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17.3 hrs on record
Max Caulfield's Cat
Mood when credits roll: "Schrödinger opening the box and discovering the cat is miraculously alive" - Moses Murphy
Originally posted by Musashi:

Our beloved Max Caulfield returns for a new dimensional travelling introspection of the whodunit nature, years after the traumatic events of Arcadia bay that is.
Does the divisive sentiment in the LiS fan base adequately reflect the proclaimed disappointing return of our photographing afficionado? Kinda, but I personally feel people are too harsh simply because of their anger that Chloe is a mere social media presence.
Is the writing as much worthy of critical acclaim as it was in our beloved LiS Before the Storm and Life is Strange? Certainly, not.
Yet, is a flawed but equally beautiful exploration into grief and mental anguish.
The entry of the plot is so wonderfully Max Caulfield, breaking and entering into a derelict bowling alley and making beautiful snapshots of that. Game could not start better, but proceeds to disappoint later on.
The writing of Lis Double Exposure starts of strong with a whodunit scenario, a mysterious elitist Caledon university society and plenty of other suspects in a quest to "catch the killer" presented to you as red herrings.
However, the quality of storytelling degrades, as the chapters go on.
Life is Strange Double Exposure crafts a remarkably cozy winter cottage vibe and university cosmos in a campus in Vermont, that very cozy small town setting entangled in mystery we love Life is Strange for.
But the more you play through the chapters, it becomes painfully evident that this game struggles with its identity.
A good cast of characters is initially constructed with excellent voice acting and lip sync, only to be heavily unutilized in the course of the writing with little to no development. I suppose the social media aspects of the game was attempting to make up for this, but this was painfully in vain.
Chapters 1(Still Life), 2 (Penumbra) and 3 (Spin) start out strong and represent the writing at its best with its focus on crime and mystery, whereas the following chapters push the player woefully wanting for more, leaving an aftertaste of dissatisfaction and a thirst for answers to an array of unresolved questions and abandoned plotlines.
An example would be the abrupt and never revisited conclusion with the detective in the writing, and the Abraxas community silently fading into oblivion as the writing goes on, sustained by nothing more than social media tidbits and Krampus on Campus.
This feeling of lacking substance gets significantly worse in the chapter Diptych and the final surrealist conclusion Decoherence.
Too many things initially presented are left open to interpretation or painfully silenced by the writers, all the buildup seem to be wasted in the insurmountable task that is the consolidation of two parallel timelines reminiscent of the metaphorical transferability of Quantum Superposition.
The writers of Deck Nine let the realities resolve into one too rapidly and with too many dropped plot lines.
Nevertheless, I do appreciate the analogy and a variation of Max' superpowers.
The final two chapters simply feel rushed and lack substance. From the Krampus on Campus conclusion to the surrealist odyssey of picking up the pieces of megalomanic usage of superpowers, its execution equates to a very shallow pond that is ironically based on the profound premise of parallel dimensions.
As much as I would like to applaud Deck Nine for its clever use of polaroid symbolism on Quantum superposition of realities, the double exposure of Max in these timelines is simply not exposed double sufficiently.
A far cry from Arcadia Bay's consistently mighty writing, unfortunately for us Life is Strange fans.
Quality of Production
Despite my gripes with the unholistic nature of the writing, I have to applaud the overall impressive quality of this production. Life is Strange has never looked better, a melting pot of its water colour aesthetic with a slightly more realistic touch, outrageously gorgeous and more than making up for the inconsistent writing.
In the same vein, Max' journal is more beautiful than ever and the addition of a social media component adds to the vividness of the Caledon Campus and its residents.
As always, life is strange demonstrates the illusion of choice with nuances in NPC sentiment as tangible consequences. Positive was on the other hand, that you could let Chloe's fate be re-determined in the beginning of the game and have your messages on your cellphone reflect this as well as other mentions of her.
Original Soundtrack
Outstanding as always and perfectly fitting like puzzle pieces coming together.
And damn I gotta listen to that main menu and pause menu song on youtube again.
Found myself several times restarting the game, simply in order to be whisked away into that dreamy floating brain massage that is invoked by that song. Reverie at its finest!
More extra costumes for die hard fans, nothing to object to. The heart wants what the heart wants.
But seriously Deck Nine, locking achievements behind the DLC?
That is bad, bad, bad.
And no collection mode anymore? What happened there?
Seem like Krampus should come and spank you a bit with his rod.

