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2,018.7 hrs on record (1,590.0 hrs at review time)
I love this game to bits, my hours collected here on Steam alone should be a testimony to that. But like everyone else with the same thoughts as me, I am tired of The Snail not listening to their players.
They have since updated n fixed some.
Posted 24 May, 2023. Last edited 29 August, 2023.
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6 people found this review helpful
68.3 hrs on record
Games gone downhill
Posted 28 June, 2021.
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1,955.4 hrs on record (1,259.2 hrs at review time)
Great game despite its age. Community is as active as ever.
Posted 8 May, 2021.
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0.0 hrs on record
Singleplayer was a hassle, (Not /true/ singleplayer as mentioned by others), took lot of trial and error to even get working, and felt choppy and slow once I got going. IMO not worth the price when you could get even better quality out of mods in multiplayer communities of the same game.
Posted 8 May, 2021.
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16.7 hrs on record (11.9 hrs at review time)
TL;DR:Buy it!

You! Yes you! I know, it says product received for free, so therefore I am biased, right?

NO! I am not![/]
I received a copy because of the work I am currently doing on translating it, and so of course I decided to try it out.
I have never been a fan of point and click adventure games, and frankly I thought I never would. But, after a few hours of playing Gibbous I realized how much I had fallen in love with it. The characters, the comedic timing of Kitteh whenever she speaks, the many references to popular TV shows and books, and the passion of the amazing developer team that is Stuck In The Attic. Developers are extremely friendly and down to earth individuals, and they really managed to punch through with this game despite of how small the group is. I've helped translate and work on games with five or six times the people, but so far the three-person job that is Gibbous is my favorite.

Sure, the voice acting not matching up with the lips might be a negative for some, but for many others its a plus, simply adding to the charm of the game. The puzzles vary in difficulty, some really easy and some others I had to sit and think about for a good while before giving in and searching help on social media as the answers. But it was fun all the way through.

I definitely recommend this game, and I say to you, person reading this: If you are in doubt as to whether you want to buy it or not, let the doubt win and just do it. If you in the end find out you really dislike it then look on the bright side of things: You got to try out a new game, you grew as a person and through that gained a more refined taste, and your steam library is now 1 game bigger.

If you really really dislike it, then attempt a refund. Either way you gave it a shot, and that ultimately is what counts!!

Thank you for reading this review.

Posted 9 August, 2019.
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995.4 hrs on record (462.7 hrs at review time)
I got Ark: Survival Evolved back in June, 2015. At a first glance, this was going to be an interesting game, and I thought that perhaps I could persuade my friends to join me in my adventure. Boy was I wrong, they hated survival games.
So I set off alone, discovering the vast island that was back then, running from low-level hostile animals or just preying on the usual berry-bush occasionally. I met some people in the game who quickly realised I were new, and invited me to their tribe. I joined them, and they taught me all the basic game mechanics that was available back then. Sooner or later, I lost contact to them, but they hooked my interest for the game itself.

Fast forward, through multiple updates and now, finally, the actual release of the game, I can say its been two enjoyable years. Yes, there has been times where I stopped playing altogether, all stemming from different reasons.

Those reasons include;
No Friends Available, and most servers being hostile-themed PvP.

Sheer lag and overall bad optimization. You have probably seen this by now if you're roaming the reviews. Ark needs better optimization.

Growing bored of it, but I would quickly return after a few updates where the new animals would appear.

However, the game also have some beautiful, and amazing pros;
An exquisite community[survivetheark.com], with the devs being active and events (Such as tournaments or competitions)

Amazing possibilities when it comes to building, or taming your newfound army of animals.

As mentioned, frequent updates. (This also includes nice DLC)

Community Mods.

I could go on and on, theres so many aspects that could be discovered, but, I will leave that to you, the person reading this review.

If you are still unsure whether you should buy this game, go ask yourself some things first?
  1. Do I like survival games?
  2. Do I enjoy adventuring, and learning information step by step?
  3. Do I have any friends or acquintances I could play this with?
  4. Am I ready to spend time on this game?
If you answered yes to most of these, go on ahead. I'm sure you will enjoy Ark: Survival Evolved
If you are still not sure, go read more reviews on this page, or ask somebody you know who have tried it before.

Thank you, for reading this review.
I hope you may have a wholesome and unique day,
Posted 31 August, 2017. Last edited 31 August, 2017.
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14 people found this review helpful
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63.4 hrs on record (40.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Awesome game, the only thing you can do so far is to roam about and survive as a dinosaur, but, I think it will all change very soon. Its def. a game worth checking out as the Dev team itself are awesome.
If you dont feel like buying it you can check out the Dev streams or watch some youtubers play it.
Posted 11 December, 2015. Last edited 11 December, 2015.
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1 person found this review helpful
1,140.4 hrs on record (553.2 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
Very fun game to play with friends.
Posted 25 September, 2015.
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Showing 1-8 of 8 entries