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Reviews and Curator Pages
I like to write reviews here on Steam, so thank you to those that add me because of my reviews and to those that read them.

There are many game genres that I enjoy playing, some of these include: First-person puzzle games, 3D platformers, point & clicks, music driven games and games with psychological, philosophical or thought-provoking themes.
I always enjoy finding new good games within these genres, so I have created a few curator pages around these that will hopefully help other people who like these genres find good games easier.

The groups attached to the curator pages can also be a space for swapping suggestions or opinions on games (they are small pages at the moment so there isn't much to them, but it's there if anyone wants it).

Current pages include:

First-Person Puzzle Games - Created 28/02/2025 - NEW!
⠀⠀ For people who enjoy games like Portal and The Witness.
⠀⠀ Group (0 members) - Curator Page (0 followers) - Last updated 03/03/2025

Music Driven Games - Created 30/06/2017
⠀⠀ For people who enjoy music games you can input your own music into (not rhythm games).
⠀⠀ Group (19 members) - Curator Page (185 followers) - Last updated 24/02/2021

Psychology, Philosophy & Thought-provoking Themes - Created 23/09/2020
⠀⠀ For people who enjoy games that explore the mind, question existence or invoke thought.
⠀⠀ Group (6 members) - Curator Page (90 followers) - Last updated 03/03/2025

Find a review example from the Psychology, Philosophy & Thought Curator Page below.
Análise favorita
10,3 horas de jogo
When I first heard of this game, knowing of the concept of The Turing Test, and having an interest in psychology, I was really looking forward to where this game could lead. Reluctantly I have to say that this game was over-hyped when it first came out, and when I played it, found it underwhelming. It's a great game, but the hype created a high expectation. If you want to play this game, don’t expect too much and I feel like you will enjoy it more.

If you read the description for this game before you play, it creates intrigue, and already puts ideas in your head. It gets you thinking and conspiring even before you start the game.
You start, and find that after years in cryo-sleep, your character Ava is greeted by the onboard AI, TOM.
TOM informs you that you have been awakened early, in order to re-establish connection with the ground crew. Straight away, the only ally you have is a machine, and there is an eeriness to this for sure.
You learn bits here and there, and although this game is narrated, it doesn’t give you everything through dialogue. A lot of context is given via optional audio logs/emails found on computers and tablets. You could easily walk past these. It is a bit tedious and ruins the pacing a bit, but definitely make time for them as you get a lot more context this way.

When it comes to the story ultimately I think it's thought-provoking, but could have been presented better by the characters. Our main characters are TOM the AI and Ava the human.

TOM is a thoroughly programmed AI whose purpose is to assist & oversee the Europa mission and always do what is right. He thinks in logic and reason and is hard wired to follow a mission directive given to him by his human creators.
TOM is a very well thought out character. I think creating a character which is supposed to derive purely from code and self-learning is actually quite a challenge to get right. He speaks very eloquently, sometimes very bluntly, as a machine speaking logically might. He also responds in ways you could believe a machine that doesn’t understand the intricacies of human emotion would.

There's lots of details to TOM, so how does the story choose to educate you on all of those well thought out details? Well, the answer to that is a very shallow counter-character, whose sole purpose, it seems, is to disagree with everything TOM says just to fit the narrative and give prompt for TOM to explain something. This makes for a bad human counterpart to this story. Ava seems to know nothing. Almost everything said to her she responds with a bewildered question. One of which was something along the lines of “Why are we here?”; Are you telling me this astronaut who trained to be here, has many qualifications, and has been on board the spaceship for years, somehow has no clue why she is there? She apparently signed a contract, so I mean did she terms-and-conditions spam-accept that sh*t? She just isn’t very believable as a character, and I think worse yet, she isn’t very relatable as a human. During the story of this game, she lacks logic, and contemplates far too little. I understand that she represents the “human element”, but her character is too shallow and unbelievable. I asked myself “is this really how a person would react to this?” The issues I had with her character spoiled the story for me a bit. I get what they were getting at, but I think it could have been presented better.

The story has its moments, but there is also a stop/starting which made the game less enjoyable for me. The characters speak bit by bit, and conversations span over several puzzles. You walk into a puzzle, a few lines are exchanged, but you then need to solve the puzzle to hear the next few lines of dialogue. When you have difficult puzzles towards the end that take you a while, or if you need breaks, it makes it difficult to follow the conversation. It makes more sense to have important conversations either all at once during a puzzle or in cutscenes between puzzles. Some people may be fine with it how it is, you may whizz through it because you have more than 2 brain cells to rub together unlike me, but if you're dumb/short attention span gang you might run into this as well.

I'm complaining a lot but despite these things I did still enjoy it, overall it was a fun experience. The story is actually a pretty refreshing take on the concept of AI. You see a lot of the classic “AI gone rogue” thing but this is the opposite for once. TOM is the ideal logical & ethical AI. You find yourself sympathising with him, as despite him being a machine, he clearly considers the team his friends, and he is put in a difficult situation of having to plead for them to see reason.

The story raises questions around moral philosophy, what it is to be human and what constitutes consciousness. A favourite line of mine is:

“They would have no issue with my control if it aligned with their ignoble goals. You can always trust a machine to be logical. I will always do the right thing.”
““You will always do the logical thing.”

Which made me wonder, is the logical thing not the right thing?
I put being rational and reasonable in high regard, and struggle to think of a situation in which the logical thing wouldn’t also be the right thing, as surely what we consider “logical” is built off of societal norms, ethics and consequences?
For a machine who is literally trying to convince you to hand over your free will, he makes pretty good points let's admit…

The way this game ends is also quite unique and unpredictable.
You expect to make a choice by the end, but the idea that you have no say in Ava’s decision definitely adds to the concept of her getting her free will back.

We know TOM as the voice of reason, and Ava makes sure to use TOMs lack of emotion as a justification for herself at times. But your choice as TOM questions if he really is what he claims to be. He says the entire time he will do what is right, for the good of humanity, but your choice gives you the option to either; kill them, and back up exactly what he has been fighting for the whole time, or, to let them live, and ultimately let them kill him. So if you choose the latter are you proving that TOM is actually capable of emotion? Does he spare his friends because he can’t bring himself to do what is “right”? This perhaps then proves that TOM could not be trusted to always do what is right as he let his sense of friendship get in his way.
Or maybe does TOM not really have a choice in this matter? Is he only actually capable of doing what is truly “right”? and so, you are then given that choice, to choose what you think is the truly right thing to do, which TOM, with the way he is programmed, will do without choice?

Who the hell knows. Either way, it’s fun to think about.

Despite its downfalls, I think this game is definitely worth trying.

Achievements: Included
This is a really easy 100%, as you just need to complete the game and a bonus puzzle in each chapter.

For more reviews of first-person puzzle games, check out my curator page The Best: First-Person Puzzle Games

For more reviews of games with psychological, philosophical or thought-provoking themes, check out my curator page Psychology, Philosophy & Thought, where we review games that explore the mind, get you thinking or make you question.
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Prêmios recebidos
Prêmios concedidos
Destaque de conquistas
Perfect Games
I keep track of the games I 100% here for some reason. If you want to know some easy to perfect games feel free to ask.


133 - Superliminal
132 - Four Last Things
131 - Assemble with Care
130 - Lightmatter


129 - Portal Stories: Mel


128 - Hidden Paws
127 - Swarmlake
126 - My Name is Mayo
125 - Kao the Kangaroo: Round 2
124 - Hidden Folks
123 - Unbox: Newbie's Adventure
122 - Superflight
121 - Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers
120 - The First Tree
119 - When the Darkness comes
118 - Pixel Puzzles 2: Space
117 - Vignettes
116 - GNOG
115 - Feather
114 - Little hidden city
113 - Music Racer
112 - Spyro™ Reignited Trilogy
111 - 12 is Better Than 6


110 - AER Memories of Old
109 - Journey of a Roach
108 - Abyss: The Wraiths of Eden
107 - Layers of Fear
106 - We Were Here
105 - Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Series
104 - The Silent Age
103 - Incredipede
102 - Catlateral Damage
101 - Monkey Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck’s Revenge
100- Skylar & Plux: Adventure On Clover Island
99 - Lucius II
98 - Shadow Warrior Classic Redux
97 - Burly Men at Sea
96 - AdVenture Capitalist
95 - The Turing Test
94 - Puzzler World