An initially strong premise in the life is strange cosmos, which proceeds to mediocrity lacking substance in the final two chapters.
In the end we are promised that Max Caulfield will return.
Having high hopes for more consistent writing and more Max.
We love Life is Strange for its relatability and the powerful feelings it evokes in us.
That embrace of beautiful music and deep introspection it triggers in us on difficult subject matter and life's predicaments.
We are all with flaws.
Do not let the negative voices prevent you from cultivating beauty Deck Nine in light of the mixed reception and the layoffs which have happened in your studio.
Rating 85%
Originally posted by Musashi:

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Posted 3 February. Last edited 5 February.
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25 people found this review helpful
23.4 hrs on record
Happy Birthday Juliet Starling
A zany over the top last-gen fever dream which is as crazy and asinine as it gets....it is trashy, but in a classy way, as paradoxical as that may seem.,,

Review at 100% Completion
This means something as I rarely complete game achievements to a 100%.
I totally love this game, the completion time amounts to approximately 20-25 hours, I did not rush.
Achievements are not hard except for the nuisance "Go Medal Racer" achievement, royally screw you xD
It is your birthday, though zombies have overrun your school.
You are Juliet Starling, a cheerleader from San Romero High School, who belongs to the Zombie Hunter Starling family.
All of your family members are hilarious; from the tough as nails father Gideon Starling, to the cringeworthy lunatic Rosalind, the levelheaded sharpshooter Cordelia Starling and last but not least your doting mother.
Almost forgot to mention the last significant character, you have got a pervert of a sensei who teaches you to be a more efficient zombie hunter, the panty collecting Morikawa Sensei...I will not spoil further but you know...it is pretty much about slicing zombies in grotesque fashion with your chainsaw in simple terms.
All of the dialogue is beyond funny and the game just keeps on stacking inappropriate humor and sexual innuendos as often as it damn well wants.
Lollipop Chainsaw is emblematic of a time where video games did not take themselves too serious and is so much better off for it. Simply reminiscent of a time where budgets were smaller but developers like Dragami games were daring risk-takers who pushed the boundaries of what is considered a safe scenario to sell. It seems nigh impossible to get a game with such great obnoxious humor nowadays where development budgets are so large and concern for going with the established traditions is so predominant. But conservatively striving for what is safe does not necessarily sell games or gain you any accolades, Ubisoft is a prime example of that.
The end product is an absolutely crazy chainsaw mayhem, garnished with a comic book optic and plenty of fan service.
It is zany, crazy, uncut in its dialogue lines with jokes ranging from masturbation, pervy priests to sodomy. Ridiculous and entertaining through an through!
You will constantly laugh your ass off while playing this for the first time, it is a loop of never ending absurdity both in terms of dialogue and storytelling.
Lollipop Chainsaw plays like spectacle fighters à la Devil May Cry, but with a bit more simplicity. You hack and slay yourself through linear levels with combos you can acquire at the Shop2Chop.zom merchant stands. There you may also buy concept art, costumes and upgrades for Juliet's stats.
Gameplay-wise it shows that this is a remaster from an old 2012 game, therefore I will not be too harsh in this critique.
The gameplay loop is as mentioned, but coupled with frequent quick time events, too much according to my taste.
Executing upwards of three zombies simultaneously activates the sparkle hunt which gives you the premium currency and more zombie medals.
Game Design
One thing I want to emphasize, is that the studio behind Lollipop Chainsaw has created quite a diversified game design for its time. It is not repetitive due to the different gameplay elements it seamlessly integrates.
These range from some really funny events I will not spoil, to FPS elements and some special attacks.
Each stage is wildly different to the next and the bosses have a great and distinct art direction.
Art Direction
This game shines in its art direction. The entirety of the UI, collectables, upgrades and combos are illustrated in a beautiful comic book look. Some comic book effects are also employed on screen while playing. As it befits a lady like Juliet, her wardrobe is chock full. These are rendered in cut scenes, something special for games from that era providing some replayability.
Original Soundtrack
Unfortunately, the original soundtrack was not licensed again as it was replaced with an inferior set of songs.
I compared the two and the only better song from the new batch of songs is the sparkle hunt theme.
I understand that this pissed a lot of old time fans off who were saddened to see that the once iconic songs are missing.
Good news is that there is a music restoration mod posted on steam. I will link it here as I highly recommend playing the game with the original music score which you can otherwise only listen to out of the game as a paid DLC.

Now let us talk about the negative parts of this remaster...
Bug Density
As much as I hate saying this, the game has some bugs. These are minor like missing button prompts for instance and also quite major like bosses being stuck and invincible, which leads you to having to reload the checkpoint. Furthermore, the music disappears sometimes.
Lack of Polish
The chainsaw blaster's projectiles have clipping issues sometimes and in general the feel of the gunplay could be better. Hitboxes are way too rough sometimes and can feel awfully punishing, especially in some boss fights.
Furthermore, the QTEs do have an input lag, the devs seem to have noticed this as they have activated QTE assistance by default to remove annoyance by this game mechanic.
Finally, the last boss fights severely lacks polish. Killibilly may be the last foe, but he is easily the worst designed boss.
Personal Rating 88%
Granted, I am biased as I have a weakness for over the top zany storytelling
And perhaps I have been a bit too seduced by Juliet's frequent fanservice.
But I assure you, you will love this outlandish tale as much as I did, despite its short playtime of five hours, 20 if you go for 100% completion.
A cheerleader with a chainsaw and zombies, what more do you want?
Originally posted by Musashi:

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Posted 2 January. Last edited 3 January.
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18 people found this review helpful
104.9 hrs on record
Thou Who Tempers Anxiety into Strength...

Originally posted by Musashi:
'Tis mine Game of The Year by Choice
Thou who tampers Anxiety into Greater Strength still
Thine inspiration shall be set ablaze by this fourth wall breaking masterpiece
A fantasy game needs that precious kindling with which a player's passions may ignited into a fire-forged trust
Thy fantasy novel hast that flame of Grand Fantasy Katsura Hashino
Set in the dystopian Kingdom of Euchronia, home to a diverse set of Races and Cultures, his Majesty the King Hythlodeus V is assassinated by the military Paragon Louis Guiabern.
The Regicide leads to a Royal Funeral in the capital Grand Trad.
You, a travelling boy with a fantasy novel and a fairy as a companion, are tasked with delivering a message to an agent in light of the grim events of the regicide.
Despite the ruler's untimely demise, he was capable of devising a plan for the royal succession upon his death.
The future heir shall be crowned on the national Holiday marking the end of the Annex War, Day of the Hero,
according to the will of the people.
This marks the beginning of a bloody war of succession for the throne, between several contestants attempting to the gain the people's favour.

The Outcast Protagonist
Atlus, as we all know, is fond of building their narrative around an ostracized protagonist, an outcast who has to forge his path in the presence of inequities. Only this time, it ventures into an ambitious fantasy world.
Ín Persona 5 the player takes on the role of a wrongfully convicted adolescent who is shunned by his environment and school for juvenile delinquency.
In Metaphor''s case, one plays a travelling boy of Eldan descent in a country where the Elda are highly discriminated against by the Sanctist church.
The Kingdom of Euchronia is as much emblematic of racial diversity of its many ethnicities, as it is of racism and oppression against unfortunate people of its lower classes, in a country heavily influenced by the strong hold that the Sanctist church has on the regency.
As it so happens, the Eldan race is the most rare and most discriminated races of all, intensifying the outcast lifestyle of the protagonist.
Metaphor ReFantazio follows the tried and tested mechanics of the Persona games which respresent an amalgam of Life Simulation via Social Links (here followers), dungeon crawling and turn based combat with a strong focus on narrative exposition.
Battles have a real time component to it as well. Upon successful assault of the enemy while remaining unscathed through evasion, an ambush will be initiated which grants guaranteed damage and a stun on the target enemies.
These battles are won by wit and strategy as they are much more challenging than the battles of our beloved, alas too easy, Persona 5 Royal; even on the normal difficulty.
Having played 60% of the game on Hard and 40% on normal, I can assure you that your mettle as a strategizing commander will be tested.
Dungeons require intel from the taverns spy masters and efficient build planning to succeed, especially on the Hard difficulty.
The amount of different builds and their relative synergies is vast, making this a game with much potential for replayability.

