Colorado, United States
this guy is cool

this guy is me

"I don't understand... if you wanted she- she could've lived again. Why...? Why did you refuse?"

"You wouldn't understand."

Calling all Snow Pirates on E.D.N III. I have a warning of upmost urgency. The military forces you know as NEVEC are planning something that will be catastrophic for all who dwell on this planet.

I know this because I used to work for NEVEC. I believed in their goals to bring order to this planet. Now I know that goal is a lie, and their true aims have always been to amass thermal energy. That is why I abandoned NEVEC.

Now they are trying to awaken the slumbering Over-G Akrid that lies beneath the planet's surface and this will unleash massive amounts of thermal energy. NEVEC will take all of this thermal energy and then abandon the planet to its fate.

But that is not all.

If NEVEC is not stopped, and we do not prevent the awakening of the Over-G, then the sudden and terrible introduction of such large quantities of thermal energy will set off a reaction that will freeze this planet to it's very core, and kill everyone...and everything living here.

For a better part of a century, you assumed that any land you had could be lost at any time, and if that happened, you would just start over somewhere else...

But there is nowhere else this time. Our place is here, on this planet.

Our ancestors built a place for themselves here thanks to their indomitable spirit and the strength of their resolve. Now it is time to tap into that same resolve to protect what they struggled to build.

To all Snow Pirates on E.D.N III:

If you can hear my voice, then I beseech you to set aside your differences and stand with me as one.

Let us show NEVEC what happens when they threaten our home.

btw play the games in my showcase
Command & Conquer™ Red Alert™ 3
3月17日 に最後にプレイ
3月16日 に最後にプレイ
3月16日 に最後にプレイ
bort 1月22日 15時49分 
Trace/ALTER is a collaborative roleplaying game with hundreds of other players where you'll inhabit a persistent long-term character and live out your own storyline.

In this world, magic is real and magic is terrifying. It has given rise to horrifying entities known as ALTERs, which thrive off the feasting of souls. It is only the ancient Tracer Order that has given fierce opposition through the use of TRACE Magick. You will find yourself in the center of this age old conflict, in a city centre known as Cascade Valley, in Japan.

Please note that it is an RP mandatory setting where players must act as the characters they are playing.
Liquid 2024年4月22日 21時24分 
you have never watched Foodfight! with me stfu before I block you :winter2019angrybulb:
bort 2024年1月7日 1時53分 
not even a real space chimps fan -__-
bort 2023年7月17日 22時27分 
gay man married
Liquid 2023年6月14日 16時15分 
what does this even mean
bort 2023年6月5日 22時58分 
so proud of you for coming out