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"What do you call a communist sniper?"
A Marxman.

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458 Hours played
First of all, This game is amazing!
The graphics; fantastic. The amount of "stuff" to do; outstanding. The ability to run well on low end PC's; Ehh...
Anyways, this is Arma 3. It is a military shooter, which captured the realism of anything from Infantry Firefights to Drone warfare, and CAS runs.

-Looks amazing on high graphics
-Amount of "Stuff" to do; amazing
-Modibility; 11/10 there are some amazing mods!!
-Community is Fairly decent
-A lot of effort put into this game as far as mechanics.
-Endless fun with friends
-All of the controls!!

-All of the Controls!!
-!!!MAJOR LEARNING CURVE!!!! (as far as how to drive, fly, shoot, range targets, list goes on!)
-CPU and MRAM are a Major key to how well this game plays.
(Basically, the CPU, AND MRAM are what make this game playable. With a good i7, and 32 gigs of Ram, I was able to get 60 fps on Ultra settings with low terrain, and minimal post processing effects at 1080p [When I did not have GPU Yet; I now have a 980ti, and it still can be a bit buggy] But if you want good terrain, FXAA, Post processing, HDR, Bloom, All that good stuff, you must have a vary good GPU!!!!)
-Somewhat poorly optimized on multiplayer servers mainly. Singleplayer, peice of cake!
-Must have good Computer!!!!
-Very Time consuming. Like...... A lot.... I have 1,000 hours, and Idk how.
-DLC Watermarks >:(

Anyways, if you are even remotely considering of buying this game, DO IT!!
If you do, GET THE APEX DLC!!!! It is the best DLC out of all of them, but the map it adds is difficult to run, even for me. (1080) but looks amazing!!!
Hope this helped you out a bit. This is my opinion on the game...... Its good!
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Romeo the Oracle 8 Mar @ 11:29pm 
kinda cheeki breeki style
Cindering 8 Mar @ 6:02pm 
kinda freaky style
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unmatched in pills
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unmatched in skills
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Let's sin together!
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Let's win together!