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Ulasan terkini oleh KakeBrus

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Tercatat 279.3 jam (Telah dimainkan 6.4 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Ulasan Akses Dini
If you are buying this game only because of the multiplayer experience, because you loved warband, then don't. The online experience does not feel like an M&B game. I can't be bothered to list up all the issues, but the game lacks core elements.

- Customize your equipment ( now there is premade classes )
- Core gamemodes ( Deathmatch , Battle and Duel servers )
- Taleworlds seems to not respond or take any action to the suggestions of the community

The multiplayer seems to be made to please a new audience of players and not the original ones.

On the contrary, if you are buying Bannerlord to play the singleplayer it seems decent to be in early access ( I haven't tried it, but the responses on the forum seems ok).

Check out Taleworlds forum before you buy it, I wish I did more research before buying it.

Diposting pada 2 April 2020.
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