Art Direction
This Game does its Game Awards award for best Art Direction justice.
What you have here is a cohesive work of art with beautiful sprites, marvellous waterpainiting vistas, compelling asset art style and gorgeous anime cutscenes to propel the narrative into epic heigths of a Grand Fantasy.

As Atlus fans are accustomed to, there is a strong emphasis on User Interface in the works from the Japanese developer.
The incredibly elaborate animated UI of Persona 5 Royal was already something to behold, but the UI employed in Metaphor Refantazio goes even further.
All the shopkeepers menus and game menus are a sight to behold.
Living and breathing works of animated art will unleash glory upon your eyes wherever you look.
Making a simple act as navigating menus, which you do a lot in a JRPG, a transcendental experience.

There is a journal in the game called memorandum and let me tell you it is quite extensive.
The memorandum makes for a comprehensive deep dive into the lore and cultures of the Kingdom of Euchronia immersively easy.
It is a transcription of a multitude of information concerning culture, history, technology, narrative and summaries on the actors of this fantasy stage in their respective character portraits.
A handy almanac on all things Euchronia in case you forget something or you just want to read something about someone anew.

Voice Acting
It can not go unmentioned how excellent the voice acting in this work of art is.
The plot follows a Game of Thrones like plot and it translates to the voice acting.
What made Game of Thrones so great was the great writing and its plethora of different accents.
The voice actors here have different accents too and all do a magnificent job, side character or recurring protagonist...it matters not.
Equally, this is complemented by the great writing of the dialogues and the Game of Thrones like plot.

Original Soundtrack
Here is that obligatory paragraph about the incredible soundtrack composed by Shoji Meguro.
This grand fantasy tale is partially carried by its matching soundtrack.
In the same vein, I have to mention the outstanding battle theme.
Oftentimes you will find yourself abstaining from action in battle and simply nodding to the monk rap, as the community has started call the epic verses spit in this banger, instead of progressing your turns.
Furthermore, the journey boasts many more memorable tracks. One of which is the second gauntlet runner track which will be unlocked later in your journey.
Another wonderful and epic song reminiscent of a musical cry for help with its tie note vocalizations.
An ode to bravery in an unfortgiving world marked by monsters, anti-secularism and racism.
Fantastical musical score befitting of a wondrous fantasy journey.

Final Verdict
94% rating
Personally this is my Game of the Year with Black Myth Wukong.
I was delighted to see that IGN made it their GOTY after Astro Bot won the GOTY award during the Game Awards.
Next time the game of the year shall be yours Atlus!
Originally posted by Musashi:

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Posted 22 December, 2024. Last edited 18 February.
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14 people found this review helpful
6.8 hrs on record
Katamari Damacy REROLL is like a Drug Trip, in a good way...

Katamar Damacy REROLL is an absolute gem with a truly unique game mechanic and lots of zany fun!

Due to the sloppy divine intervention of the pompous King while on a bender, the cosmic balance has been disrupted.
Now all the stars have vanished and it is up to you, the prince, to go to earth in order to roll up a litany of objects which the king will shoot into the orbit to serve as new stars and starsigns.
The King of all Cosmos is memorably one of the most off-beat characters ever breathed life into in a video game.
A self obsessed space god and absentee father who is damn hard to please.
The gameloop is as simple as it sounds. You roll the Katamari around in different locations and roll up objects.
However, you face two constraints while doing so.
Firstly, you have to adhere to a time limit which can be quite challenging in some levels and the bigger your Katamari is, the better. You only get your father's approval by rolling up a huge Katamari and let me tell you he is quite the nitpicking and demanding bastard.
Secondly, objects which are too large too roll up will knock you back and even cause you to lose some of your precious Cargo from your Katamari. Make sure not to crash into things.
Furthermore, there are NPCs such as rats or bulls or police men which will attack you on sight. Better to steer clear of them until...

