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Ulasan terkini oleh BrianRubin

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Menampilkan1-10 dari 171 kiriman
3 orang menganggap ulasan ini membantu
Tercatat 0.7 jam
Better than Battlezone, if you only have one monitor.
Diposting pada 24 Juni 2024.
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13 orang menganggap ulasan ini membantu
2 orang menganggap ulasan ini lucu
Tercatat 2.9 jam (Telah dimainkan 2.1 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Ulasan Akses Dini
Might be one of the best UI/UX I've seen in any game. I was in tears from how good this is. The gameplay seems great too, but the UI/UX even allows an ♥♥♥♥♥ like me to understand what's going on in this game. I'm in awe of it.
Diposting pada 8 Mei 2024.
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Tercatat 0.5 jam
Ulasan Akses Dini
I backed this on Fig ages ago, and it's been updated twice in the last four years as I write this. All the while, the developer went back to their first game in order to make a VR version. I guess we know where our backer money went. Shame, this looked really promising.
Diposting pada 17 April 2024.
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2 orang menganggap ulasan ini lucu
Tercatat 15.4 jam (Telah dimainkan 1.1 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Diposting pada 11 April 2024.
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Tercatat 0.6 jam
I forgot I owned this game, but saw it was on sale, and remembered I owned it. I tried it, and was reminded why my play time is so low. Invisible enemies. They can shoot at you from across the map, but you can't see them until you're right on top of them. Makes actually playing the game -- which has a lovely idea at its base -- absolutely infuriating. Shame, really.
Diposting pada 9 April 2024.
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19 orang menganggap ulasan ini membantu
Tercatat 13.2 jam (Telah dimainkan 6.1 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
This is an absolute delight of a game, mixing free-flowing city building with strategy, exploration, and diplomacy beautifully. It abstracts enough to be relaxing but keeps one engaged enough through events and exploration to keep one active. I've had so much fun building and watching the world come alive, it's just such a beautiful and delightful game. I think about it when I'm not playing it, and I cannot wait to play more.
Diposting pada 4 April 2024. Terakhir diedit pada 4 April 2024.
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8 orang menganggap ulasan ini membantu
Tercatat 4.2 jam (Telah dimainkan 1.6 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Original, top-down GTA (the top-down entries are the best GTAs, in my opinion) with some Vampire Survivors?! Yes, please.
Diposting pada 2 April 2024.
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1 orang menganggap ulasan ini lucu
Tercatat 2.5 jam (Telah dimainkan 2.4 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Ulasan Akses Dini
The child of LHX: Attack Chopper and Desert Strike that we all need. It also has a boss key.

Buy it. Love it.
Diposting pada 21 Maret 2024.
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65 orang menganggap ulasan ini membantu
1 orang menganggap ulasan ini lucu
Tercatat 31.9 jam (Telah dimainkan 10.3 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
As a massive, massive Robocop fan, the developers nailed it. This game is a proper love letter to Robocop, but also to Lewis, and to Reed, and even to the Old Man. I can't gush enough as to how good this game is.
Diposting pada 17 Maret 2024.
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1 orang menganggap ulasan ini lucu
Tercatat 67.8 jam (Telah dimainkan 51.4 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
I was enjoying this game. I was. I was having a fun time mowing mobs with my falconer.

And then I hit the Architecht Liath fight, which took me half a dozen attempts to pass.

Then I hit the Lagon fight, which I failed a dozen times.

The main problem here, besides the difficulty spike? One can't just jump back to these fights. No, one has to waste time going back through levels one already cleared to get to these fights because there's no waypoint at the fight itself, either of them.

So yeah, I was having fun with this game, until the developers decided to put in a gear check or a smack down or whatever the ♥♥♥♥ kind of thing this is to stop player fun.

I'm done for a while. Going back to Inquisitor Martyr.

Pre-Lagon Review:

Better than Diablo 4. Very fun and visceral. Could use some work on the UI though. For example, the console version of Diablo 3 had, I feel, one of the best inventory systems in the genre. Why go back to this annoying, Tetris grid system?

Overall though, a fun time.
Diposting pada 2 Maret 2024. Terakhir diedit pada 4 Maret 2024.
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Menampilkan1-10 dari 171 kiriman