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39.4 hrs on record
Ever thought you'd play poker and like it?
Posted 30 November, 2024.
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58.2 hrs on record (0.1 hrs at review time)
Are you actually...
Game forces Epic Games Online Services to install on your PC.
This is on STEAM, not EPIC, get that ♥♥♥♥ epic outta here

........../....//............................................\\ ..\
.././.. /..../..../. |_...EPIC STORE....|..\....\....\...\.\
(.(....(....(..../.) ..)...........................(...(.\....).....)...).)
Posted 24 April, 2024.
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6 people found this review helpful
26.2 hrs on record (17.6 hrs at review time)
Eternights is an amazing Apocalypse world with Action-packed Hack and Slash along with Dating Simulator elements, and believe me, the first time i read that i was as confused as you. "An HACK AND SLASH with DATING SIMULATOR elements? What did i just read?" was what i thought, but it seriously is a lot more than that, it is a story driven game that really brings an awesome story.

Game World - 10/10
The game world is fantastic, it is set during an apocalypse scenario in which Gods are fighting each other to take control of the world and change it forever. The "Zombie" threat is managed in a very good way, and the amount of enemies is just right. I really love the atmosphere it brings upon you, the one that makes you feel like you're the only ones left alive in a world where every single wrong choice can bring you to your demise.

Story - 10/10
Really guys, Studio Sai went all out on their debut game. Eternights has a story that is very well written, it suits the world it is set in perfectly. Needless to say, the game is driven by story, so those of you that do not like sitting through dialogues to understand what is happening might have an hard time understanding it. I also sometimes get bored when having to sit through long dialogues, but man oh man Eternights really made me sit through all of them and made me have a lot of fun doing so.

Characters - 10/10
The characters are all amazing, they have their own personalities and characteristics and are very fun to be with (Min best girl btw). Their story is managed in a pretty good way, allowing the players to get a grasp of what these characters went through until now, and it will be the MC's job to make them feel safe. All of the confidants are (as i said already) very fun to spend the time with, and as you progress through their dates you really get to know them better and better. I hope we one day get a DLC or an Update with content related to the post-apocalyptic part of this game, as expanding the content related tho these characters would be awesome (I need more Min please and thank you XD)

BGM and Sounds - 9/10
The BGMs... I'm no expert but brother, they were awesome. Each and every one of the BGMs really brought to life the area they are put in, the eerie ones especially brought the creepiness of exploring the once bustling cities that are now deprived of life. Sounds were pretty good, probably can be polished a little more to bring them to perfection, but i still liked them.

Combat - 8/10
I'm not that much of an Hack and Slash fan, but i liked the combat system in this game. I really enjoyed mixing up the skills, powers and spells with the combos during the fights, and i think expanding on the combos that you can do with the Sword and the Greatsword might help in bringing an even better fighting system to the players.

Bugs and other Problems - 8/10
I haven't encountered any major bugs during gameplay, and only encountered really small ones (Such as colliding with invisible walls on vines that are on the ground in ACT 5, while those vines are probably smaller than a centimeter.).
The game crashed only 1 time for the entirety of my first playthrough that lasted around 16 hours (I took my sweet time, i know), so i think that is not that much of a problem.
Keybinds cannot be changed unfortunately, and i think they should be. I had to use ICUE to change the keybinds for now, but adding the ability to change keybinds in the feature might be a good idea.
Final cutscene is hidden behind a QR Code that you have to scan to watch. I think it is a fun idea, but i also see a lot of problems coming from it (people with no internet, or those that have no way of scanning it will find it extremely annoying), so i suggest adding the cutscenes into the game directly, into an extras menu or maybe by letting us click the QR code to watch the cutscene from within the game.

