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29.3 hrs on record (29.0 hrs at review time)
Simply disappointed…

The Witcher 3 is one of my favorite games of all time, the story, the characters, the open world – all memorable, engaging and interesting. Safe to say my expectations for Cyberpunk 2077 were high, I didn’t expect it to be “better” than The Witcher 3 but I did think it would be the next game that you could remember for a long time – Spoiler: It is not.

Let’s start with something positive though:
The game is gorgeous! I played on a RTX 3080 and AMD 5900x with Ray Tracing set to maximum settings with fully ray traced global illumination.
Interiors are probably the best I have ever seen and the outside areas are simply stunning as well. The world is reflecting in small water puddles after it rained and shadows are cast through the skyscrapers to the lower streets.
While the open world looks beautiful though, it’s all a façade – it doesn’t feel real. Let me explain:
NPCs simply walk up and down a street and do not interact with you at all. GTA V (which came out in 2013!) has a way more immersive open world.
GTA also has actually good police chases, or should I say it even has police chases? When you kill an NPC in Cyberpunk you can gets stars – just like in GTA. But the police will not chase you, nooo. If they are close to you, they will just try to kill you on sight, simply drive away 200m and they forgot. With a setting like cyberpunk, you could have had drones chasing you or even just police cars, but none of that exists.
Another thing I noticed is that I can’t remember anything from the open world. You could show me a picture from a part of the world in GTA, The Witcher 3 or Red Dead Redemption 2 and I could tell you where that is. Here it all feels the same, no real landmarks, nothing memorable.

OK, the world looks beautiful but it doesn’t feel immersive at all. What about the story?

Simply said: Its alright. Completely forgettable after one play through, the characters for the most part are boring and won’t be remembered very long. The three “background stories” you can select at the start are meaningless and offer nothing more than a few dialogue options in your playthrough. It’s a huge missed opportunity and it doesn’t help that you don’t get much if any background on V. You simply want to become a legend in Night City (for whatever reason?).
One strong suit are the side quests though. They are the most interesting part of the game. You can engage in a variety of activities, with lots of easter eggs and often fun dialogue. A select amount of larger side quests tie into the games ending but in a very unnatural way. If you completed the side quests you are offered an additional option in the final quest. There could have been more elegant solutions but its passable.
All in all, the story is the part that disappointed me most: The Witcher 3 had a masterful story and I expected something similar, but what we got is honestly on the same level as Watch Dogs – alright, passable, you won’t remember it.

But wait! There is more: Gameplay

Thought getting calls in GTA was annoying? Well, you’re in luck. You are getting called ALL THE TIME. It is bad, really bad. I’ve also had countless occasions where I was in a dialogue (in the main story!) and got a call from a side quest. Like wtf? Both dialogues overlap at that point and the already broken immersion is completely ruined.
With that out of the way, the actual gameplay is alright. Shooting is passable but won’t win any prizes. Melee combat is straight garbage, hacking seems completely useless and I never really utilized it. That is because the AI is just not good. They can’t adapt to you quick enough, most of the time just standing in the open and shooting at you. As I said before, look at GTA V, not to mention Red Dead Redemption 2 or even The Witcher 3, the AI there was better. (If you buy the double jump cyberware upgrade the game breaks btw and the AI is overwhelmed by the positions you can reach).

Character customization is also flat out bad: If you go for the best armor stats you look like a clown. Make clothing exclusively visual or look at literally any other game that released in the last years to see how to make a system where you have clothing stats but can still choose your style as you want it.
Crafting: Frankly it’s not obtainable when you play the story. To upgrade to legendary quality items, you need to spend 18 points into the crafting skill tree which is just a bad decision to make while playing. But even after you’ve done that the required amount of materials are ridiculously expensive and probably won’t be possible to obtain for a large number of players.

The leaves the skill tree and the inventory system: The prior is good; you get tons of options to skill to your preferred play style and I feel like the skills are impactful for the most part.
The inventory system is unfortunately copied from The Witcher 3 – Its not great… The weight on items and the weight limit on your inventory is annoying and doesn’t add anything to the game.

I’ve gotten to this part and have not even mentioned bugs much, but they can’t be ignored. The game is in a disastrous state on release. You can’t get through a single quest without having three animations completely break, sounds missing and sometimes a trigger just refuses to work entirely. The performance is also not good and even with my setup, the game only uses 40% of the GPU which just shows its not very well optimized or programmed.

