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Counter-Strike 2
What is the point though? In all seriousness, should we even care? No-one will remember you in 500 - scratch that, 150 years. No one you know will be alive, no-one will remember what you did. Your cares, your worries, aspirations, achievements,relationships, wishes, work, thoughts, kindness, compassion, personality, fears, everything you have ever done, ever had, ever been, you all of it, will amount to nothing. All that will be left - if you're lucky - is a small, forgotten name in the footnote of some book or webpage. And even if you rise to the status of a celebrity - it's just a little longer before you are forgotten. in the end, nothing matters. You will die. Humans will die. Countries, ideologies, will die. species will die. The earth will die. The sun will die. The stars will die. And where will your existence, your meaning, be then? What ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ difference do you make? What ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ difference doe anything make? This comment, the seconds, minutes spent writing it, will all have been for nothing. It will join the hundreds of other broken, discarded comments left behind, forgotten and abandoned like so many before it and so many after it. Why? why do we try? why does anything try? why even try? why?
and putting death aside, why even try anyway? life is unfair. It won't let you have your way. "follow your dreams" "make them come true". People say that, perhaps in the vague hope that saying it enough will make it so. they show examples of celebrities, those who made it big, those who changed history. but they don't show you the hundreds, thousands of people who brought that ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, who really thought they had a chance, but die in the gutters die with their life goals unfulfilled, cursing it all with their last dying breaths. Our society is built on crushed dreams. our society is built on those who can't achieve anything more than their construction job, their office work, their housekeeping, their boring, media jobs that have to be done for society to keep on moving, to feed the giant beast that keeps on staggering forwards throughout time, leaving behind so many crushed behind it while keeping our "society" going. You can't achieve your dreams. face it. if everyone achieved their dreams, we would all be dead. No one can be happy. it's all a lie. a great big ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ lie left for people like me to it here, at their computer, at 10 past midnight, to sit back and despair, to ponder on, to break down as they realise, they comprehend the true meaning of it all. society doesn't wants you to succeed. If you succeed, it cant. so why try?
But what is there to try? all things considered, the model human should just find a productive job, and then find someone of the opposite ♥♥♥ and reproduce a much a possible. but what do people like me do? i could never get together with someone. besides the obvious fact that i am unattractive, i could never sentence someone to a fate a horrible as living with me. I'm a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up person. i'm just not the kind of guy people want around. I don't even know how I have friends. i'm certain that at least a few of them hang around me so as not to be impolite, when really they want nothing more than to get away from me. from my desperate attempts to be conversationally acceptable, my awkward manner, my repulsive figure. who even wants me? who even finds me enjoyable? i don't deserve to have friends. i should honestly just stop people from having to suffer through my presence. So quite clearly, reproducing is out of the question. and a productive job? ♥♥♥♥ it, i'm nowhere even close. no chance. I'm working towards being a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ scriptwriter, i'm probably going to die alone in a gutter somewhere. i will produce nothing of value to the human race. I'm a parasite. a ♥♥♥♥♥♥, human parasite. I'm a detriment to society, and in all honesty should just end it all and make that much of a contribution to the world. But i'm too scared of what comes after death to even do that. that's how ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ useless i am.
What does come after death? ♥♥♥♥ if i know. i'm a terrible christian, i can't even think about heaven without having an existential crisis. Revelations scares me, and that's just how bad i am at my own religion. I can't read about the "glorious day of judgement" without throwing down the book and lying down somewhere.

what the ♥♥♥♥ even am i
i've spent 30 mins typing up a comment that no-one is even going to see, much less care about.
i'm done, i'm ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ done, i'm stopping here.
if anyone's reading this, sorry for wasting your ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ time.
have a nice day. It'll sure a heck have been better than mine.
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BuLLetOfDeaTh 25 Feb @ 10:46am 
-rep cheater. enjoy ban on your other acc aswell
Knallbert Knallstein 2 Feb @ 5:03am 
-rep cheater
✪b4sht!me23 20 Mar 2024 @ 12:57pm 
hackendes opferkind
fuzza 29 Feb 2024 @ 10:52am 
hows going Tricky :InvasionKnife:
fuzza 23 Des 2023 @ 1:04pm 
fuzza 4 Des 2023 @ 6:51am 
hows going TriCky♛ :Im_BoSS: