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312.4 hrs on record (31.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
challenging, but not unfair. Good feel of progress without giving you everything too quickly, and still doesnt feel like a menu or crafting hell style game.
Great Atmosphere and you can feel alone and surrounded at times in the dark of night and during thick fogs....the storms and weather add a good sense of forboading as well.
Posted 14 December, 2021.
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33.2 hrs on record (5.2 hrs at review time)
Its like Stalker but in VR. The controls can be finicky, and trying to climb that friggin crane is a pain and a half.
But its pretty fun, and has got all the important elements to keep you wanting more.

I love wondering the waste, shooting monsters, and then camping out somewhere.
Posted 17 October, 2020.
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1,802.9 hrs on record (820.8 hrs at review time)
A great game, thats not for everyone. It can be very complex and sometimes you'll feel like you need to take a class just to learn the controls.

over 900 hours later and i am still learning and looking up controls for various little options inside vehicals and drones.

But if you like realistic military, this is as realistic as they come.
Posted 29 June, 2019.
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0.3 hrs on record
Important Note: If your looking for a game or something with puzzles, this is not that sort of game.
Its more of a VR movie.

Still its rather great, and good for showing your freinds or family and letting them get some experience with VR.
The characters are a little campy, but in a very endearing way.
While it was not what i was expacting, i still enjoyed the experience.
Posted 10 October, 2018.
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118.4 hrs on record (95.3 hrs at review time)
I have been following The forest for a couple years now.

At first it seemed like a fun little game that had simpler mecahines and better visuals and menus than other survival crafting games. Honestly you could have seen it and maybe missed it at first.

But now with constant updates, added VR support, multiplayer, bug fixes, story, AI improvements, and just so much more with each update, i can honestly say it is my all time favorite game.

No other game surprised me with how the AI acts. Not just in combat, but how they react to you. Not always attacking, but often times trying to scare you away or intimidate you.
Exploring caves, the developers didnt make the same mistakes some other games have done. Things are actually dark! Not like fallout or skyrim where every dungeon and cave is so brightly lit with fires, glowing mushrooms, and shafts of light from every hole, that it defeats the purpose of having a torch at all in the game.

No here you will need your light, and you will learn to both love, and fear it. This game started off from the begining knowing exactly what it wanted to do, and acomplished its goal excellently.

There are no crowded menu hells like other crafting games. The enemies are both tough, scary, but fair.
And if you dont want to waste time custom building every cabin or wall or if you are just uncreative like myself, there are prefabs so you can just build what you want right away.

You can live in the trees like the ewoks, or out on a floating house, or make a fortress of logs and traps clear cutting the whole forest away.

This game is one of the few games that maintain its scary, creepy, and fear of the unknown, sort of atmostphere even in multiplayer.

This is a game thats well worth the $60 price tag that many triple A games have, but offers so much more than any triple A game you will ever find.

It knows how to add mechanines while keeping things simple and stright forward, both in combat, crafting, using weapons and traps, and best of all, in how to tell its story.

Most of the story is told through silent visual style, where as you explore and adventure, you can see the results of your actions, and the actions of the natives, as well as mysterious other parties.

This is a game, that will not disapoint you, and keep you coming back for more as they update, and improve the game.

Posted 22 June, 2018.
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17.2 hrs on record (0.9 hrs at review time)
When i first placed this game it filled with with some good scare moments.

Sure there is jump scares. But the setting is very well done, you feel closed in. You feel the monsters closing in on you...the sence of danger is always there.
Eventually you learn to overcome your fears, and focus on doing what you need to do to kill each monster.

The game doesnt really change...just you do. You learn to handle it better as it progresses.

The map is a little confusing but a lovely addition.

They do take it out of the later games sadly. But the Menus are well done, and dont break the gameplay hardly.

There are plenty of hours of gameplay in this game, and you wont regret getting it. Stomping bodies for good fun, making a big bloody mess.

Though if your looking for a good horror game you can do better. This is more just 'scary' rated rather then actual horror.

The story is interesting and good if you ever get into it. There are movies and comics and games you game look into to learn more about the before and after.

In the end its a solid GOOD game. And after buying it you WILL be playing it for a long while.
Posted 14 June, 2014.
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21.7 hrs on record (19.0 hrs at review time)
Dead island.
Its a decent game. Certantly not a bad game.

But it wasnt what i expected when i first started playing it. Yes i admit it. i got caught up in the hype. But theres more to it then that...i was expecting a zombie survial sort of game.
This plays out more like an RPG grinder then anything else.

