Джон "Макафи" Mакнаггетс   Keila, Harjumaa, Estonia
I am content in here. I have friends. :steamhappy:
The food is good. All is well. :mhwgood:
Know that if I hang myself, a la Epstein, it will be no fault of mine. :sniperskull:
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1,428 hrs on record
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hello 23 Mar, 2024 @ 11:47am 
Türa hiinlased nahui tulevad siia raisk nahui meie maale nahui, raisk nahui meie riisi raisk nahui ära võtma, hakkavad faking nahui oma riisi faking kasvatama meie kartulipõllul faking nahui. See ei ole faking normaalne üldse raisk noh! Meil on vaja faking arbuuse nahui! Meil on vaja õuna, meil on vaja kuradi kanepisaadusi on vaja, kokapõõsaid nahui. Nemad tulevad nahui raisk putsi siia mingit riisi kasvatama nahui! Kuradi kilid raisk nahui! Siukseid pole faking vaja siia nahui raisk! Kuradi faking tõprad nahui! Mina tahan näiteks kuradi homme hommikuks tahan kuradi kookose saia nahui aga faking mulle antakse mingi kuradi riisipäts pihku raisk! Kuhu see kõlbab? See ei kõlba kuskile nahui! Järeldame seda et tuleb need kuradi faking väiksed pisikesed pilusilmsed kollased vastikud räbalad värdjad nahui saata siit nahui! Üle kuradi parda raisk! Rotid! Ühesõnaga Soome või kuskile ära kupatada noh kuradi jobud nahui raisk! Tulevad siia mingit riisi kasvatama noh!
narchotic 12 Jan, 2024 @ 11:20am 
Gölbbis 9 Sep, 2023 @ 11:44am 
▒░░░░░░▄▄▄░░▄██▄░░░SINUT RYÖSTI OG SKULL TROOPER 💀😲
hello 5 Nov, 2022 @ 3:17am 
I hate disabled people

I have a retarded brother and sometimes wish he didn’t exist. I have an extreme dislike/prejudice against mentally disabled people. I have nothing against people who are mentally challenged but there is a certain threshold where I wonder why people let them live. Honestly I think the reason why people don’t kill those who are mentally disabled is because it brings into question what disabilities warrant death. Since no one can decide where to draw the line people I think clean their hands of the business and let everyone live, ie inaction is equivalent to no responsibility
mmmmmm 3 Sep, 2022 @ 3:02pm 
I( 22,M) am a warlord who works out of Asian countries, recently my ♥♥♥♥♥ of a girlfriend (19 F, nice ass) left me after I beat her with my ps4 controller in the head.

So fast forward a few days and in deployed to Asia(Sorry, NDA. Can't reveal where) I reach there and my job is to take one group of ethnic people from one place to a fun place we call the camps. So we reach there and this child(5 M) has the nerve to ask me for food so long story short my head is already filled with my girlfriend leaving me and I cave this child's head in. The people get angry and try to attack me so I ordered my soldiers to shoot everyone, the women, the children, the men. Then I wore the child's body on my head and started dancing around mimicking him saying "I'm hungry, I'm hungry." Now I am being tried for my war crimes in the Hague.

Reddit, AITA?
hello 3 Sep, 2022 @ 2:58pm 
II'm seeing a side of my boyfriend I wish I hadn't thanks to a video game

• waiting for his daughter to hit 16 to impregnate her

• going overseas to kidnap women for sexual slavery

• killing his oldest children for being genetically inferior

• killing his wife for not being of child bearing age

• waiting for a prisoner to give birth before torturing and executing her

• discussing whether to execute female child prisoners or not based on how far away from breeding age they are

•the most efficient ways to perform ethnic cleansing

• I know this one sounds like it's made up but it's word for word, 'it's best if you borrow as much money from the Jews as possible before you get rid of them'

• whether a woman you've kidnapped hating you for killing her husband makes it harder to get her pregnant