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806.1 hrs on record (63.7 hrs at review time)
My personal experience and impression so far

In the meantime, I am playing via GeForce now so that I can have higher graphics quality AND do recordings.
I'm also in Act 2.
What I wrote here remains true for me (it's getting better and better if anything), but I may have to overhaul the whole review at a point.

The following certainly has influenced my experience;
I played BG1, BG2, IWD, PS:T and NWN1 with expansions all within the last year, so the memory is relatively fresh. All I knew about D&D 5E is from Idle Champions, in the meantime, I learned a few things.
While some say it is not recommended, I am doing my first playthrough with the Dark Urge background and the intent to resist as hard as I can. With this background, you not only have some dark force inside you, but also wake up in your pod covered with blood, remembering nothing but your name. For me, this intensifies the experience.

Old player confusion...
I was utterly confused with the spell system at first (I perfectly understand prepared spells and spell slots, but I still confused this at the beginning and then wondered why I couldn't cast anymore...).
Same with the controls... the latter I resolved by adjusting the key bindings a bit (I automatically hit spacebar when I have to think about my next move, Q or G when something dangerious may be ahead and...)

Technical issues
I also had technical problems, because I am playing on a low end laptop. If you consider buying, keep in mind that BG3 is resource-heavy. There are workarounds for older machines, there are useful guides, got tips from friends and made a video about how to be able to play with the graphics still looking nice and without too much lag.

Be open
The biggest mistake you can make is comparing BG3 to any other game or expect it to be the same experience as any other game.
It's a different game, with a different ruleset, with different combat mechanics, and comparisons only will ruin your experience.
Best approach it with an open mind.

Graphics, effects, sounds, music, atmosphere...
Just love the graphics, it is all so detailed, and in my opinion they did a great job with the facial expressions in cutscenes, how they change. (It may lead to your character looking totally different, but so be it.)
The music, the atmosphere...
Spells and spell effects also are nice. Personally, I like how spells are cast by saying what they are supposed to do in Latin and a lot of gesturing.


There are very dark moments (for the background I chose, at least), then again some more light-hearted „normal“ adventuring, where you can explore the beautiful landscape, grab everything that isn't nailed down, go treasure-hunting and/or enter a dungeon.

An eye for details may pay off
It may be only me, but from the beginning, I saw reminders of other games all over the place. The way how something is described, some specific phrases, even had one or the other WTF-Wrong Game?-moments. It's in the details.
There definitely ARE references to BG1 and 2. You can find books which mention characters and events from these games. There also are tiny little details you will only notice when you either played the old games or know a lot about D&D lore, including the Faerûnian pantheon and the history of the game world(s).

Dice rolls all over the place
Maybe they overdid it with the skill checks. The RNGod rules here. Can be annoying or frustrating at times, when the dice decide a bit too much.
On the other hand, these can lead to funny situations which give a certain tabletop feel. When you fail at what you are best at, but succeed at what you are worst at. Or when the Wizard without Perception bonus detects a trap first. Made me laugh a couple times.

There also are some philosophical moments. If you explore everything carefully, interact with everything, talk to everyone and everything and read all the books, not only does it show that the designers knew their lore, it also may raise a few questions if you think about it.
You even can encounter an NPC early on who asks you a philosophical question.
Had a very emotional moment here (also because... my poor character... almost picked the second option) SPOILER WARNING:


Play the way you want to
You can play this game for the combat part (which can be fun) or for the story or for both.
I found thorough exploration and having an eye for details most rewarding.
As for combat, can be fun. There are so many different things you can do and try.


Thinking outside the box
It appears that you can confuse the AI a bit by doing something unexpected. I was able to beat a group of enenmies of at least level 3 and larger than my level 2 group without a fighter in my team. I am playing only on Balanced, but still... was fun.


I am still very early in the game and don't know what is yet to come, I still may end up disappointed or find myself unable to win a battle or otherwise get stuck or frustrated. I certainly hope not.

As I only have seen a small fraction of the game and, as I already said, the experience is a personal one, this recommendation is to be taken with a grain of salt.
Posted 14 September, 2023. Last edited 28 June, 2024.
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19.8 hrs on record (16.5 hrs at review time)
This game definitely is not for everyone. Some may question whether this is a game at all. There is no combat, not much to actually DO, but I wouldn't call it a Walking Sim either. There is no story (not in the usual sense), there is no real ending or beginning...

If you are into philosophy and spirituality, then this game is a must have. Some of the thoughts you can collect are worth considering, may make you question your own thoughts, ideas and beliefs.
There are audio files with outtakes of old recordings from speeches of Alan Watts. If you don't know who Allen Watts was, I recommend you google him. Just be known that he was heavily influenced by Eastern philosophies.

