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23.0 hrs on record (2.5 hrs at review time)
Jojo part 4 Gold is not crash 10/10

In all seriousness this is my first time playing P4 (not my first Persona game though, first one being P5 and P3FES) so this is definitely going to be a wild ride and a rollercoaster of emotions. Looking forward for the STAN- i mean persona battle in the future.

For now I will say that this game is great. Go check it out!
Posted 13 June, 2020.
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0.0 hrs on record
Looks like i wont be monkeying around with this when smacking demons with it 10 / 10 DLC
Posted 21 February, 2020.
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17.3 hrs on record (4.8 hrs at review time)
You like anime? You like every single trope IN anime? Do you also happen to also like fighting games? Then this is perfect for you. sure its combat mechanics are extremely difficult but trust me it gets easier the more you play it and get down to the basics.

Unfortunately online in this game is practically dead so if your thinking or pulling in some matches then find a local discord or just find friends on the steam who happen to play the game.

If you played blazblue for a while im sorry to say that the english dub for this game is practically absent and well if your use to playing games like these in the ♥♥♥ audio then you'll feel comfortable however if your not use to it then get use to it.

One last thing check the "art book" thats given to you by the game in private. No seriously the stuff you'll see is rather...... how do i put this..... NSFW

8/10 better than cross tag atleast.....
Posted 27 December, 2019.
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110.3 hrs on record (11.8 hrs at review time)
There is no doubt in my mind that THIS is by far the best game of the year (for me personally) without a doubt the best and funnest game in the DMC franchise or maybe the best hack and slash of the decade if were going a bit overboard. The story or campaign is also completely satisfying once you know the lore behind and if this is your first time there is a option in the game where you see the history of the game franchise to fully grasp or understand the plot.(By the way the game doesn't take itself seriously its balls of the wall action nothing more and thats what makes this game fun) . Its combat WHOOO BOY where do i even begin . Combos are once again satisfying to pull off with new weapons and returning ones that all feel different from one another and all are unique in there own right , i mean what other game can you think off where you bash a demon in the face with a friggin motorcycle? 3 playable characters all different from one another you got deadweight who if you played dmc 4 you should feel right at home with new and improved gameplay with his devil busters ( i think there called that i already forgot). you got your edgelord V who its every emo girl or tumblr girls from early 2012 wet dream with different summons who are easy to control and easy SSS combos. Last but not least you got the man himself the Legendary Devil hunter himself back at it again with his style switching ,sword swinging, guns a blazing self, striking his snarky cocky attitude once more who you haven't seen since 2008 for christ sake.

Bottom line this game is worth every penny full price and all and even better if its at a good discount. No doubt that you will enjoy this game even if your new to this series because all of the famous youtubers are covering it or have played it or heard from word of mouth that this game is good. this game will have you experimenting combos on the edge of your seat story and all. I highly recommend this game if your into the cool hack and slash gameplay and all and most importatnly when playing keep it stylish at all times

A good SSS/ 10 most certainly Game of the year (for me at least)
Posted 27 December, 2019.
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38.4 hrs on record (6.2 hrs at review time)
This game is alright at best. Sure for some fans of both blazblue and other fighting fans this can be a bit of a turn off when combos are about as simple as just pressing a button and cool stuff happens. Mechanically its pretty simple but there IS some layer of depth to it in its combos and other mechanics it has going for in its tag system. As for the other series's Think of it like Marvel vs Capcom in a way that instead of two series its Four (or now Seven with the new 2.0 update now on the way) fates that are somewhat niche to some people. As for DLC this game is somewhat notorious for locking nearly Half of the supposed base roster behind DLC which is weird because other companies do that and some get a lot of flank for it but this game does the exact same thing but no one manages to bat an eye ( mostly) . In the end however i think this game is good. A really decent fighter for new players to get into. Newer players will feel comfortable with its simple yet deep mechanics(unless your like me who is new to this simple but deep gameplay who's fresh of the boat of games like UMVC3 and Street Fighter 5) . If your new to playing fighting games pick this one up i recommend it, However if your more of a hardcore or just looking for a fighting game that has a more of a high risk high reward type ( by this i mean games that are hard to master like TEKKEN and stuff) then no your better getting Blazblue Central Fiction when that game is on sale for 10$ USD more bang for your buck.

Lastly pls put in terumi for the love of god......

7.5/10 you really cant escape from crossing fate.........
Posted 30 September, 2019.
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1.2 hrs on record
Got this game for free so there's no complaining now is there...?
Posted 30 September, 2019.
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95.1 hrs on record (12.5 hrs at review time)
As someone who is fairly new to the DMC series and the only game i have played from this series before getting this collection was DMC 4 special edition. However after beating DMC4 and craving for more i had heard good (and bad) things about the DMC hd collection which is self explanatory, all of the first 3 games in one package. Now for starters one again Im fairly new to this series or in this case new to these games so ill try to review each game ad try not to make this too long.

Devil May Cry - the first game in the series of course and for starters this game is going to INSTANTLY make you feel nauseous or dizzy because of how odd the camera is placed and part of the aspects that haven't aged well from this game. At first the game did start of slow and boring but it began to pick up in its stylish action from which its started it all and so it makes for a good or decent depending on how you view it of course.

Devil May Cry 2- I have heard many people say this game was bad and out of curiosity i tried. Boy were they right. This feels like a complete downgrade from the previous and the combat fells boring this time around with slower pacing and well dante doesn't even act like himself in this one. over all this game just feels really boring . To proove it ( not really) i already completed the first level for this game and well wont plan on touching until for some reason i feel like i should again.

Devil May Cry 3 SE - NOW THIS is a good hack and slash. I've heard alot of people saying that dmc 3 is indeed the best dmc game and well i see where there coming from. This game is memorable and part of the reason why i bought this collection in the first place ( dont lie you have too) the game is great and extremely fun to goof around and test out combos ( combos in this game feel extremely satisfying to pull off btw) although this game is pretty difficult i will GUARANTEE that you will die more than once and get the inevidable "Easy Mode is now selectable" option

over all this collection is a tough one to sell there is some good to it although some people experience audio problems other experiece many other technical PC stuff that i know idea about. in the end this collection is great (with the exception of dmc2) and a must buy for diehard or upcoming fans of the series

8/10 Stylish indeed.....
Posted 30 August, 2019.
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39.8 hrs on record (18.3 hrs at review time)
This game is really good once you get used to it and it get even more fun once you play as Dante halfway through. Only two problems though. One would be the repeated levels in the game once you start playing Dante with weird difficulty spikes and Hax. Another would be the really bad keyboard support as there is no specific key in which to press and only shows xbox inputs. Overall this game is great its just there some parts that can get frusturating. Definetly pick it up when on sale and for a quick Hack and slash.

Game 7/10 not perfect but not bad either
Posted 30 June, 2019.
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6.8 hrs on record (0.5 hrs at review time)
This game is disturbing and disgusting

Posted 6 May, 2019.
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15.7 hrs on record (1.1 hrs at review time)
The game was fun and amazing it felt like how a fast paced fighting game should be. However this was after running the game for the first time. However for some odd reason the game refuses to run and crashes upon starting. If anyone has thif problem Please i need help to fix this
Posted 3 May, 2019.
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