresh air. It maintains this theme of gray instead of the regular theme of black and white that many fantasy games perpetuate. This is what makes The Witcher 2 one of the best games of all time. I sincerely cared for the charterers I was involved with. I was sad when one of my choices inadvertently negatively affected one of the characters I cared about, and I was forced to make decisions choosing between two characters I cared for. Many times, it was heartbreaking. This is one of the most important aspects of this game, how it makes you actually care about your choices, and I can't think of another game besides Mass Effect that made me care for the characters to this degree.

This game is amazing, and its sequel is amazing. I even beat the first Witcher twice, which is the least enjoyable game out of the series, just because the choices I made can be carried over to the next installment. If you enjoy fantasy games with relatable and unique characters and morally ambiguous choices, this is the game for you. You will need to surpass some of the questionable design choices, but you will be rewarded with one of the most well-written stories in video game history. Ive played this game multiple times, and that's already a testament to how much I love it. It will make you question your choices and your outlook on the world in general. Play it, and you will not be disappointed.

"Va fail gwynbleidd."
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One of the best games ever, period. If you look at each aspect of this game on its own merits, it's hard to say this game is the best at anything; it's all its parts that combine to make a truly remarkable experience. Every side quest is interesting, and its wealth of content is not only amazing but vast. Ive beaten this game four times; most of my hours are on my GOG account because I bought the physical copy, and I can tell you Im probably going to beat it another four times because it never gets old. The combat is somewhat the more disappointing aspect of this game, but once you get used to it, you're able to make it somewhat enjoyable and functional. The DLC is amazing as well, with hours of additional content that it adds. Geralt is also one of the best protagonists in any game, and they're able to do this while allowing you to decide what to do in certain circumstances. Do yourself a favor and play this game.

Shani says to Geralt "I thought witchers carried 2 swords, a steel one for humans and a silver one for monsters." and Geralt replies "Both are for monsters."
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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
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