This game is about experiencing rather than doing. About thinking and clearing your mind. You can't really simulate a spiritual experience in a game, but... this game tries. At one point you have to learn how to "clear your mind" and get rid of your thoughts to progress, end the tutorial and start the main game. Basically what people try to accomplish with meditation. Music and sound is calm, sometimes reminds of typical meditation music, sometimes more of a calm SF scenario.
There are worlds within worlds within worlds to discover and explore. As Everything. As Nothing. As an atom, a virus, a dirt particle, a fence, a cow, a planet... you can "become" anything, everything or nothing.
For me, personally, playing this has a calming effect, and some of the "thoughts" were a reminder to reflect my own beliefs, how I am living my daily life and that stuff.

If you think all the above mentioned is humbug and/or esoterical mumbo-jumbo, you may get bored while playing this game. As there isn't much to actually DO.
You still MAY like it if you sometimes enjoy something relaxing.

As for technical aspects, had no trouble running the game on my laptop (Acer laptop, nearly 4 years old, with i7 processor, 8 GB RAM, older NVDIA graphics card, old SSD) while having an idle game plus some other stuff running in the background. Experienced a couple crashes lately, but only since my hard drive is a bit too full. Had some frame rate drops in one particular type of world, but as there is an achievement for what happens when the frame rate drops and it is still possible to discover Everything... so not much of an issue.

Recommended to people who want a different game experience, who enjoy something relaxing and/or who are at least open to philosophy and spirituality.
Posted 20 August, 2023. Last edited 20 August, 2023.
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1.9 hrs on record (0.8 hrs at review time)
This must be the most philosophical walking sim ever. With the most fourth-wall-breaks ever put into a single scenario.

It's crazy, weird, makes you *headdesk* and... it is sooooo much fun.

While the story itself is extremely short (the game can be "beaten" in minutes), there is so much to try and discover, I am pretty sure I only saw a fraction so far.

The achievements also are... WTF? Don't wanna spoil the surprise.

You'll play through the same scenario over and over. But it will be different every time. You can go left instead of right just to see what happens.

Not recommended if you want action, a normal game, a lot of interaction with objects or even NPCs or anything in that direction. You just walk, press a button from time to time and listen to what the narrator tells you. That's it. You walk. You look at things. You listen, and maybe sometimes press a button.

Sooooo worth it.
Posted 2 July, 2023.
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2.6 hrs on record (1.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Not sure what I expected.

This is an action game as its simplest. You run and fight enemies in one huge room with more and more enemies coming until you die. Then you try again. You solve "quests" which unlock new characters and skills and collect gold with which you can buy permanent boni to you skills.

And that's about it. Run and fight, run and fight some more, die. It also is as far as roleplaying goes: you choose your character/class (only one the first time), level up and choose skills. There is no story here, no NPC interaction, nothing like that. Not at the beginning (maybe it will be unlocked later, I haven't made it very far yet, lol...)

The combat itself, the background music, the graphics and the enemies do have a certain Diablo 1 feel, but that's about where the similarity ends. This here is pure action.

I am not into just action, fast reaction and strategy stuff so much, and I am not good at it. But to my surprise, I found this game fun and addicting. Grindy, yes. Unless you are really good at choosing the perfect skill progression and hit-and-run tactics. And skilled with your mouse, keyboard, controller, touch pad or what ever it is you are unsing. But I'd bet even then you will die a lot.

Is there even an ending? Can you somehow "beat" or "win" this game? Or is it fighting your way through the same room over and over and over? Will something happen when you manage to survive for 30 minutes straight? I have no idea yet. Hopefully, one day, I will find out.

Normally I wouldn't review that early, but what I have seen so far I enjoy, so... yeah, I'd recommend it. Especially when I consider the price (and the fact that there is a chance that there will be upgrades in the future).
Posted 2 July, 2023.
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5.7 hrs on record
This game is cute and made with love, a must for cat lovers.

For everyone else it is a short, relaxing puzzle game. As it is relatively cheap, you may consider it if you are looking for something you can play to relax and/or in-between your daily tasks.

If you are interested in astrology, you can learn about the zodiac signs, their symbols and assigned star constellations here and also what the zodiac sign of your cat says about their purrsonality .
You do not have to believe in this stuff to enjoy the game (but you better stay away when you consider astrology to be blasphemous and the mere mentioning of it makes you feel offended).
Posted 2 July, 2023.
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96 people found this review helpful
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44.1 hrs on record (40.0 hrs at review time)
Interesting mix of point-and-click adventure, interactive book and RPG.

Unlike as in pure RPGs, there are no stats and levels here and also no dice rolls. But you get to choose a background for your character and can make decisions during dialog. Whether you succeed in an action or persuasion of an NPC solely depends on choices you have made earlier.
Like in an adventure, time does not pass continually, but some actions and dialogs advance time a few hours while others don't. NPCs and objects you can interact with are marked so that there is no pixel-hunting.
While you explore, investigate and interact, the story unfolds. Sometimes you don't know what will change later because of a seemingly unimportant choice you made.

