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Reseñas recientes de cninja_ | GI@E$UJHNDS XCN

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Is it clunky and kinda buggy?
- Kinda

Does it have a lot of content?
- Not right now?

But is it free and enjoyable?
- Hell yeah

While there's a lot of work to be done for developers to make this game last for hours (unless they doesn't want to leave it as it is since it's free to play) I think it's currently solid few hours of game.
But what I think should be changed first is difficulty scaling. I think there's currently no difficulty scaling based on number of players making this way too hard for 1-3 players (I didn't noticed too much change of difficulty while playing alone and with my gf).
I think adding new long-term objectives and targets would also increase length of game, maybe difficulties with bills etc.
Also new upgrades would be really nice (I think devs are planning them in next update).

I can't wait for new updates and content (even if they would be paid dlcs!)
Publicada el 27 de agosto.
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1,143.5 h registradas (649.3 h cuando escribió la reseña)
winter solstice event
f2p monetization in $40 game? thanks but nope

EDIT: traitor's moon event
seems like we have another event with f2p monetization. to be precise even it's even worse than previous monetization. now you need to pay dollars for event hunter + some random hunter dlcs now let you get 10% more points. also you have to use 1000 bbs (premium currency that's even harder to farm now) to get one of event skins that you'll see for maybe 2 seconds in game.

sadly im scared that crytek will continue with their f2p monetization even further (maybe they plan to make this game f2p, but right now you need to pay $40 to get more and more microtransactions) to the point where we will beg them to come back to things like right now.

and please keep in mind - i've played this game since first month of early access release, i'm owner of ~20 dlcs (i have 3 out of 4 hunter dlcs that are granted extra 10% event points) and i'm against such monetization even though i'm one of the favoured ones.

i'm okay with relasing dlcs that include new skins, i'll probably buy some more of them if they look cool and just to support devs, but with every update i'm hesitating a little bit more.

oh, and one more thing that make people mad. some people just dont give a ♥♥♥♥ about skins, they just want to enjoy the game. these people have their own life - work, school, whatever. what's the point of making new guns available for some time only for people that participated in event and gathered enough points (which may be even a dozen of hours for some of worse players). and again, after first day i've gathered enough points to unlock almost all guns, but once again, i'm against making some people favored because they have more time to play the game. well, maybe crytek just want more reddit posts like "EVERYONE PLAYING NEW GUNS BECAUSE OP PLS NERF".

well, see you at the next events, where we will probably get battlepass for another $40. oh, and don't forget that they'll probably increase price of every new bb skin to few thousands, so you have to pay also for bbs. well, maybe events just should unlock skins in store and after unlocking them you should pay them like 1000 bbs for one of these limited skins.

otherwise i recommend this game. well, maybe not exactly. since few months i'm experiencing a lot of "trading" in fights. even though i'm playing with 30 ping i had some situations where i'm dying from guy that shot me in the head through wall after i killed him like a second earlier. and that happens a lot recently.
oh, and don't forget rushing with updates. we've got recent update on test servers like a week before releasing on live servers. people reported a lot of game breaking bugs (dead hunters killing players, players able to shoot from ladders, no recoil on some guns) that got fixed FEW DAYS after releasing update on live server.

crytek wtf

i've put almost thousand of hours in your game and i'm really a big fan of it. don't make your community hate hunt showdown.
Publicada el 15 de diciembre de 2021. Última edición: 24 de marzo de 2022.
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175.2 h registradas (140.4 h cuando escribió la reseña)
multiplayer in this game is literally unplayable
Publicada el 22 de agosto de 2021.
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