The HUD slowly grows bigger as time goes on...it wasnt that noticable at first, but soon little notes, hints, objetive lists, marking icons, crafting ideas.

And it gets worse... little numbers and hit points pop up with every hit...everyone has a health par hovering over thier head PLUS a level number.

Everything levels up with you, which has mixed results...you'll often feel like your not improveing until you start to back track.
You get stuck with the same level of difficulty through out the game.

Everything has a thousand and one stats....attack....defence...stamina....
Its like a digital RPG game. dungons and dragons style!

And the worst part is?

The graphics are great. Truely they are. The sights are often lovely to look at and explore.

But you dont really get to ENJOY any of it or really SEE it. At the game and a thousand and one messages, numbers and more all jump and crowd the screen for your attention!

It has the potential to be a really good game. Even Immersive! And the co-op is great fun too with some good freinds!

But you end up fighting the maze of terrible menu options, crafting lists, thousands of items that are only 2 points better then the last one....
Its a big PRG style questing and grinding game!
The classic, go get this flower. OR pick up this item and return it. Escort the NPC. The quests are all so incredibly genaric...

The ONLY creative thing about this game was the SETTING.

Its not a zomie survival...its a NUMBERS game.

Personally i wish i had gotten it cheeper then i did.

It was an OK game. But it was a real let down.

Its more of a shame then anything else.

Which makes it hard to decide if i should recommend this game or not. It was an ok game, but as i said there were many issues and huge let downs through out its length.

In the end the menus and PRG style elements are chucky enough for me to say "ITS NOT WORTH IT."

Posted 14 June, 2014.
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57.9 hrs on record (51.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This is a fun game. And they keep adding more and more to it.

I would say it needs to be careful how much more they add or it might end up with the Minecraft problem. Those who played Minecraft will know what i mean. All those updates? now you have so much to craft and make. Its starting to take the creativity out of it, taking the improv...taking the problem solving out now that they added every little thing to make it easier.

So far its still a good game though!

You'll spend hours building a special prison, carefully working out how to make it so theres no chance of escape. Organizing it so if there are riots you can block them off easily...keeping them all away from your armory and offices so they dont kill your warden in a riot.

You will enjoy yourself as you build your own castle like prison from which there is no escape... Its very challenging as well. As is running a real prison.
But it allows you to have fun with your mistakes and still play as if nothing happened. Thankfully.

So if all your prisoners run off out the front door you can just put the door back up and start back again with the prison you have.

Do i recommend this game? Yes!

Posted 21 March, 2014.
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66.2 hrs on record (16.0 hrs at review time)
You PLayed Metro 2033. But how is this game any different?

Well to be honest? Its not all that different...same tunnels and dark areas...
While you do get the chance to explore and see more of the surfice world, this game really only adds things that would have helped stream lined the first one.

But if you enjoyed the first one you will enjoy this too. Its back...darker then ever...more dangerous then ever...

If only they would leave you alone in the tunnels more often? Rather then pinning a NPC with you majjority of the time.

Still i didnt regret this game. i enjoyed the well done lighting affects, and exploreing those dark old tunnels and buildings.

you also get a few little new toys to use in doing so.

Do i recommend this game? Yes.

Its like the first one, but better. More like an expansion then a whole new game though.

Posted 21 March, 2014.
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128.0 hrs on record (79.6 hrs at review time)
This is it!
You can stop browsing now. No really...look at this game.

Its got a whole lot of animals...and you can hunt them with rocket launchers...or flamethrowers...

Maybe you wanna take down a shark with a knife like a real man? Go for it...

Theres plenty of ruins and small towns to explore, you'll have hours of fun watching your prey from the bushes and planning out your next attack.

You'll get to run in ang gun them all down, blow things up, or silenty kill every man in there with our even firing a shot....

Gameplay wise this is a great FRP. Almost like Hitman set in a island paradise!

Story wise it does great for the first half of the game. About half way through though your suddenly tasked with killing another main boss dude that your not even familar with...

You kill the main evil guy half way through the game! And hes one of those cool villians as well!

But then whos this other dude? they all seem to think you want to kill him too but WHY? He never did anything to me... Vas Was the one who kidnapped you and killed your brother.

But other then that, which i see as the biggest glaring issue, its still a good game.

You will have fun wasting hours on it goofing around and you wont even have scratched the surfice.

I DO recommend this game.

Buy it. Play it. Enjoy it.
Posted 21 March, 2014.
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