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11 people found this review helpful
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3.5 hrs on record
Let me preface this review with the fact that my friend is on the dev team for this game, and I think everyone worked their hardest on it with the time they had.

Breakers world is a collective group project from graduates of Fullsail University. The Project is led by Joel Balyeat, who is an established author and artist. He seems to be a man of many hats, and he has shown a lot of passion for this game in his community. This project lasted for approximately 9 months until people were pulled away for other projects, albeit slowly. Right now there seems to be only a few people left trying to smooth out any existing bugs or problems with the current build of the game. This game seems to have been influenced by a few sci-fi shooters, such as Mass Effect, Dead Space, and The Outer Worlds, and tries to incorporate some of their features, such as dark, atmospheric maps, recruitable NPCs with dynamic relationships, and RPG elements outside of combat. Unfortunately, none of these are fleshed out at all, and there is only a foundation for each concept. You can recruit people but they have no observational use. You can buy things at a store that have no purpose. You are introduced to a cover mechanic at the beginning at the game that you barely use at all during the game. Unfortunately, none of the core gameplay is really fleshed out either. If there was a more engaging RPG element to the game the combat would have benefited and vice versa. The animations that are in the game for the characters are limited and there are some facial animations missing completely. There seems to have been five game writers assigned to this project but there are barely any characters to truly engage with, and those encounters that are bit more fleshed out (like recruiting people) have confusing choices and unnatural conversation paths. It just seems odd to have so many writers in charge of a core aspect of the game (RPG) and have so little to show compared to the rest. I also beat the game in 3 hours with little difficultly.

With all of that being said, The are a few things that actually feel pretty good in this game. The level design progressively gets better per level, and gives off a nice atmosphere. The puzzles were a bit easy but manageable, and it was pretty neat going through each level to see something new. Sound design was pretty good, and I thought it was cool to hear the servos in your suit activate while running. The voice acting is diverse and pretty good overall; I really enjoyed the voices of the protagonist Jax and the main villain Ranik. Every time you get a core you have the ability to upgrade your ship (to unlock more maps or delay the management from finding you, which isnt really explained or properly established) or your character. It is done pretty well, and it is the most RPG aspect of the game I was comfortable with. The shooting and gunplay aspect of the game is *fine* but suffers from incredibly basic ai and sparse enemy placement. I died more to traps than I did enemies; and was able to kill most of them with the rifle mode of the weapon you carry. The effects were done pretty well, and I enjoyed what I saw in the game in terms of the art style and assets.

Do I recommend this as a game to buy and play? No. But I do appreciate the effort that was put into this game. Joel has an interesting story outside of the game that I wouldn't mind seeing more of; and I think whoever put time into this game can definitely put it in their portfolio as a game that they helped create and sold to people.
Posted 11 November, 2022.
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4 people found this review helpful
283.3 hrs on record
This is an Excellent strategy game that is very management orientated. This game really doesn't hold your hand, and some finance management can be pretty frustrating. I HIGHLY recommend playing this game all the way through on normal as the economy in this game is pretty unforgiving. You will be placed in some situations where someone will die, or some nation will pull out because of something you couldn't react to soon enough. Once you get the RTS aspect of this game down, you will have a very in depth base management game that can be a bit overwhelming at first but very rewarding. I cant wait for Xenonauts 2!
Posted 3 February, 2022.
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461.6 hrs on record
Dang if this game doesn't reach out and grab me every time I see it.

I could go on about how amazing this game is, how great the writing is, but you most likely know that already, as this series had been the shining child of the Xbox 360 generation of games. I dont want to talk about that. Ive played this game 3 times in a row back to back on XBOX and PC, Below is a list of things they changed/added to the Legendary Edition.

My playthroughs were on the highest difficulty, Insanity.

Mass Effect 1:

They changed the weapons! Instead of every weapon only having different damage/ cooldown values, each weapon now has their own recoil, Spread pattern, and fire rate per their manufacturer. Some weapons are single shot, some full auto, and one even has a 3 round "Hyperburst". The descriptions of each weapon describe the effect in more detail now, so make sure to experiment and not just go for the highest damage per weapon.

Enemy snipers one shot kill you, ESPECIALLY in the beginning. Make sure to take them out first.

Arguably the easiest game to beat on insanity, you can level up to max level by midgame, and once you get explosive rounds its game over for anybody you come across.

Soldier is still the way to go for a playthrough, although weapons have been unlocked for all classes. I played as an Adept my second time around and aside from a few niche times where biotics were more effective, hosing down enemies with an assualt rifle was still the go-to way of killing anything.

Although the textures look great, the animations are still very rigid and of their time. Squadmates stand stock still, staring straight ahead when the camera isnt focused on them for most conversations, but that is to be expected. This isnt a remake, just a remaster.

THEY ADDED A FORWARD THRUSTER TO THE MAKO!!! No more more wiggling your way up mountains!

Mass Effect 2:

Still my favorite of the series. Having the DLC weapons integrated into the stores and surroundings is a great move, and the DLC weapons are STILL a bit overpowered.

Although you could make a stupid amount of money with ME1 on insanity, I have had a much harder time finding credits in ME2. Leveling takes a bit longer here too.

Textures look nicer, although everything just seems darker for some reason. Contrasts nicely with the billboards in omega and the citadel though.

Playing anything other than soldier in this game puts you in a support role, (Playing as an Adept, I was limited to Pistols and SMGs ONLY) which makes firefights much harder and makes you use your and your teammates powers much more often. That is, until you are able to add another weapon class halfway through the game, which makes it much easier.

Mass Effect 3:

MUCH snappier movement and combat here, having the best of the entire series. Biotic powers are significantly buffed here, and most enemies arent as tanky. (Except Banshees, they can go to hell)

That being said, this is the most difficult game of the 3 to play on insanity. Enemies tend to bum rush you more and you can quickly get overwhelmed if you dont fall back; and sometimes you dont have any place to fall back to (No more playing ring around the rosie with an YMIR mech and a barrier)

Because this comes with ALL of the DLC, you have a massive weapon selection, which arent necessarily balanced, but all the weapons are very fun to use.

As with ME2, you can burn through credits quickly, but with the Citadel DLC (Which is one of the best DLCs ever) you can generate as much money as you want, its just a damn shame that you wont be playing the Citadel DLC until the very end of the game.

Overall, I HIGHLY recommend this series for everyone. The changes made across the three games are significant enough to warrant playing them again, or for the first time.
Posted 13 July, 2021. Last edited 13 July, 2021.
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59.6 hrs on record
I feel like this game has me hating the antagonists for the wrong reasons.

You see, Fc5 had goals. It had characters who HAD goals that conflicted with other characters. Even Joseph could barely control his siblings at times. These twins, Mickey and Lou? I feel like someone spent ages coming up with backstory for them, making sure each sister had a distinctive personality and ambitions. Then someone told that writer that they already made the game with their first draft. Basically boiling them down to PINK SISTER ANGRY GRR and BLUE SISTER SMART BUT ALSO ANGRY GRR. And this falls so flat because there isn't anything shown to the player that these characters are intimidating at the least. I would compare them to two girls whining to their father that they weren't able to kill the bad man/woman who keeps killing their friends. NOTHING is fleshed out about these two, most of their dialogue is through vague threats at the player and their lackeys for doing/not doing the thing that just happened. There was a point halfway through the game where you are FORCED to do something stupid with no alternative so the twins can be "Badass" with no repercussions. Again, I feel sorry for the writer/ writers that were on this game, because they obviously did not get enough time to write the story they wanted to write.

Also, even placing an OPTION to buy guns with REAL money in these games is just insulting to the average player. Mobile game versions of monitization DO NOT belong in pc/console games. Its like having a man in a business suit ask you for 5 dollars to get you a soda from your fridge so you don't have to get it yourself; and if you don't pay he straps 20 pound weights to your ankles so you can "Feel like you deserve it."

Don't get this game. Not for the cut content nor the story. There is nothing here.
Posted 12 July, 2020.
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1 person found this review helpful
24.4 hrs on record
Backed the kickstarter a while back; I was excited for a possible JA2 sequel. Did not happen. Came back to this game at least expecting to see my "names" I paid for. Did not happen. What this game is is a rushed mess, having the barest qualifications of a turned based strategy. Im sure the team tried their best, but allowing people to mod this did NOT fix any of the larger problems at all. Dont buy this, play JA2 instead.
Posted 15 November, 2019.
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4.9 hrs on record (3.5 hrs at review time)
Excellent game for a very low price. The dev working on this has put a lot of work in making this historical and fun to play; not to mention there are very few single player Historical FPS's out there.
Posted 30 June, 2019.
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17.5 hrs on record
This game is a decent satire on most modern gamedev right now. Unfortunately the story gets caught up in its overexaggerated portrayal of its characters (The lazy/fickle and very emotional lead dev, The "Pro" gamer that is dissillusioned and obsessed with their image, the young overbearing fan that doesnt know how to control themselves etc..) and it has this weird conflicting idea of ownership and control of the game tha really seems one-sided, espically in the end. Art style is predictably average, with some weird use of the moasiac tool to moke parts of the game seem "older" and some clipping and mapping issues in the bigger parts of the map (which im sure can be passed of as intentional and part of the story, but still a bit lazy in that aspect.). Gameplay is suprisingly good and fun for its short length, and there is an extra feature near the end of the game that I enjoyed, even if it wasnt that fleshed out.

I would recommend playing this game for the "in-game" Narriator "PRO" and their story only; any outside parts of the story can be summarized by him and he adds a very satisfying mystery to the game as a whole that holds up better than the external drama.

Make sure to get this one on sale though, as paying 20 dollars outright may upset some people because of the shortness of the game.
Posted 25 August, 2017.
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57.4 hrs on record (14.7 hrs at review time)
Such a great game. Combine an contenious open world enviroment with perma death elements with a unique twist on character development and you have roughly half the game. Unfortunately the other half is limited to the map size and missions that are given to you. Thank god for mods. 8/10
Posted 29 June, 2014.
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1.3 hrs on record
This is so Ridiculously cheap and unsatisfying that It makes me laugh. I mean, this is Darkest of Days cheap. I understand that They have been working on this game since 2007 and there were some strained relationships between the developers and the publishers, but Jesus, for a game inspired by Call of Duty Modern Warfare, its just bad. The game takes almost all control from you, has predictable plot twists, flying enemies, ♥♥♥♥♥ save states (sometimes when you die by a grenade and restart, the same damn grenade will carry over to your save) endless waves of bad guys (to the point of frustration) and lets not forget, your allies are useless, and you have a neon sign strapped to your Head saying SHOOT ME NOW PLEASE IM IMPORTANT.Oh, and bonus points for introducing the online passes. Great idea.
Posted 3 March, 2013. Last edited 15 March, 2014.
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