THE MAGICAL MOMENT where you are big enough to roll them up too!
This indeed is so much more rewarding as a feeling than I can do it justice here in this review.
Whereas you start off small and roll up small householditems like rubber ducks, nails , pens or some appliances; the bigger you become, the larger your additions to your Katamari may be.

It is truly an amazing feeling when you roll up humans, large animals and especially later large houses, ships and even skyscrapers for the first time! Please refer to the attached screenshot 2.
It is so damn rewarding and one of Katamari Damacy REROLL's strongest points in its game design is how addictive the gameplay loop is and how gargantuan the variety of objects is.
There are so many different objects, some quite funny ones, which all get displayed in the bottom corner of the screen as soon as you roll them up.
It is a testament to the confident vision of the Devs that they may take every day objects and amalgamate them into a wondrously bizarre frenzy of an end product; by imbuing it with a whacky story and a crazy, most importantly hypnotic game feel.
A magnetic game mechanic which plays on our innate desire to collect things and observe the Katamari grow.

The game provides you with a statistic of what you rolled up the most in the pause menu and at the conclusion of a level.

I admit the controls need some getting used to. Although this is by design, to simulate how unwieldy it is to maneuver a giant katamari for the tiny prince.
There is vertical and horizontal movement, 180 degree spinning and a sprint with the katamari. Turning around freely is not possible.
Unfortunately, the sprint does not always execute in my experience.
Maybe it is just me or maybe it is hard by design to properly execute the sprint.
You can finish the game without it just fine, hence not a big deal.

Original Soundtrack
We need to talk about the music of Katamari...it is such a marvel.
While the game already shines in a cohesive vision of zany fun and an addictive gameloop, it is further ameliorated by the great cozy soundtrack which accompanies you in every level.
Makes rolling around and rolling things up to make your Katamari bigger an absolute treat.
5 hours of crazy fun guaranteed!
I highly recommend this game for everyone who wants to try something new, something different than the mainstream titles.
It only costs 1 Euro on grey market sites!
Highly underrated game. I just wish it was longer...
It took me around 5 hours to finish the main and side quests, but I did so with a constant grin on my face all the while nodding to the eclectic soundtrack.
But it does offer replay value in terms of getting a higher high score.
Rating 90%
Originally posted by Musashi:

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Posted 18 December, 2024. Last edited 19 December, 2024.
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15 people found this review helpful
58.2 hrs on record
Get that Soulslike Monkey of Your Back!
Black Myth Wukong is a wondrous enigmatic feast
Besting it requires perseverance not to cease
Understanding it is yet another beast.

The storytelling of the game is difficult to follow as it involves flashbacks and reading lots of lore journal entries in the menu to grasp its full contextual intricacies as the game presupposes you have context.
Evidently this is by design, reminiscent of the Soulsborne formula with its cryptic NPC quest design and tooltip storytelling.
This is not the case for a lot of Asian people as Journey to the West is one of the most popular pieces of fiction there and they do not lack context, unlike me and possibly you.
Huge shoutout to Yugene Lee on Youtube who dissects the game's storytelling and clears up the confusion for all us westerners with her amazing in-depth analysis of its inspiration, obscure hidden meanings and subtext of the game!
If you struggle to comprehend the plot, take a gander at her very informative videos.