So, can I recommend it?
No, not right now. If you expect the next huge game that will be talked about for a long time because of the story, you will be hugely disappointed. If you look for a good RPG, you will be disappointed. If you look for a good first-person shooter, you will be disappointed. If you look for a good open world game, you will be disappointed. If you look for the probably best-looking open world game that takes place in a large city though, then this might be just right for you.
But even if that’s what you want, wait! The game is in an awful technical state and I would not recommend buying it right now if you are not 100% sure you have a setup that can run the game somewhat stable.

Closing thoughts:
The game got rated 10/10 and 9/10 by most major news outlets and I believe that’s just objectively wrong. If the CD Project Red Logo was switched out for EA or Ubisoft that game would be ripped apart by everyone. In my opinion there is clear bias because of how good The Witcher 3 was. If any other company had released a game in such a bad shape, there would be outrage by the outlets with talks about long term impacts and trust in the company… Not so in this case. I have no doubt that the bugs can and will be fixed in the future, but even if the game was running perfectly – It’s not better than 7/10.
Posted 14 December, 2020. Last edited 14 December, 2020.
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12.5 hrs on record (8.2 hrs at review time)
+ Visuals
+ Worldbuilding
+ Sidequests

o main story
o voice acting of everyone but the main character

- voice acting of the main character
- gameplay mechanics are rather boring
- gameplay on foot is a pain. Running is slow and the areas are large

=> Wait for a sale! Great game for under 10$. Takes about 7 hours to complete for the main story and about 12h for 100%, without replaying for missed achievements.
Posted 26 April, 2020. Last edited 30 April, 2020.
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105.2 hrs on record (29.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Quite hard to get into, but once you understand the basics it’s a lot of fun and there is tons of room to improve yourself
Posted 29 June, 2019.
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8.7 hrs on record (6.4 hrs at review time)
We were here too is the second part of the We Were Here Series. It is a puzzle game at its core. It has a story, but no one really cares about that, because it is somewhat boring.
And these puzzles are by far the best part about this game. They are not too hard, but challenging enough to keep you interested. At one point we were quit frustrated because we did not know how to further. So we felt very relieved after solving it.

That might all seams good, but the game has a big problem. The first part was Free2Play and had a playtime of roughly 2.5h both ways and the second part is 2.5h one way but for 9.99€ (8.49€ Sale), that’s about 5h both ways. That is just not good enough for that price. You can get more time out of it when you try to get every achievement or speed run it. However, you will not spend more than 8h in the game.

So don’t get me wrong, I really enjoyed my experience, but if you want a good coop experience that is equally as good as this one, just play the first game. If you really like that one, played both parts and did all the achievements, this game is for you. It’s only for players that really liked the first one. To all the others I wound not recommend We Were Here Too.
If it’s on sale for maybe 5€, you should probably get it though.
Posted 2 February, 2018. Last edited 2 February, 2018.
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6 people found this review helpful
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0.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Einfach nur Müll! Der Schlechteste Bomberman Clon den ich kenne! Was soll man dazu sagen? Das Spiel funktioniert ja nicht richtig.

Map(s): Es gibt eine Map mit 4 unterschiedlichen Skins! Die alle scheiße aussehen! Die Map ist die Standard Bomberman Map. Ist halt ganz ok wenn das Gameplay ok wäre.

Gameplay: Sie haben probiert Bomberman zu Clonen und sind maßlos gescheitert! Die Bomben explodieren zu langsam und das Spiel ist einfach nur langweilig! Wenn dann alle Blöcke mal weg sind, wird es noch langweiliger! Da die Bomben so langsamm sind kann es schon mal vorkommen das man im 1v1 ist und wenn keiner dumm ist wird auch nichts passieren keiner down geht!

Allgemeines: Es gibt viele Button im Menü die man nicht anklicken kann weil das halt erst Comming Soon ist! Na klar! Ich habe nicht das Gefühl das die Entwickler noch was an dem Spiel machen. Wenn das Grundgerüst nicht steht muss man das Haus nicht bauen!

Fazit: Für 30 min witzig weil man da noch über das Spiel lachen kann. Es ist einfach nur Trash und KEINER sollte es spielen! Die Bomberman Browser Version ist besser!
Posted 23 May, 2017. Last edited 23 May, 2017.
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291.6 hrs on record (240.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Echt Super!
Es sieht vielleicht aus wie Overwatch für arme ist es aber nicht! Das Spielprinzip ist zwar gleich aber das war es auch schon mit den Gemeinsamkeiten. Es gibt einige Punkte die das Spiel gut beschreiben:
1) Das Spielprinzip: Sollte eigentlich jedem bekannt sein. Wie Overwatch, es gibt aber auch ein paar Abwandlungen, die aber meiner Meinung nach nicht so gut sind.
2)Jedes Spiel ist anders und het eigene Tiefe. Das ist auch einer der großen Unterschiede zu Overwatch! Durch ein Kartensystem kann man sich in jedem Spiel individuell skillen, wie in Dota oder LoL.
3)Der Entwickler: Hi-Rez arbeitet wirklich an dem Spiel und man merkt es! Ein neuer Champ jeden 2.-3. Patch! Nicht mal zu vergleichen mit Overwatch wo bis jetzt erst nicht einmal 5 neue Champs da sind. Paladins hat stand heute 25 Champs.
4)Free to Play: Hört sich ja oft nach Pay to Win an, jedoch nicht bei Paladins. Ich habe nach knapp 70h ALLE Champs freigeschaltet. Diese sind in jeder Reihenfolge kaufbar (Ingame Geld). Kein Champ ist OP und wenn wird er kurz dannach gepatcht. Ein sehr faires Free to Play Modell! Super Vorbild für andere Entwickler.
5)Man kann merklich besser werden: Vielleicht auch der einzige negative Punkt, aber man merkt wie man mit Zeit besser wird und mehr Tricks kann und seinen Champ mastert. Jedoch wird man, meistens eher nicht im Competitive sondern in den anderen Modi, einfach nur zerstört! Manche Leute sind einfach extrem gut. Auf diese trifft man jedoch nicht im Competitive da es dort ein eher mäßiges Rankingsystem gibt.
6)Competitive: Um den Competitive Modus zu spielen muss man 12 Champions auf Stufe 4 bringen. Das mag sich nicht viel anhören, jedoch dauert es eine Ewigkeit um dies zu erreichen! Dann spielt man den Modus auf den man sich gefreut hat und merkt das es derselbe Modus ist wie der Standard Modus nur mit Champion Pick Phase. - An sich nicht schlimm, jedoch kann man den Modus nur mit einem Freund Spielen und auf die random mates ist nicht immer Verlass. Der Modus ist ansich echt gut, man spielt gegen bessere Spieler als sonst jedoch leider nur mit einem Freund. Wenn das gefixt wird ist es der beste Teil des Spiels welcher jedoch viel Zeit zum unlocken braucht.

Alles in allem ist Paladins extrem zu empfehlen. Eines der besten Free to Play Spiele, die ich kenne. Der Entwickler arbeitet sehr hart an Verbesserungen und das Gamplay ist einfach nur super. Kein Pay to Win und da es nichts kostet kann es jeder man testen, es wird nicht enttäuschen!
Posted 22 May, 2017. Last edited 22 November, 2017.
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70.4 hrs on record
Eigentlich ganz cool. Das spiel ist leider vebuggt wie scheiße. Das eigendliche Gameplay ist ganz ok. Die wenigen Waffen die man wirklich benutzt sind alle gut und keine ist op, wobei die AR eindeutig die am häufigsten benutzt wird. Die AK hat im Vergleich ein relativ graoßes Spray Pattern und wird somit kaum benutzt. Und dann ist da noch die Shotgun. Manchmal geht einfach alles rein und die Gegner fallen einfach nur um. Machmal aber ist man drauf.... Aber nichts geht rein. Die andren Waffen sind überflüssig und werden nach der ersten Minute weggeworfen weil die einfach scheiße sind. Die Autos sind ganz gut, doch leider sind diese, wie das ganze spiel, verbuggt wie schieße. Es ist schon so oft vorgekommen das man aus dem nichts von der Welt gekillt wird, das Auto explodiert,.....

Alles in allem ein gutes Spiel. Für 20 euro sollte man aber bis zu einem Steam Sale warten oder einfach Battlegrounds kaufen. Die Buggs werden auch kaum gepacht.
Posted 31 March, 2017. Last edited 2 June, 2018.
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44.1 hrs on record (36.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
amazing!! One of the best free2paly games I´ve ever seen.
Posted 31 March, 2017. Last edited 31 March, 2017.
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1 person found this review helpful
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5.3 hrs on record (2.1 hrs at review time)
Ein tolles Spiel. Ca. 100 min lang und es macht viel spaß. Die Rätsel sind schwer aber nicht zu anspruchsvoll. Eine klare Empfehlung!
Posted 27 February, 2017.
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24.3 hrs on record
Ein sehr gutes Spiel. Die HD Texturen machen das Spiel zwar nicht schön, aber besser!!!
Posted 24 November, 2016. Last edited 29 June, 2019.
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