Some of your actions will make you wonder later whether you made the right choice or if there even WAS a something like the right choice. While the story unfolds, you may begin to question a few things. About life, morals, action and consequence. Yes, this game has its philosophical moments.

The graphics are in the style of an old manuscript which gives you the feeling that you are inside one of the last hand-written, hand-painted books.
There is no voice-acting, but the ambient sounds and music are fitting for the era and surroundings and add to the atmophere.

To see everything, you will have to play the game several times, including to learn more about the people you meet, their personal problems, motivations and beliefs.
In my opinions, the characters are believable. They are how people may have been in the 16th century, all with their own, personal motivations.

If you like reading historical novels like Name of the Rose or Pillars of the Earth, this game is a must. Same if you like it when your in-game choices have consequences, how big or small they may be.

There are quite a few "mini games" in the game, but to progress and see the end, you don't have to beat them all (unless you want 100% achievements). Most of them are short and not too hard anyway.

There is a LOT to read in this game. Even more if you click on underlined words which will lead you to a glossary with additional information. You don't have to, of course, but this adds educational value to the game.

If you are more into combat action and tend to skip dialog, this game probably is not for you.

If it bothers you when Christianity is a theme and people are referring to God, the Almighty or The Lord all the time, then keep in mind that we are in the 16th century and this is how people acted. A historical setting may not be for you then.
You still may find moments where you can agree with ideas which monks or priests surely would have called blashpemous (like Luther's ideas or even ancient Pagan traditions).
Or, if blasphemy bothers you, you can call characters off for blasphemy or swearing. Or stay neutral and just tell them that this may be dangerous.

While the best book I've ever played still is another one, this is the best historical illustrated manuscript I've played.
Posted 7 June, 2023. Last edited 7 June, 2023.
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0.6 hrs on record (0.6 hrs at review time)
Good ole fast-paced Memory game, but with a twist: there are several game modes, and as you progress, it becomes harder and harder. Cat-themed. Good training for reflexes and brain cells, and suprisingly fun.

The cat drawings and descriptions as well as the background music are so funny that it is hard not to smile or even laugh. Makes it near impossible to stay in a bad mood.

Also, the easiest 100% I have seen so far, as you don't even have to make actual game progress to "collect" the cats.

Suitable for all age groups, from kid to senior.

If you need a breakfiller or want to train you memory and reflexes (OR just want a quick, easy 100%), play this. It is FREE.
Posted 14 May, 2023. Last edited 2 July, 2023.
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2.1 hrs on record
A beautiful story about a boy and his friend, a bird with a broken wing. It is told without words.

This is not a full-blown game and a bit different from the adventures of Freebird Games. It is more like a pixel-comic movie with moments of interactivity, where you steer the boy Colin. It is more something to sit back, relax and enjoy. Most of the time you'll be watching or following linear prompts on what you are supposed to do.

While this came out before Finding Paradise, in my opinion it is more enjoyable when you have played Finding Paradise before and have the background knowledge about Colin.

Would have wished for a manual save, but as there are several checkpoints to which you can return and the whole story isn't very long (1-2 hours, unless you count every single pixel while being able to move Colin), I can live without.

Won't recommend it as a standalone game, but as addition to Finding Paradise, it is beautiful, enjoyable and fun to watch (you MAY need tissues, though).
Posted 13 May, 2023.
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8.9 hrs on record (8.3 hrs at review time)
Oldschool style point-and-click adventure with a beautiful, deep, dark story in a surreal dark fantasy setting with steampunk elements.

The art style reminds of H.R. Giger, the soundtrack adds to the atmohphere and contains of quite a few different pieces.
The puzzles aren't always easy or intuitive, but sooner or later you'll figure out what needs to be done to progress. No need to rush anyway, as the surroundings and music invite to stay a bit longer.

There are different choices the player can make which affect some in-game scenes and the ending. You will need at least two different full playthroughs plus a partial one before you have seen everthing.

I don't regret having played this game and enjoyed the experience very much.

If you like oldschool adventures, dark fantasy, good dark stories and choice-and-consequence moments, then you should give this game a try.
Posted 13 May, 2023. Last edited 13 May, 2023.
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6.4 hrs on record
Sequel to "To the Moon".
Once again, a deep, emotional story (but with a lot of humorous moments) with a beautiful soundtrack that adds to the atmosphere.
There are some fighting minigames for those who like action, but they are optional and you can still finish the main game when you loose or skip them.

If you enjoyed To the Moon, then you will like Finding Paradise, too (personally, I liked it even better).
If you haven't played To the Moon yet, then I'd recommend you get and play that one first (or better: get a package deal).
If you enjoy the following, that is:
- Point-and-click adventures
- Deep, emotional stories (keep tissues ready)
- Humor, including black humor, jokes and referrals to all kind of things
- Retro style pixel graphics
- Atmospheric background music
Posted 13 May, 2023.
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