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Speed Demon   Hungary

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Info / Favoruite chat msgs :D
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Who am I?
None of your business
A friendly Memer and Nepper, also a part time Card Collector, Badge Collector, Emote Collector, Achievement Hunter, Communist RubberDuck and Racist ( jk ). Working towards the Meme Lord title and after that I will became a Meme itself so you just wait!!! >:)

Yes I am indeed hungarian guy sorry I'm not a girl, I know it's disapointing sorry ;( , but don't worry, because hungarians are not real, they are myth made up by the ussr to scare west europe. I can speak English quite well and French baguette on a very basic level. Like very basic. No I'm serious. On a scale from 1 to apple my skill in French language is red.:nonplussed_creep:

I was once known as SpeedDemon, but since I don't play as much racing games as I used to I'm now just a follower of the great Black Hearth HDD, Noire :noire:

Why her? Ask me, and if I feel like I'll tell you.

I play almost everytype of games (apart from Horror and Visual novels with a few execption)

Favourite ones are the ones I play ( *duh* :tera_derp: ) Overwatch,TERA,DIRT 3, Rocket League, Neptunia Series :nepnep:

I only craft badges that : 1. Looks cool 2. Have a great BG 3. Liked the game

Sadly I'm insane enough to craft the foil badges aswell even if it costs as much as the game itself. Who needs money anyways

If I add you, then it's because you look like a cool guy/girl/etc. and want to play again or added for a trade.

If I'm toxic sometimes that's because I was a support in League of Legends so I took a lot of bs and became toxic :nonplussed_creep: (but I still managed to get to Diamond 2 yaay :rockon: , but I'm done playing League of Legends )

Eventhough I don't play as much racing games as I used to I'm still dangerous on the street so watch out if you see me in-game :steammocking:

You think you are better then me? Prove it! And maybe, I'll help you out. ( Yes this is a refernce NFS Underground 1 )

If you watch my profile, because of CS:GO and want to report me then let me tell you:

1. Git gud
2. Git gudder better
3. No I don't cheat, but thanks for the compliment
4. No it's not my smurf, I mean just look around do you think a smurf would have this many things?
5. If I am bad, that's because I play other shooters aswell (like Overwatch mainly or Ghost in the Shell), I only play CS:GO when I'm bored or my friends invite me
6. If I swear to you or shout your head of it usually got a reason and pls rethink what you did, I'm not a troll ( well occasionally :P )

If you think I'm sweating a game, then:

2.You are mouthing off and I want you to learn a lesson the hard way.
3. I just went super Saiyan
4. I got bored
5.I am desperate to win that game for other reasons

Emote collection coming soon!
Best friendos coming soon!

Favourite chat msgs:

20:16 - D'va: the sadness in happyness its the end of the month
20:16 - D'va: and im low on money
20:16 - Carl22swe: time to sell your body
20:16 - Carl22swe: i have a plan for you
20:16 - Carl22swe: to make you get more money
20:16 - Carl22swe: go to japan
20:16 - Carl22swe: cosplay
20:16 - Carl22swe: and sell your selff
20:16 - Carl22swe: :D?

(1v5 on Inferno)
Me: Where they are planting?
Random Guy: B,B,B,B,B
Me: Info, where are they?
Random Guy: Everywhere bruh :D

20:01 - D'va: .....
20:07 - McCree: ?
20:07 - McCree: ohhhh
20:07 - McCree: my name
20:08 - D'va: ....
20:08 - McCree: forgot to change after the csgo R8 rage
20:08 - McCree új neve Mercy.
20:08 - Mercy: All vetter?
20:08 - D'va: jáh
(Only Overwatch fans will get it)

(Rocket League with a friend 2v2, enemy premade Paystation players)
*Loses to 3:4*

Zozo500: ÚRISTEN M249
Me: az cuki fegyó, vicces
Zozo500: Persze mert te minden fegyver tudsz ölni még azt is aki 10 éve meghalt
Zozo500: Tudod mit. Inkább AWP-zek

Zozo500: Az érzés amikor a játék berak egy szerveree ami 18 km...
Zozo500: Várjál mi van? Az érzés amikor a server berak egy olyan helyre ami 18 millió kilométerre van Európától és nem megy le a pingem 80 alá. Olyan cuki

Zozo500: Demon, Van olyan pálya ahol meglehet tanulni jumpshotolni?
Me: Nem tudom, menj Ausztráliába ott a sok kenguru biztos tud segíteni neked. :D
Zozo500: ....
Me: Segítettem?
Zozo500: Igen

22:55 - D'va: why is every jew know math well and a doctor
22:55 - Carl22swe: good question
22:55 - D'va: just like germans
22:55 - D'va: WAIT
22:55 - D'va: COINCIDENCE?
22:55 - Carl22swe: dun dun dun

Zozo500: Lövöm a Globált, csak nem találom el. (*facepalm*)

JUHTAM: Zozo esküszöm a csajjal könyebb játszani mint veled.
Zozo500: Jó de kit érdekel?
JUHTAM: Konkrétan ő oda megy és ouhahuha
Me: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

JUHTAM: Dehát Demon, Nem emlékszel a fiadra?
Me: Nekem ilyen fiam nincs, csak lányom
JUHTAM: Akkor az a zozo lesz
Zozo500: Mi?! Mi van mit hagytam ki?
Me: Te? Semmit. Csak én a születésedet.

(*Talking about canadian things with a canadian friend, while playing overwatch*)
18:31 - Mercy: we ride mooses
18:31 - Mercy: cheers love, the moose calvary is here!

*Reading a friends profile who is a girl (*gasp*)*
+rep knows how to drive and park a car

22:34 - ;konaN: Actually seen some ow r34
22:34 - ;konaN: Cancer
22:34 - D'va: ummm
22:35 - ;konaN: If u don't know what r34 is
22:35 - ;konaN: It is basically porn
22:35 - D'va: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ #2
22:35 - D'va: I know
22:35 - D'va: but never been on
22:35 - ;konaN: It was just for science purposes
22:35 - ;konaN: I promise :D
22:35 - D'va: "normal way"

JUHTAM: A kis malacok olyan aranyosak, de nem?
Me: De. És ha meghalnak megesszük őket :D
Me: Hát de nem?
JUHTAM: Hát de.
Me: Ázsiaiaknál ez másképp van
Me: "Apa szeretnék egy kiskutyát" "Rendben lányom de ha meghal megfogjuk enni"
JUHTAM: Te tényleg rasszista vagy :D

Friend reacting to this picture:
Zozo500: De amúgy ez teljesen egyben van
Zozo500: ha leszámítjuk a mikrofont :P
Me: *Angry facepalm*

D'va: I'm dead inside
D'va: Please end my suffering
Carl22swe: join isis?
Carl22swe: ej
Carl22swe: jk
D'va: I
D'va: I don't know how to react to this honetsly
D'va: :D
Carl22swe: lol

JUHTAM: Don't worry
JUHTAM: I'm profession
D'va: te egy szakma vagy? :D

20:37 - Carl22swe: yes
20:37 - D'va: I really imagine
20:37 - D'va: when you simply reply yes
20:37 - D'va: you either: yes idk what you just write
20:38 - D'va: or :ahahha *serious face* yes
20:38 - Carl22swe: yes

20:22 - D'va: lemme show you something
20:22 - Carl22swe: hmm
20:22 - D'va: not my ♥♥♥♥ i promise
20:22 - D'va: nor my waifu

15:38 - Carl22swe: but
15:38 - Carl22swe: hungarians are not real
15:38 - Carl22swe: they are myth made up by the ussr to scare west europ
15:38 - Noire (D'va): true
15:38 - Noire (D'va): just like real life
15:38 - Carl22swe: yes

20:24 - Noire (D'va): my steam keep saying that you msg me
20:24 - Noire (D'va): now eiher you or gaben lies to me
20:25 - Carl22swe:
steam know i enyoy trolling without doing anything
20:25 - Noire (D'va): where is that unfriend butt
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Review Showcase
9.2 Hours played
Trust me I'm not happy to make this decision aswell, but I had to. I feel guilty for doing it but for the sake of the fans and for the non-fans I had to give a negative review. If you want to argue with me or you gave me a negative review please tell it in the comments and if you are right or got a point, I'll edit my review. T;L D;R at the end.

So the review:

Let me start with my personal experience:

When I first heard that there will be a game to one of my favourite series I was astonished. But I didn't forget that I knew that small amount of people will work on it ( because its called an Indie game for reason *duh* ), so I passed the Early Access. Then Gaben deployed his Summer Sale bomb and the Devs told us that the price will increase after the full release, so I pressed the panic button and bought the game for 10 EUR. Also I suggested one of my friend to buy it and complete the game together. And so we did. The first time we finished the game was when it was still in Early Access. There were 8 Chapters (if I recall correctly) and around 1 hour game play lets say 1,5. Though It was a pretty okay Hack and Slash game, my reaction was (literally) : "Well that was 10 EUR ". It had several issues , but I told myself: Don't worry it's in Early Access, the full realease will be better. And I was right. Sadly only partially. Yes there were improvements like : new HUD, new stages, few new enemies and ...... thats all? . So we completed it again and it was a better experience for the second time and I loved the game. But because I wanted to stay relevant I gave myself some day to rethink my review, but I couldn't decide if I REALLY want to suggest it or not, so I asked my friend for his advice and he asked these questions:
-Did you enjoy the game?
-How long did it take to finish the game?
2,5 hour approximetly.
-Would you pay around 20 euro for 2,5 hour game?
And then it hit me and shocked me. And he was right. This game cost around 20 eur for 2 hour gameplay. So I replied:
-Would you pay 10 Euro for 2,5 hour gameplay?
Depends on.
-Did you enjoy it that much to suggest it ?
Well I don't know, honestly.
So I started asking myself:
- Ok. lets approach it from a different way.
- How was the fighting?
Pretty good but If I have to be honestly I mostly smashed buttons and the fights were repetitive
- How was the story?
It fits the series IMO.
- Did you enjoy the game?

