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投稿日: 2020年2月3日 19時49分
更新日: 2020年11月25日 14時39分

Almost like a mix of GTA and Skyrim in the Wild West but with a bit more cinematic flair. Only in Chapter 2 but a great game so far.

Edit - 6/30/2020 after having the game for about 5 months.

This may well be the best game I have ever played. The story and voice acting had me more invested and engaged than I have probably ever been with a game. I finished the single player campaign almost two months ago (you can keep playing after finishing the story).

Came back a couple of weeks ago, just intending to mess around in single player, and decided to try Red Dead Online. I'm hooked yet again and so many new things to try and explore as well as random players (good and bad).

I often look at prices of games much like I would a movie for time/enjoyment factor. This is a great example of a game that you are getting your moneys worth and then some. My hour counts are always a bit skewed because I will leave a game running, sometimes for hours, while I'm away, but I have still sunk a ton of time into RDR2.

Try to avoid spoilers to the single player story. I cannot recommend this game enough.

Edit - 11/25/2020

I'm still playing online fairly regularly. They have continued to release new content (some of it's not great but you can't win em all). Great game!
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1 件のコメント
dreamArk Jamz 2020年9月23日 9時20分 
Nice review and a solid endorsement. Thanks. :kiddiamond: