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32 Hours played
I've been playing Overwatch since the beta of Overwatch 1 in 2016. This is the most mismanaged IP that I have ever been a part of. This game had and still has a lot of potential but the devs or the suits that control the devs have turned this into a complete cash grab microtransaction ♥♥♥♥ show. I never would have gotten into this game in the state that it is in now and it saddens me that the younger gaming community accepts this sort of thing as normal now.

Signing into overwatch on steam is more complicated than just using the Bnet launcher. I had to download this game a 2nd time so it now resides on my harddrive twice. That will be remedied soon.

The PvE isn't worth the price tag.

Play this game enough and you'll likely see your account suspended temporarily just from toxic teammates that get frustrated they lost while an automated report system never has anyone real checking it.

The quality of this player base has gone drastically down hill since this game became free to play too. Gone are the days of strategy with team comps, and playing objectives. Now your tank will lose patience and just yeet themselves forward after a won fight going into the enemy spawn only to die while the rest of your team is left to defend the objective without your singular tank because Blizzard thought having a 5v5 was better than a 6v6 with 2 tanks.

The battlepass system will make you yearn for the day of loot boxes. thats saying something but albeit true.

When you bought Overwatch the original the entire cast of heros was available from the second you got the game. So when I saw on steam you had to buy the heros to unlock them that just seems ridiculous. That used to be just part of the game. So much for free to play?

In a game thats so heavily focused on team play, coordination, communication etc how have they never built a guild/clan function into this game by now?

They the devs still don't seem to know what they're doing with Symmetra.

The change to showcasing your rank has gone backwards. You used to just see a flat number change after every game. Now you could go 5-2 and not get a promotion and just be left wondering why? You could ask the community and be given every theory craft imaginable but the truth is noone will know. In Overwatch 1 you would of known exactly where you stood to the singular number. This change was made to get people out of their heads for playing ranked. Yikes.

Frankly the only good things that came from OW2 is the ping system and the scoreboard during a game. Give me those 2 things with the Overwatch 1 game (the new heros are fine too) and frankly i'd just be playing that over this.
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LTZ*` 19 Nov, 2016 @ 11:52am 
Vigrond 8 May, 2014 @ 7:24pm 
You've been attacked by the "Fail Whale"! Send him to attack 10 other people or you are a fail! Once you have the "Fail Whale" attack your 10 people post the whale on your page
Vigrond 29 Apr, 2013 @ 8:53pm 
you suck, just terrible, go homes, takes a shower and wash the sucks off you
LTZ*` 17 Jan, 2013 @ 4:10am 
I fell asleep D: I just woke up!
Burs*` 23 Sep, 2011 @ 3:31pm 
mw3? You plan on getting it?
Voodoo 5 Nov, 2010 @ 10:41am 
yo you working right now?