And this was the paradoxon I was in. I liked it, but in all honest it was because: 1. played with friend 2. I was in love with the series.
And sadly the same quote appeared when I finished the full game:
"Well that was 10 EUR"

So lets put it simple then:

- Great soundtrack
- The style of the game fits to the original series.
- Fast gameplay
- More players? More enemies and more difficult.
- Some funny quotes
- Characters

The Meh part:
- Story SPOILER ALERT!!!! The story was mediocre it was pretty basic and easy to follow which is always good, but WHO WOULD LET THE ENEMY GET TO YOUR INTELLIGENCE AND LET THEM STEAL IT?! SERIOUSLY IN WHICH UNIVERSE IS THAT A GOOD IDEA?! *susa* *susa* Literally the last 2 chapter was a joke in the sense of the story
- The fighting: As I said earlier its repetitive. Survive the waves of teh enemies kill the boss. Victory (hopefully) Pretty basic, pretty simple
- Literally I saw 3 different designs put together in this game. The hud looks good and clean and you can see the work on it, now that's what you can't tell about the skill tree and the menus. The menu looks clean and simple which is always good but it also looks like a word text file. The skill tree looks like it was pictures put together like a flash game. I don't say these are bad traits , but it's not the greatest either.
- The artworks. I agree with the others that said it was from devianart cause IT WAS. But not the better ones thats why its meh.
- Point system, It needs some tweaking thats all I say

And bubus in the game:
--- NO TUTORIAL. In a hack and slash game not knowing the combos and the buttons is just horrible.
- No button rewinding (well at least I haven't found one)
- Unbalance between characters. Blake is my favourite one in the series So because few of my friends thinks that liking Blake is a furry thing I'll do a favor for you guys (even though you are wrong) : F*CKING FURRIES (did I do it right?) yet I feel like she is the weakest one. Literally when my friend played with yang he killed everyone with one charged attack. An I was sitting there like : ..... e.e *okay* *This is fine* *I'm okay with the event that are unfolding currently* *That's okay**Things are gonna be okay* If you wouldn't guessed it yet yes I am Indeed a memer ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
If I am wrong and I'm simply just bad please tell me and prove it so I can take this off atleast :/
- 2,5 hour gameplay.
- Repeptitive, You will keep doing the same thing over and over again.(with some speedbumps but still)
- NO TRADING CARDS. Seriously guys ....
-The ending explosion effects, guys you dun goofed there
-No cutscenes

- LMB Quick attack, RMB Heavy attack (you can charge it), R (or E?! :S) Gun attack press 3 times and a special attack will occur, F: Counter/Headbutt, E(or R? :S) Team skill (=execute), Space: Jump , Shift: Combos (try to press it with an order of buttons and you'll do some combos, also jump+shift is a tp or further jump) Q: ultimate (don't be afraid to use it, you will recharge it fast enough)<- here is your tutorial
- Don't put your expectations on a high level trust me

What I missed / My suggestions:
-Tutorial (really need it for a game like this)
-Steam cards (let us show our fandom by letting us do a full steam profile around rwby)
-More characters (*duh*)
-Better storyline (I don't want to insult you but it looks like you rushed all of it)
(-Bugfixes but I know you are constanly working on it)
- More gameplay hours to put in
- Customization (since in the new season rwby will get a new look I found this fitting)
- More scenes
- Stop this repetitiveness Maybe at the the end when the team escapes with the ship, there should be a part with the ship to fight agiant the air defense of the island, but thats not part of the hack and slash style but I find it interesting

If you managed the read all of this well first of all thank you, it means a lot to me. I tried to be as honest as I could and putting my fandom away for the sake of everyone. If you have suggestions I always appreciate it in the comment. Seriously I wanted to listen to my hearth but my brain won this time. Too many negatives to positives. And mainly because the lack of gameplay. I am sorry agaion for the developers to put a negative review, but I promise if I think it worth to play it at full price i promis you I'll change my review ;)

T;l D;R:
A pretty okay hack and slash game with good soundtrack. I DEFIENETLY NOT SUGGEST IT TO BUY AT FULL PRICE. The game was rush realeased and it visible on the game aswell. I only suggest to you at a discount, because of the lack of gameplay. But remember 2 hours of gameplay. Question yourself: Does it worth this much?

Well I'll put my rapier away. Good hunting huntresses!
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zozo_500 27 Mar, 2018 @ 9:23am 
[WL] Soaring Dawn 24 Dec, 2017 @ 9:24pm 
☆~!Merry Christmas!~☆
[WL] Soaring Dawn 28 Jun, 2017 @ 2:02pm 
[WL] Soaring Dawn 16 May, 2017 @ 1:55am 
♡☆Have a wonderful☆♡
♡☆Rest of the Month☆♡
Maple Witchlight 8 Jan, 2017 @ 4:28pm 
Artoria Pendragon 25 Dec, 2016 @ 8:46am 
Merry Christmas!