Col   Massachusetts, United States
'I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered..'
-Thomas Jefferson, 1802

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You see that Sexy Gentle Mannes Service medal? Yep. I earned that. Guess what? You cant have it. :) You can try though.
The Admiral 17 Sep, 2012 @ 2:37pm 
Seriously man no need to worry about it, I had a free copy so I passed it on you don't need to buy me a gift.
DoubleU 2 Aug, 2012 @ 6:28pm 
hey missed your message. Was playing NFS. Cooling system time! FUN! You need a radiator, pump, waterblock, Some thermal compound to mount the waterblock, hardware to mount the waterblock to your motherboard comes with most waterblocks. hose, clamps (highly recomended), Barbs. Optional items you can get are flow indicators which show you that the fluid is moving through the sytem. I had one for a while but the moving parts inside wore out and it stopped working so I took mine out I don't use it you can hear it anyways and see if you get a clear reservior. And fluid I use Primochill PC Ice It's non conductive but I still careful because I still don't trust it. Make a good diagram of your plans and lay it out on paper it'll help make ordering your parts easier. Hope this helps :)
Crazy_Tiki 12 Jul, 2012 @ 2:34pm 
Where are you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, I am gonna find you and kill you :)
Hektor Varvaras {GR} 12 Jul, 2012 @ 1:31pm 
Nice picture....
The Prince Of All 2Frames 29 Aug, 2011 @ 2:44pm 
ur not showing up as online for me :(