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Review Showcase
*Notes after Feb 11th 2016 2.1 patch below...*

**Also updated on May 3rd 2016**

I was an open beta player with the pre-purchase of this game. I have 178 hours played at this point in time, and have achieved Platinum rank in Ranked play with a 6.0 Win/Loss ratio. I'm also Level 83 and have everything unlocked for each character, with most top tier skins purchased with renown. These are my credentials in this game, just so you know I'm not speaking out of my behind.

This game is an excellent game, when it works. Key word, when. Tactically, there isn't anything that I know of out there that competes with this title. It's fun, can be high/low paced, and is always very intense. The number of ways to defend and attack are almost limitless and it shows during game play. When you mess up, you're usually punished for it and quickly. So one slip can make the tide of the game completely turn against/for your favour.

However, I did give this a negative review because of the following... This game is terribly inconsistent, and often favours the high latency player. It also has a list horrible of bugs, which people like to exploit often. I have decided that I am uninstalling this game and will not play it until Ubisoft steps up to the plate and actually starts fixing their game. Here's a list of frustrations I have with this title.

Being killed by someone not on your screen. They're 150-200+ ping and have shot you but have not appeared yet, though I have experienced this with lower ping players.

Being unable to vault over a shield because the game doesn't show the [VAULT] on your screen, aka the game forgets to make things vault-able (if that's a word).

Being killed by players during drone phase, in which they're not allowed to escape the building but manage to anyways. They plant C4 on your spawn location, so when you come to life they blow it up.

Being blinded on a shield by random artifacts and patterns on the glass. Not just visible to the victim, but other players being able to see the obstruction on the shield glass.

Being killed by someone you've just shot 3-4x in the head, then notice their health is only down to 75% on the kill cam. Any character with any gun is a 1 shot head shot.

*Fixed Feb 11th 2016, problem since Sept 2015 launch* Being killed by the infamous Kapkan "no laser no spike trap hidden inside the wall" glitch, which Ubi knows about and still has not fixed since beta.

Being shot through your shield as Montagne (or Blitz/Fuse/Recruit), in the head, with it on full extend, facing the enemy.

Being killed in a position that your character is not in, because the animations do not match the location of the hit boxes.

Being killed through a concrete wall by a C4 or grenade or other explosive.

The list goes on and on, this is a wonderful game that is being ruined by netcode problems and low tickrate servers. My final position on this game is this: Even if you're playing the perfect strategy, that means nothing when the game itself is working against you.

/rant off

/return Feb 12th 2016 after the big 2.1 patch

Kapkan is fixed, no more sideways hidden laser trap. Yay.

We've got dedicated servers now, oh wait, they're not dedicated servers. It's a spectator that hosts the match in game, which means it's still p2p and the computer is still busy rendering/playing the game. Not dedicated like an HLDS or other real console dedicated servers. *facepalm* It is not an openly joinable server that stays online 24/7 either, because it requires 10 players to launch and will close in 10 minutes if the 10th player doesn't join. If the host backs out, the server closes. *double+triple facepalm*

Oh, Blitz's head is actually behind his shield now? I wonder if they moved his point of view from his chin upto his actual eyes, as well. *slow clap*

Here's the bug fixes posted on Ubi's forum, which is a strange place to begin with... I'll add my commentary after each point in * *'s:

Gameplay fixes

Headshot hits do not register properly. – FIXED (We will keep looking for additional improvement opportunities.) *Which means it is not fixed, it's actually only improved, not fixed.*

Exploit: Players able to clip inside walls using Deployable Shields. – FIXED *wait for it...*

Collar collision on Frost and Buck, make headshots register as upper body damage. – FIXED *Actually it's a piece of clothing with no skin behind it? Shouldn't cause a hit IMO.*

Player able to clip inside walls by using Deployable Shields. – FIXED *Didn't you already say that?*

Nitro Cells stick to the edges of tiny leaves on plants. – FIXED *But they still stick like glue to the large leaves... It should go through the plant and sit inside of it hidden. Wouldnt you want to hide a C4 inside of a bush? I would.*

Blitz’s gadget blinds players who were not facing it. – FIXED *But still doesn't blind players who are facing it consistantly. So it's still a broken mechanic that causes his pistol to be unshootable for like 2 seconds.*

Yacht: when playing during daytime with Montagne, broken glass decals are completely dark. – TENTATIVE FIX (We will be tracking for it once Patch 2.1 goes live, currently cannot reproduce the bug anymore internally. Please reach out to customer support if you experience it after the patch is live, thank you!) *Which means they are not sure what caused it, and are attempting a live test on the public AKA Not fixed.*

There's a huge list of fixes, but match making is still broken as ever. A lot of exploits were addressed, but consistancy issues still exist with hit reg and sync. Many operators still have broken or strange mechanic issues. And the game still doesn't feel consistant. This is a joke Ubisoft.

*******UPDATE******* May 3rd 2016

So here we are, months later...

This game's match making is still horrible. I had to boot the game 3 times to get it to the front menu. We had people with connection errors being dropped from games. We had to disband and reform our party many times, due to errors and other nonsense game glitches. And yes, we all have OPEN NAT with the proper port forwarding.

The hit reg is a joke still. I had put two double taps into a guys head, and watch him turn around and try to shoot me. The third double tap dropped him. There was two blood explosions on all 3 shots, and the target was twitch (not a tanky high armor character). His friend right next to him dropped with 1 double tap, in the same fashion.

The net code sync errors still exist. I had an enemy laying on his back, facing me, and when I went to shoot: Get this... He started shifting left and right by about 2 body widths at a time. Glitching left and right, I got the jump on him, and he popped me in the head.

I played for about 3 hours tonight, and this madness ensued all evening. Stay far away from this game unless you want to end up frustrated with the trash listed above. This game has been out for nearly 6 months, or 9 months if you include the beta test. It's still broken as ever, and runs horribly.
Zyuina 2 Jun, 2018 @ 12:55pm 
+Rep Very kind and respectful trader! Keep it up! :SBpanda:
Mr.Scorpion 4 Jan, 2018 @ 5:41pm 
+rep very good trader :)
Stateless 15 Dec, 2017 @ 10:56pm 
hey man can you add me? i need to ask you a question about an old forum post you had.
crUshed 26 Sep, 2017 @ 11:22am 
especially considering there are only 336 hours total in a 2 week period! That means you gamed for over 23 hours each and every day... only 1 hour off... MACHINE!!!!
crUshed 26 Sep, 2017 @ 10:56am 
Recent Activity: 322.7 hours past 2 weeks. Now THAT'S dedication my man!!!!!!
Rottje 6 Jun, 2017 @ 6:01pm 
+rep good trader!