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𝐅𝐮𝐳𝐳𝐲 10 Mar @ 1:48pm 
Maxim can u sign my profile?
"...and the cycle repeATS iTself, beHaviOURS are repeaT3D, acTioNS are the sAmE wiTh differeNT iNTentiONS, until i reALize tHat, mY life will be the sAME aS my anCESTOR$."

iF you are iNTerest3D iN change yOu ne3D tO taKe tHe "x" pill and be PREpar3D, becaUSe the wONdeLanD iS aweKenING anD yOu..!

Everytime i want to play a matcH thinking iN cheaters...i attract cheaters, and the opPOSITE is true and i decid3D that every single new account, with comments and "recomMENDATIonS"...iT doesnt matter aNymORe, what matters is my jOy & fuN playinG a mAtcH!

aPLY thIs waY of thinKING and change yOur life, or name .... because life i am, experiencing a youMAN body that is reCogniz3D by the name i. aNd i iS everyONE that feels iT!

iM 40 pLus YeaRS OLd, im a realiz3D being in a body tOo, the difference between us is ONE, i create my BILLIONaire life and yOUS are worKING for mONEy.
(i aM in ALL of yoUS, know yoUR iSELF and merge with iT, beCOME whAt u w1$H).

Norweg 4 Mar @ 10:54am 
sign me please goat
Javelea 3 Mar @ 5:50am 
+rep I used to train my aim in your banana map :D
₦0KXIE☁ 1 Mar @ 7:37am 
sign pls
Makru 27 Feb @ 4:09pm 
sign plz:hungry: