Churba   Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Comedian. Writer. Freelance everything. Skeptic. Mustache breeder. Marksman. Impersonator impersonator. Welder. Fabricator(but he might have made that up). General metal shaping thing guy. Explosives expert and very fast runner. Looks a little bit like James dean, if you squint, and consume a box of wine. If he grew his hair out, he'd look like Fergie. Crash-hot pilot, but not in the good way. Declare himself Captain of Many Vessels, except they're all his own blood vessels. Makes an excellent smoked ham but it uses a great many Rolling papers. Rum-soaked, anti-mall, anti-hero, hot-rodder, implausible soccer mom; pro-eating captain-crunch-cereal-for-dinner. Tea Obsessed, well dressed danger junkie. Has a full sixty-eight responses for when people ask why he grew a beard, but one for why he shaved. A lover, Not a fighter, But also a fighter, so don't get any funny ideas. Wears very nice boots. A virtuoso at playing the harmonica - Terribly. The Best rapper within a 2 foot radius of himself(unless being hugged).
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Neito 2 Jul, 2011 @ 5:25pm 
You are one bad-ass gentleman with impeccible taste in games. (PS use some of those tickets for the AAaaAA level pack)