Without subjecting you to spoilers, Black Myth Wukong deals with the exploits of the Monkey King Sun Wukong and his pig comrade Zhu Bajie.
The events of the game take place 500 years after the pilgrimage in the great 16th Chinese novel Journey to the West by Wu Cheng'en from which the game draws inspiration from.
Journey to the west is about the Buddhist monk Tang Sanzang whom is tasked by the emperor to travel to India with his entourage of Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie in his quest to bring Buddshist scriptures to China in order to spread the religion.
Presentation is one of Black Myths biggest strengths as you would expect from an Unreal Engine 5 title.
The vistas, motion captured character models, particle effects and Anime cutscenes all look gorgeous.
Wukong and his staff leave trails in the snow and the meditation spots make for a stunning view while they reward you with a talent point.
Each chapter ends in an Anime cutscene and a beautiful artwork scroll with some further annotations by the narrator.
The anime cutscenes usually depict moral and spiritual parables and are interwoven with a wonderful Chinese soundtrack.
In addition, the game features a massive bestiary of the Yaoguais (Yokai equivalent) and Characters in the game while all of the items in inventory are rotationable 3D assets+icons.
The moment you read through the lore journal and each entry is painted on a scroll when you open them is just nothing short of marvellous.
What an effort to provide every single enemy, no matter boss or insignificant pushover, with a backstory...and even make it rhyme.
Absolutely stunning attention to detail that is demonstrated in the game's bestiary, brimming with beautifully painted scrolls and poetry.
All of this as well as the inventory item descriptions, loading screen tips and skill trees is presented fashionably poetic by usage of rhyme schemes.
Absolutely magnificent simian poetry!

Black Myth's gameplay is a synthesis of the Soulslike formula and attack movesets from the spectacle fighter genre like Devil May Cry for instance...alas in a more limited fashion.
You fight your way through somewhat linear levels, open chests and loot materials for crafting.
The materials can be crafted into armour, weaponry and status enhancing medicine.
I did not end up using the medicines though, therefore I can not speak to how powerful they are.

But above all the game loop is a lengthy sequence of fighting well designed bosses; in total it features a staggering 107 (!!!) bosses of which only the frogs and the tigers have recycled reskins as far as I remember.
All these bosses have cool movesets, sometimes downright comedic.
If you like boss rush mode, you will certainly love Black Myth Wukong with its many high quality bosses which can be bested by many different approaches and strategies according to your build...

Unlike in the likes of Elden Ring or Dark Souls, you have a large arsenal of weapons and tricks at your disposal. Fitting, as Sun Wukong is at heart a trickster god.
The great progression system provides three passive skilltrees, three skilltrees relating to the 3 different fighting stances and several others for polymorphic transformations and spells. Additionally, you may summon lots of spirits gained from the vanquished minibosses on your journey.
This enables a multitude of different strategic builds and encourages lots of replayablility.
All of the above culminates in great combat with frenetic combos coupled with magic trickery.

Now in conclusion I would like to mention the bad parts of this otherwise excellent game.
These defects could have been so avoidable and are somewhat silly.
One example would be the incorrect translations in the talent tree causing confusion.
For a spectacle fighter enthusiast like me I found the lack of different combos in the game disappointing.
Most of the time you are just spamming X with the occasional Y charge attack or resolute strike.
At least there are three fighting stances but they only differ in the Y button press.
Now to the biggest negative point of the game: Level design!
We really need to talk about the level design because it cripples a game that is a masterpiece in its own right.
The guys at Game Science accomplished a thoroughly sovereign art direction and cohesive work of art in almost every aspect.
However, the game stumbles on its crippling level design.
It is often times confusing and riddled with invisible walls.
Too many times does an alternate path or slope seem inviting for some hidden loot, only to be annoyed by the crashing into an invisible wall. These immersion breaking barriers occur in every level degrade the quality of the visually appealing paths as it totally contravenes worthwhile exploration and the player's sense of wonder.
Probably, the only truly negative aspect in an otherwise excellent production by Game Science.

"谢谢 - Xièxie" to Game Science for this simian spectacle and deep dive into Chinese mythology and Buddhist philosophy!
Final Verdict
Originally posted by Musashi:

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Posted 1 December, 2024. Last edited 21 December, 2024.
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23 people found this review helpful
8.2 hrs on record
Long Live Originality

Ravenous, ravenous, ravenous devils...!
This is one of those heavily underrated gems of a truly unique game, a top secret recommendation for a game which is so much more worth than the 2 Euros I paid for it!

