Spoonful of Wonder
Spoonful of Wonder   Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Hey! We're Sam and Kostia, a Kiwi and a Ukrainian, first-time game makers full-time dreamers. Our indie game project, Copycat, made us feel a little scaredy-cat entering the industry. But thanks for being so supportive. MEOW!

💛 Socials
Website - spoonfulofwonder.com
Devlog - youtube.com/@CopycatGameDevlog
Twitter - twitter.com/gamecopycat
Instagram - instagram.com/copycat.game
Tiktok - tiktok.com/@copycat.indie.game
LinkedIn - linkedin.com/company/spoonful-of-wonder
Steam - store.steampowered.com/app/1622350/Copycat

✉️ Mailing Lists
Press (& Review Keys) - forms.gle/hGgP4omHi2eVEiB4A
Players - forms.gle/ayebRamC73sJKYGx9
Demo Testers - forms.gle/W3dCi9JgkJWdoN3V9
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