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Recent reviews by Boba Le Thief

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1 person found this review helpful
140.5 hrs on record (82.8 hrs at review time)
Game good - yes buy.
Posted 28 October, 2024.
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3 people found this review helpful
8.8 hrs on record (1.4 hrs at review time)
If you enjoy the RE Remakes, you might enjoy this too

While the game might not be as polished as Capcom's RE Remake series, from what I've
played so far it's been fun.

It apparent that they've taken heavy influence from the Resident Evil Remake games,
But saying that the original Resident Evil game took heavy influences from Alone in the Dark.

The gameplay is very similar to the mentioned Resident Evil games, so if you're a fan of that you'll feel at home with this.

This game does take a more investigative approach as to how to solve the puzzles
where you need to read some of the notes lying around to gather enough information
to form a conclusion to a solution. The game definitely has a more 'Noire' feeling as well.

So it doesn't take place just in the mansion. As the story unravels you'll visit different places
based off of the "memories" of your uncle via a talisman, as he's being potentially possessed by a 'Dark Man' which you'll read know more about throughout the game. And those areas are essentially 'twisted' memories of places that he remembers, but somehow the people he knows appear in those places too, being *Alone in the dark* with otherworldly monsters.

The game can be spooky, the audio design's pretty good and the surround sound is nothing to complain about either.

A short and sweet review, it's a recommend from me.
Posted 20 March, 2024. Last edited 20 March, 2024.
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56.1 hrs on record (13.0 hrs at review time)
One of the better Free to play games out there. I played on my desktop for hours, went to bed.. and played it some more on my legion go.

It's really good and the game doesn't, at this point in time offer any "P2W" methods. It's all cosmetic, and access to the battle pass is the usual price of around 12-15 USD.

It has some exclusive skins you can buy that's not in the Battle Pass however, and they can be a bit pricey. About 20 USD, but there aren't too many of them.

The game itself is incredibly addicting and fast-paced. Definitely worth a try at the very least.
Posted 14 December, 2023.
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36.7 hrs on record (7.8 hrs at review time)
It's awesome, and I do recommend it
Some may not like the game, but as I've continued to play I've grown more fond of it, and I've become more interested in the game's lore and locations.

While maintaining the core gameplay of any From's Souls games, they've definitely been able to create a game that can stand on its own, but with a bit more clunk.

Umbral and Axiom
In Lords of the Fallen you float between the world of the living and the world of the dead,
With the Umbral Lantern at your disposal it acts as a peep-hole to the world of the dead, Umbral which also acts as a weapon, when used you can leech out the souls of the Rhogar, killing them almost instantly.
If you die in Axiom, you revive in Umbral, and you're granted a second chance to fight your way back to the world of the living. The longer you stay in Umbral, the more challenging and dangerous it'll get.

What's cool is that you can hot-swap between one-handed and two-handed weapon styles during your attacks, as well as mix the heavy and light attacks together creating a very cool combo-chain.

The game has its secrets and lore in the items like any other souls-game. But they're really going for their own world with the grotesque horror elements and the dark fantastical medieval art-style. The game looks fantastic and I love what they've done with their visual style.

It's a recommend, but only if you LOVE souls-likes

Not a very in-depth review, but it's what I bothered to write.
Posted 18 October, 2023. Last edited 18 October, 2023.
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3 people found this review helpful
14.0 hrs on record (3.6 hrs at review time)
Yup, it's sort of like X-COM.. but not really AND IT'S AWESOME!
At a first glance it sort of looks similar to X-COM in some ways, but this takes place in real-time
with the option to either slow down your time to plan your tactics or pause it completely. (Toggle in options)

While the game borrows a few elements from X-COM and similar games, this one does feel quite unique in some ways. Killing Xenomorphs isn't as easy as it might seem.. I was terrified when I first entered the mission and found out rather quickly that my marines.. are very vulnerable.. Your marines need supplies, medical items to heal a wounded marine or dampen the stress build-up. They'll need tool-kits to weld shut the only way out in a room to create a temporary shelter for safety where they can rest and lower their stress levels as it also acts as a save point.

Ammunition is crucial and planning ahead the best you can will definitely help you out in the long run, being prepared for an unannounced assault may save your marines. I had to extract my squad as a heavy assault was incoming and none of my marines had any ammo, nor were they mentally prepared as their stress levels went to ♥♥♥♥ which gave them debuffs, as well.

Your marines will permanently die, and along with them.. their experience, abilites and so on.

My ongoing mission
Almost four hours in, I'm still stuck on my first mission after the prologue, I've had to make 3 extractions, carry a marine on another one's back and another one suppressing fire giving cover as my squad tries to make their move to the APC for extraction.

It's definitely a recommend, I know I've only played it for four hours but from what I've played, it's such a fun game and I'll keep on playing this. As a huge fan of the Aliens franchise, I approve of this game :D
Posted 21 June, 2023. Last edited 21 June, 2023.
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48.4 hrs on record (45.4 hrs at review time)
Great game with lots of performance related issues. Story's amazing in my opinion and is definitely a step up from the first game. Wait for it to get more fixes or get it on a current gen console to get mostly a decent experience.
Posted 25 May, 2023.
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14.5 hrs on record (4.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
It's awesome, the world is very nicely detailed and brings an atmosphere closely resembling the other two games'

Definitely a recommend from me if you want to have some spooky fun with friends & strangers.

Beware of trolls and people being rude / kicking you out for not communicating telepathically though.

There's only voice chat but there's a nice pinging system that allows non-mic users to communicate as well. Unfortunately no chat which kinda sucks.
Posted 24 May, 2023. Last edited 24 May, 2023.
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27.8 hrs on record (2.6 hrs at review time)
Not perfect, but a fun experience

So I've played 2.6 hours of the game and from that I can already tell the way the game's trying to lay things out.
You explore and find clues to the main story by beating up gang members and interrogating them, you craft weapons and gear which'll give your knight stat bonuses etc.

The Story (Short summary of the beginning)

It starts with Batman fighting R'as Al Ghul (This is literally in the opening cutscene )
Batman realizing he has to blow up the Batcave which is where they take place during the fight to prevent R'as al Ghul from destroying the city, he sacrifices himself by blowing up the Bat-cave, along with himself and R'as al Ghul.

Batman leaves the Belfry tower to the knights to continue his legacy.

It plays similarly to the Arkham games but not entirely. You do not counter your enemies' attacks, you perform dodges and perfect dodges. You unlock different abilities you can use to your advantage as you level up. Each character plays differently.

You fight, gather materials, craft suits and weapons and level up your character as well as put points into your talent-tree.
There are side-missions, collectibles and areas you can explore that're marked with "?" on the map that leads to points of interest. You choose how you approach each situation.

The game's fun even though it has its gameplay loop and mechanics that're similar to other games.
It has a few technical and performance issues but if you can look past that you might enjoy the experience the game offers you. Worth a try atleast.
Posted 21 October, 2022. Last edited 21 October, 2022.
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5.2 hrs on record (0.2 hrs at review time)
Take... my.. money!

Game's gud. Buy it.
Posted 21 October, 2022.
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2.4 hrs on record (0.3 hrs at review time)
It's decent.
Posted 29 June, 2019.
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