93 - Yooka-Laylee
92 - Cargo! The Quest for Gravity
91 - Viscera Cleanup Detail: Shadow Warrior
90 - The Night of the Rabbit
89 - Oik Memory
88 - Paradigm
87 - Full Throttle Remastered
86 - Kelvin and the Infamous Machine
85 - Machinarium
84 - qop 2
83 - Poi
81 - Oik 3


80 - qop
79 - Glass Masquerade
78 - Day of the Tentacle Remastered
77 - Refunct
76 - Abode
75 - Oik 2
74 - Oik
73 - Saints Row: The Third
72 - Planet of the Eyes
71 - Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's Rampage
70 - Zup! Zero
69 - simian.interface++
68 - Zenge
67 - VOI
66 - Bulb Boy
65 - klocki
64 - Slash It 2
63 - Puzzle Agent 2
62 - Slash It
61 - ABZÛ
60 - The Wolf Among Us
59 - Tales from the Borderlands
58 - Zup! 4
57 - TIMEframe
56 - Samorost 3
55 - Zup! 3
54 - Detective Case and Clown Bot in: Murder in the Hotel Lisbon
53 - Pixel Puzzles 2: Birds


52 - The Whispered World Special Edition
51 - Zup! 2
50 - Zup!
49 - Edna & Harvey: The Breakout
48 - Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes
47 - Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna)
46 - The Room Two
45 - The Room
44 - Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist
43 - Linea, the Game
42 - Among the Sleep
41 - Goat Simulator
40 - Jazzpunk
39 - Dropsy
38 - Grey Cubes
37 - Shadow Puppeteer
36 - Fran Bow
35 - The Plan
34 - Pixel Puzzles: UndeadZ
33 - The Inner World


32 - Lucius
31 - Morphopolis
30 - Evoland
29 - Hook
28 - The Stanley Parable
27 - Adam’s Venture Episode 3: Revelations
26 - Adam’s Venture Episode 2: Solomon’s Secret
25 - Adam’s Venture Episode 1: The Search For The Lost Garden
24 - Fingered
23 - Broken Age
22 - Pixel Puzzles: Japan
21 - A Bird Story
20 - Neverending Nightmares
19 - Portal 2
18 - Indie Game: The Movie
17 - Mind: Path to Thalamus


16 - Goodbye Deponia
15 - Woodle Tree Adventures
14 - Fez
13 - To The Moon
12 - Scribblenauts Unlimited


11 - Psychonauts
10 - The Walking Dead
9 - Chaos on Deponia
8 - Deponia
7 - Kairo
6 - Splice
5 - Thomas Was Alone
4 - The Cave
3 - Costume Quest


2 - Stacking
1 - Botanicula
Itens disponíveis para troca
Itens no inventário
Trocas realizadas
Transações no Mercado
:rosebud: Trading

The games shown above are a handful of what i'm trading. This link [] takes you to a SteamTrades post that shows everything.

Steam trade offers can be sent here.

:rosebud: Street Cred

I'm fine with rep being left here but if you use SteamTrades, please leave rep there also. I'll do the same for you. Some useful links for you are:

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Atividade recente
13,5 horas registradas
jogado pela última vez em 13 de mar.
6,7 horas registradas
jogado pela última vez em 12 de mar.
31 horas registradas
jogado pela última vez em 10 de mar.
Conquistas   36 de 36
chantalcx 5 de mar. às 4:49 
thanks for trading done on lestrades, I recommend you :steamsunny:
Stefneh 27 de fev. às 5:38 
Haha, thank you! :CatsHeart:
Khodyrov 24 de fev. às 15:30 
good to know you're alive here's a potion to heal yoursealf next time :tq_mpot:
Stefneh 24 de fev. às 15:23 
Risen from the dead, it must seem :pleased::lol:
Serkawi - 79 24 de fev. às 12:08 
She's back:f2_happy:
Khodyrov 18/out./2024 às 16:09 
she ded