Final Vote - 9/10
Studio Sai really did a good job with this. I'm gonna keep an eye on them for their next releases and hope that we can be blessed with new games as good as this one. Overall, Eternights really is a good game and even those who don't really like Dating Simulator games might enjoy this, so i really recommend it to everyone who wants to try getting into this genre or that just likes the Hack and Slash fighting style. Also, i really recommend reading all the dialogues and not skipping any, the story really deserves to be read and the dialogues bring out the personality of the characters perfectly.
Posted 23 September, 2023. Last edited 23 September, 2023.
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3 people found this review helpful
1.1 hrs on record
Been gifted the game and decided to give the money back to my friend who gifted it to me. It is not worth neither the money or the time currently in this state. Game is extremely badly optimized and doesn't really have a tutorial, as you gotta learn everything through the manual either while playing (which is extremely bothering to do) or while in the main menu. I didn't play enough to make an overly accurate review, but I sadly gotta say that this is not recommended at all. The game looks rushed and should probably be polished a lot more before an actual release. Also, why did the concept of the game become an Among-us type of gameplay where there are tasks to do leave a map instead of the old concept in which you had to gather key items to proceed to the next area and leave? Anyway, the friend who gifted this to me actually bought it for 4 of us to play all together, but we didn't last any longer than an hour each... Even the guy with a 4080 wasn't running the game smoothly.
Posted 14 September, 2023.
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3 people found this review helpful
174.9 hrs on record (99.3 hrs at review time)
After finishing the game at all difficulties (Including Hardcore), and exploring the game world multiple times i can finally say that i am truly happy i was gifted this game. I really liked the prequel and i was really surprised when i was told the sequel was about to be released. I have explored every single world multiple times to try and get whatever i needed to make my builds perfect, to unlock every archetype and sometimes i even just went around the worlds to kill enemies and further explore things that i may have not found yet due to the RNG nature of the game with the worlds. I can't wait for the release of the DLCs, hopefully they will add more archetypes to discover and new weapons to use!
I totally recommend this game to everyone that likes the genre, and even those who never tried it as it is a pretty cool and fun starting point for Souls-like games in my opinion!
Posted 19 August, 2023.
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110.0 hrs on record (4.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Since now i got some hours and i also made a guide for the game thanks to the experience i had with this game, I can now remake this review. For all of those who were looking for an alternative to Phasmophobia, you're in the right place. Forewarned does it's job extremely well and delivers a feeling of fear while exploring a tomb even to the most experienced players. Since every Mejai is different, you always have to adapt to that Mejai, or else you'll find yourself caught in seconds. As the devs are adding more features and fixing bugs along the way, the game's getting more and more interesting as time goes on. I totally recommend it if you have friends to play with, but can be fun even when played Solo.
Posted 11 September, 2021. Last edited 28 November, 2021.
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101.4 hrs on record (90.0 hrs at review time)
I was forever looking for a game like this, it is pretty enjoyable for at least 100 hours or so, but after you've unlocked almost everything, it gets boring really fast. I still enjoy to play it sometimes with my friends though.
If you have friends to play it with, then i highly recommend it.
Posted 25 November, 2020.
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12 people found this review helpful
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1.2 hrs on record
After like 1 hour and 15 minutes of gameplay, which of at least 45-50 minutes were lost by looking for a PLAYABLE server to have fun online with a friend, we finally found a server we could play WITHOUT downloading any mod or having the Livonia DLC or however the name of that thing is. "Lets give this game another chance" i told my friend. We joined an OFFICIAL server, and... even if it wasn't FULL or even HIGH in number of players, we had to wait over 60 Places in a QUEUE to join it, in which we lost even 10 more minutes to only leave right after. We then thought about going for a community server. We found a random server with almost no players. We join and we can do nothing else than picking up items, WE COULD NOT EVEN USE OUR INVENTORY. We leave and try the other one we found, right after 10 minutes of searching for each other, we finally TRIED the game................ only to uninstall right after. Basically, i do not recommend any of you to buy this game, just try the game now with the free trial and right after it don't even think about buying it. It IS a waste of both TIME and MONEY.
Posted 14 February, 2020.
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1.1 hrs on record
I wanted to try this game along with a friend after 2.5k hours of Dead by Daylight. I knew the game existed thanks to famous youtubers such as Monto. I expected it to be a good game to switch to whenever you got bored on Dead by Daylight, but to be honest, it is really bad. I liked the fact that you are able to go against the fiend and kill it, instead of only stopping him from catching you, but after checking out all the fiends, and checked out all the survivors and their abilities, its a really unbalanced game. Basically, if you want to win easily, place traps down, use the strangler and hit the survivors with the chain attack, then release them on the traps for an easy kill. Yeah, basically it is unbalanced... but most importantly, it is not a FUN GAME.

Source: Personal Opinion, you should really try the game yourself to be sure you'll like it or not. I suggest buying it and trying it. If you don't like it, just get the refund (Remember to play less than 120 minutes if you want to ask for it.)
Posted 21 January, 2020.
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231.3 hrs on record (42.9 hrs at review time)
One of the best (if not THE best) Tower Defense games ever released. Ninja Kiwi surely has made a great work with it. I'm enjoying playing it almost everyday.

Edit: The game keeps improving over time and has now got all the towers from BTD5 except for one, which is probably never gonna be added, but let me dream ok? I hope one day we'll get the Bloonchipper in BTD6.
Posted 6 July, 2019. Last edited 2 January, 2021.
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