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Recent reviews by Jacob98Hall

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34 people found this review helpful
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305.1 hrs on record (263.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
So I have spent 270hrs of my life on this game, I don’t regret any of it. The first time I entered the game, it was in a drill camp because that was the only thing available to play at the time. I met a couple of guys in a group called Cobbs Legion who were great guys. Actually they were so great that I added them on Facebook and met them in person. The community is awesome, never really had any bad experiences except if the N word offends you then I would suggest hitting the mute button. The community really tries hard to make this civil war experience the best you have ever seen in a video game. We from battle lines that fire vollies into each other, sometimes you have to make that cinematic charge that could win or lose the battle. I think the part that makes me play this game so much is the way I feel after the enemy vollies into my line and seeing the gore around me. You can hear the screams in the wounded and you can hear players doing the rebel yell and the Union chanting all the things the Union would chant lol. I recently joined up with the 7th Tennessee Co. F. If you so choose to get this game.

I would recommend finding a group that fits your needs. If you choose confederates then I would choose the 7th Tennessee Co. F or Co. E because they are mature, competitive and they know their history. If you go Union I would look into the 42nd Pennsylvania or 95th New York. Never been in any of this 2 companies but when I’ve fallen into line with them, I always felt like they New what they were doing and not mention they are also mature. If you choose not to get into a company then don’t worry. In any public match someone will take the officer position and lead a line in a normal public match, like I said, it’s a great community and you will always expect that kind of gameplay no matter what time of day it is or what day in the week it is.

This game is WAY more realistic then Mount and Blade or holdfast. The graphics are awesome. I run this game on Medium or High depending on how many players are on the server and I have a gtx970 i5-6400 Asus pc. Not the best rig but it runs this game pretty well. There is room for 150 players in a server but I hear that number can increase so anytime after this review goes up the player count might have increased.

This game is currently set in the earlier days of the American Civil war. The available battles are Harpers Fairy and Antietam. The maps are the most accurate representations of the actual battle sites than I have ever seen in any video game. I’ve matched pictures with the maps ingame and found that they are 99% accurate.

The devs are very responsive and really care about their game. They have a really great historian that most likely won’t add a woman with a prosthetic arm leading a charge Js. I hope this review kinda helps you decide if you want to purchase the game or not but for the price, it’s not bad at all. The game keeps improving every week and with this community, I can see this game turning into a master piece with in the PC community. See you all on the battlefield, and good luck!
Posted 16 January, 2019.
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2 people found this review helpful
1 person found this review funny
156.9 hrs on record (131.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Ok, had the game for some time now and thought it would be time to write a review. Starting a match in rust is fun but when you get loot and good stuff it gets dumb. Im not saying raiding is bad but its bad when the raiders leave you alive or at least leave your bag untuched and put a turret infront of your door so you are pretty much screwed until it runs out of ammo but you cant stop them from putting more ammo in it cause your stuck inside. The people who do this kind of thing have no job or any type of life outside of this game. I spent 5 hours on a sunday night tring to get out of the house and get away from the turret. This isnt uncommon, If you havent bought this game yet and convinced that you want it then I will warn you that you will get trolled on every server you play on. The only thing good I have to say about this game is that its really fun with friends.
Posted 22 October, 2017.
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