comp9 30 Oct, 2013 @ 1:21pm 
I loved your post about renaming the game Dark Matter: Where'd My Money Go? It cracked me up!
Archlion 24 Jul, 2013 @ 10:00pm 
Hey, are you interested in a Payday 2 Beta gift for 3 TF2 keys?
FeltHλt Trade Banned 24 Jul, 2013 @ 9:41pm 
Nice and trustworthy trader! :) +rep
dog eater 420 17 Jul, 2013 @ 2:54pm 
Would you like to be an Anime Charater? How about a charater from your favorite Comic Book? Well now you can! With our new LoS Model Pack made by LoS Owner Tate, There are over 40+ diffrent models you can choose from, when its from the "Resident Evil" Model's to the "Star Wars" Models and even "Steve" from Minecraft! There are tons to choose from, come check them out @ and @ . Hope you enjoy them, Props to Tate.
dog eater 420 21 Jun, 2013 @ 6:01pm 
LoS is opening an official Counter strike source league team. Click here for more information
dog eater 420 13 Jun, 2013 @ 9:58am 
If you have the INVALID STEAM ID TICKET ERROR, Please look at this thread , It may fix it for you.
dog eater 420 21 May, 2013 @ 2:16pm 
Are you a big fan of Zombie movies? Love Resident Evil? Then look no further, LoS now has it own RESIDENT EVIL MOD SERVER for Zombie Panic Source!, IP @ , Not only did we release this new server, but we can also use our FREE LOS CUSTOM RESIDENT EVIL MOD MODELS/SKINS for all players! Hope to see you there having fun and make sure to thank Tate for this amazing new release!
dog eater 420 5 May, 2013 @ 1:48pm 
Hey you!, Yes you, when was the last time you visted our LoS Community Forum?, Well if you haven't, Than check it out right NOW! @ , There is wonderful and major updates to the forums that will make you go crazy!, Props to Tate and SylerX for making this big changes!
Skullmonkey 4 May, 2013 @ 3:26pm 
+Rep went first with keys and all worked out so trustworthy and reliable trader!
dog eater 420 22 Mar, 2013 @ 9:11pm 
Tomorrow, We will be having our LoS Meeting at around 4:00PM **CENTRAL TIME**, It will be hosted on our Ventrillo Server, Make sure you be there, If you do not have Ventrillo please follow Tate's Step by Step Fourm Tut on how to set up Ventrillo and how to join our LoS Vent Server , Hope to see you tomorrow. - Cookie
dog eater 420 17 Mar, 2013 @ 11:07am 
Check out our Newest LoS server Release 24/7 Deathrun made by Tate!, IP: Hope to see you here and having fun, Remember make sure you add this server to your favs!
deadlyunknown.流萤 17 Feb, 2013 @ 5:41am 
Oh, sorry dude, already sold out The Ship few months ago, sorry...
Colonel 25 May, 2012 @ 8:47am 
You stupid troll.
You Murdering capitalist scum.
Bossjonas 9 Aug, 2010 @ 2:41pm 
be cool
Bossjonas 9 Aug, 2010 @ 2:41pm 