Game Design

The gameplay loop is a captivating one in this one.
Despite its macabre premise, the gameplay is oddly relaxing as in typical farming game sims.
The player takes control of Pervical and his wife Hildred, who just moved to a new city where they open their new business, with a dark twist that is.

Percival's routine is to take measurements of the customers in his tailor shop, kill them with his scissors, loot their clothes, reuse the fabric to sell clothes and throw the victims though a trapdoor down to Hildred's kitchen.
Hildred in turn slaughters Percivals customers and processes their bodies into ground meat, sausages or steaks. These ultmately make it to the guests stomachs in the pub through a diverse set of dishes you can cook up.
The gameplay loop is further freshened up by a greenhouse you unlock later to cultivate vegetables and other elements.
An example of that would be the restaurateurs showing their passion for sustainability by serving the rat meat hunted by the cat.

This very sinister business methodology is coupled with a thrilling main story and a couple of sub stories of the british residents in the town.
Additionally, the game can be completed easily to 100% making it a smash 'n grab for completionist.

The look, feel, music and voice acting of Ravenous Devils is superb; giving off the impression of a passionate and coherent amalgamation of gory slaughter animations performed by characters who are oozing with personality and charm.
This is a thought provoking criminal premise you should not miss out on!
Endless mode available for running a relaxing cannibal cuisine in perpetuity.
Percival and Hildred embody sustainability in the hospitality business :D

Originally posted by Musashi:

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Posted 12 November, 2024. Last edited 13 November, 2024.
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10 people found this review helpful
8.0 hrs on record (7.0 hrs at review time)
Of Flamenco and Fencing
A short, but very sweet labor of love.
A flamboyant tale reminiscent of Zorro brimming with spanish exclamations, culture and swashbuckling flair coupled with a challenging difficulty in the later chapters.
Sprinkle a bit of flamenco soundtrack and voice actors with Spanish accents onto this fencing mayhem and a game like En Garde is conceived.

If you have enjoyed the fencing seen on Jack Sparrow, Zorro or Puss in Boots; you will certainly love this gem.
The game constantly pits you against hordes of enemies so that you are outnumbered and you have to rely on your environment in order to prevail.
In the same vein, the environment provides you with many objects to stun, surprise and break the posture of your enemies. Some of them are indeed rather humourous like blinding a goon with a bucket on his head. Others tend to be more head on destructive like igniting cannons or cannonball crates for some devastating boom boom.
Let us get down to the nitty gritty, the mechanics of this piece of art.
There are some simple and mostly linear jump and run sections which diversify the captivating gameplay loop a bit. Nothing too impressive, solid nevertheless.
Now the combat. you may ask: Is it good enough to seduce you to revisit this title after finishing the admittedly short story?
I say: ¿En serio? ¡⟩Es una maravilla!
Combine the excellent gameplay with an optional roguelike arena mode (varying difficulty levels) and you can sink a lot more hours into this title than you would need to simply finish the campaign.

Long story short, the mechanics revolve around throwing objects, kicking enemies, a parry and some special so called panache moves.
Different enemy types will be vulnerable to different strategies as not all of them can be parried.
Those that can not be parried, need to be kicked down stairs or "surprised" (debuff) with panache moves such as jumping over a table, colliding with kicked physics based barrels or dodging with proper timing for instance.
This very surprise buffs gives you an opening to get a few hits in.
All enemies are somewhat challenging except for the lackey class type enemy, which can be steamrolled with a fencing flurry.
However, when you are outnumbered even a lackey can be the dooming straw that broke the camels back.

Muchas Gracias for this fiery Spanish Spectacle with truly memorable characters like Adalia de Volador, Zaida or even the self aggrandizing Count Duke.
After all, every passionate fencing tale needs a villanous despot.
Que marravilla!

Originally posted by Musashi:

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Posted 6 October, 2024. Last edited 5 December, 2024.
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3 people found this review helpful
26.8 hrs on record (26.4 hrs at review time)
Dead Games tell no tales
We really need neutral reviews Valve.
First of all, I grabbed this game on a discount for 20 bucks and for that amount it was worth it.

BUT and this is the big contraindication, I would not recommend it for any price higher than that.
It is a live service beast and it comes with all the downsides of that in terms of utterly disrespecting the player's time.
One would think you could expect land based combat after such a long time in development hell but NO....you only play as your ship.

This game would not even hold up if there was any serious triple AAA pirate competition.
But as the market stands there is no pirate game which can threaten it because all pirate games are janky sandboxes à la Sea Dogs and the old Pirates of the Caribbean by Akella Studio...except for Black Flag which is a far superior Pirate game.

There are a few good aspects of Skull and bones and I am gonna start with those.
It is a game with decent graphics and it certainly has atmospheric moments when you are sailing through a storm and fighting mythical beasts or battling elite captains on high sea while other players join in on the swashbuckling fun.
The NPCs are displayed with nice blur optic; even though most of them are pretty lifeless. Yanita was one of the few exceptions.
I acknowledge that they integrated different languages in the NPC dialogues; among them many have some Swahili catchphrases which positively caught me by surprise.
The main game loop is the naval action and it is fun. It has to be after all since it is the bread and butter of gameplay. I just wished the combat had more fog like in blackflag from the cannon powder.
Against wary expectations of Ubisoft's greedy practices when it comes to microtransactions, I can calm you down that there are a lot of cosmetics which can be obtained for free with the silver currency to customise your dream Pirate captain.
Sea Shanties are nice and multilingual even though they are always randomised, THIS could have been handled better like the Radio wheel of the GTA titles.
Ships offer a plethora of customisation options.
Diverse array of different weaponry for your ships and furniture to supplement your weapon, hull or crew strength. This provides a certain depth for team based PVE fighting or PVP battles.

By contrast these mediocre and good points are overshadowed by bugs, horrific design choices and a lackluster endgame.

The NPCs are empty shells of the Pirates they aspire to be.
Gameplay when docking on land is extremely simplistic and all the outposts look the same and have the same structure of having a cache, a bonfire for increased stamina and some messages in a bottle perhaps.
The map would have been wonderful as a parchment styled map but they opted for a map which reeks of Ubisoft UI overload with too many World boss, resource and questing symbols. Horrific design choice. In the same vein, world boss popups break your immersion every chance they get with players asking for assistance.
Treasure maps are not worth the effort as far as I could see even if they are LEGENDARY ONES!
And what is the point of having a cool parchment treasure map when the map points you to the chest anyway?!
The main quests and side quests are all mundane fetch quests mostly coupled with a bit background plot about two pirate Kingpins. Nothing memorable and powered by cringe dialogue cutscenes.
The chat and Social functions are extremely limited.
I hit endgame and a fairly decent ship by the 20 hour mark upon which a pretty mundane endgame awaited me.
The epic sea battles against elite captains and mythical creatures are cool but if you have done them they get old pretty fast.
The end game has two components: building your pirate smuggling empire and doing world bosses and PVP activities for lackluster treasure maps.
After you are satisfied with your ship and captain customisation it just feels like the game is not worth playing anymore unless you play it with friends.
Endgame is simply hell bent on keeping you playing with nasty player retention tactics like the real tedious empire building and grinding secondary currencies for tiny incremental upgrades to your ship.
Not sure if I am gonna play this again....
Buy it for 20 bucks if you have a faible for pirates or stay far away!
Not worth the full price.
The ones thriving Ubisoft seems to be stooping lower and lower in midst of angry share holders and a certain Assassins Creed Yasuke controversy...
Yves Guillemot declaring this the groundbreaking quadruple title is the pinnacle of being delusional!

Originally posted by Musashi:

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Posted 25 September, 2024. Last edited 5 December, 2024.
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4 people found this review helpful
1.3 hrs on record
Absolute marvelous Sekiro Boss Rush clone.

The parries feel good, thrust can be parried and mikiri countered like in sekiro and sweeps are also in the game to counter.

Challenging Souls like boss rush game.
Short but sweet
Posted 22 September, 2024.
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3 people found this review helpful
9.6 hrs on record
Posted 29 August, 2024.
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