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Verfasst: 1. Aug. 2023 um 17:06
Aktualisiert: 1. Aug. 2023 um 17:16

I forced my way through two routes in Glass Heart, and I really didn’t think I could make it through any more. But then I started Will’s story, which continued into Brayson’s, and even though they weren’t the most amazing otome romances ever, there was something there that kept me entertained to the very end. Unfortunately, this is an otoge that’s all over the place with its storytelling. One moment it's a sweet tale of two people finding love in a difficult time of a young woman's life, and the next you’re tossed into the middle of soap opera-ish drama that had me wanting to slap ALL of the characters silly. Yet, it was the murder mystery that popped up out of nowhere that won me over. I just wish it didn’t take playing through two of the most frustratingly boring routes ever before I discovered that there was more to this otome than overly-contrived melodrama.

My feelings for this game are so conflicted. To be honest, there’s a lot of good here, but the bad is so groan-worthy that it really drags things down. Love interest quality is probably the most important aspect of any good otome. I can forgive dumb stories and the worst clichĂ©s ever if the guys are in the very least likeable. Fortunately, half of the guys here are in the likable camp, and they all become much more likable once you turn OFF the voice acting (except Tamaki whose VA performance is sublime). Will, Brayson, and Tamaki work well as love interests, mostly because their stories don’t revolve around the MC possibly dying at any given moment. It also helps that Meira has a bit of agency in their routes, which gives the romances room to develop and breathe. As for the other guys? Outside of having nonsensical storylines, they’re just
bland? Nathan is the most boring billionaire ever, and Jay has no discernible personality outside of a doctor madly in love with his patient. Then there’s Eli. I’m not a fan of tsunderes in the first place, but this guy has absolutely no redeemable personality traits. I like dickish characters, they just need to have some charm, and this guy has none.

My biggest gripe, though, is that for most of the confessions the guys won’t stop gushing about how much Meira means to them and that they love her so damn much they’d give up everything they ever cared about for her, and that she’s their moon in the sky, the loveliest creature ever created, blah blah blah. Repeat after me
 LESS. IS. MORE. Confessions feel way more sincere when the guy isn’t professing his undying love for a woman he’s barely known two weeks. At least the quieter moments as the characters are wrestling with their blossoming emotions (assuming they hadn’t already fallen madly in love at first sight) were done well. If only we could’ve gotten more romantic tension and less profuse declarations of love...

So is there anything I actually DO like? Well, yes. Will and Tamaki’s romances are actually pretty great with some really good romantic tension and fun stories. Toss in Brayson, and you’ve got half of a good game. But is it worth $20 for those three alone? Honestly, it depends on how much melodrama you can stomach. I suggest waiting for a decent discount and going in with your expectations squarely in check. There’s a good time to be had here, just avoid reading through Jay and Nathan’s routes first. Actually, just avoid them altogether.

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Antwort des Entwicklers:
Eternal_Love_Studios  [Entwickler] Verfasst: 3. Aug. 2023 um 12:24
Thank you so much for taking the time to play and review our game! We really value the thoughts, opinions, and critiques of our players.

We're very happy that you enjoyed Will, Tamaki, and Brayson's routes. We apologize that the others were not enjoyable for you; however, we greatly appreciate your honesty in regards to your experience with their routes. This really helps us to learn and improve our future games.

We'll take everything that was in this review into consideration as we are developing our next game. We hope that you will play and review our future releases.

Again, thank you so much for your time and your review.
2 Kommentare
đŸŒ»ChudahđŸŒ» 4. Aug. 2023 um 7:42 
Thank you! Really trying to get back into reviewing a bit more. I miss doing it. :8bitheart:
Drugo⚾a 3. Aug. 2023 um 2:58 
Uh, I don't think I'd have the patience for this one rn :amazedhitomi: But it's always a pleasure and entertaining to read an otome review from you :fuka: