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5.8 hrs on record
This game is short but so worth it. Great story and the controlling of the two brothers, at the same time, is fairly unique. Having to use them together to solve puzzles and challenges was a real treat. Your path is fairly linear and that may be off-putting to some but, because of its short length, it never really gets stale or old.

I highly recommend this game. It packs an emotional wallop.
Posted 19 October, 2018.
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9.9 hrs on record
My son and I have had a blast doing 2 player co-op. Great little side scrolling shooter. Cat theme is aces. The Milk must flow.
Posted 31 December, 2017.
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5.0 hrs on record (2.8 hrs at review time)
Only played a couple of hours and my son and I are having a blast! Game is a bit on the difficult side and the closest game I could compare it to is old school Contra but with amazing art and music.

My son was supposed to be in bed an hour ago (shhh. Don't tell mom!) and I can see us playing this for hours come tomorrow.
Posted 30 September, 2017. Last edited 30 September, 2017.
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3 people found this review helpful
4.2 hrs on record
Great game, great music, and it is almost like an interactive movie. The humor is a bit childish at times but still cute. I almost cried and it certainly put a smile on my face.

Because the game can be beaten in about 4 hours, you may want to try and pick it up on sale but ask yourself this... How much would you spend going to a movie theater for 2 hours of entertainment? $9.99 may not be too of an asking price after all.

A sequel, called "Finding Paradise" and featuring two of the primary characters of this game, is coming later in 2017. If it is anything like this game, I'll be picking it up too.
Posted 24 September, 2017.
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17 people found this review helpful
6.2 hrs on record
I loved the Double Dragon series growing up. Played it in the arcades and on some of the home consoles.

The Steam version is OKAY but marred by control issues. I haven't experienced any game crashes, like some other reviewers have mentioned, even with 2 players.

The game is $5.99, and the lowest it has ever been was $1.49. I cannot recommend the game at the regular price. The developer hasn't updated the game in over two years (at the time of this review), and it has a number of issues that should be addressed.

If you can snatch it up for $1.49? It might be worth your time, but even at that price, you can find a better game.
Posted 23 September, 2017. Last edited 8 January.
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2 people found this review helpful
5.0 hrs on record
Great little survival management game but try to buy it on sale. Closest thing I can think to compare might be Fallout Shelter, which is free, but this is significantly more complex.
Posted 28 August, 2017. Last edited 23 September, 2017.
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3.6 hrs on record (3.5 hrs at review time)
If you are one of the few people who never has tried portal, you need to. Then go play Portal 2. This game will surprise you with it's story, depth, challenge, and fun.
Posted 28 August, 2017.
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1 person found this review helpful
9.9 hrs on record
Simple but fun puzzle game.

I came, I saw, I collected the achievements for my profile.
Posted 28 August, 2017.
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32.6 hrs on record
I really enjoyed this game having grown up in the Atari and NES era. The game is long and can be a grind at times but, for an old school RPG, this makes a great start in the FF series.
Posted 28 August, 2017.
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2 people found this review helpful
8.5 hrs on record
Great little tower defense game. Cute story.
Posted 28 August, 2017.
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