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Recent reviews by AteRaKsiA

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5 people found this review helpful
577.1 hrs on record (224.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This game deservers a good review and in my books should get one.

The map itself never gets boring for me and also each round that gets played is never the same. The guns are really versatile and unique in their own respect. The graphics is also something that does not bother me and I feel the game runs great on my system (check my profile for my gaming PC specs).

The only thing that the developer should pay close attention to is the problem combating hackers in the game but other problems in the general game mechanics will get sorted out as the game reachs final stages of development so I am not too concerned about that!

The game has got its flaws but it is still in early access which makes sense. The game overall is fun to play and the concept to it is really awesome and fresh. I believe given some time that this game will make the head way it needs to. There is a reason why this game has surpassed more online players on steam than Dota 2 has now :)

Posted 24 November, 2017.
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11 people found this review helpful
33.2 hrs on record (32.7 hrs at review time)
I would like to start by saying that Homefront: The Revolution has recieved a lot of mixed reviews and yes the game did have significant isssues on release but with that being said I would like to shine some light on this game for the better.

First of all relating to the gameplay issues, I did not experience one issue with the game that deemed it unplayable at any point. Yes there is tiny bugs here and there like a Duster being stuck in mid air once you have shot it or maybe after an explaosion there is a random pot plant sitting in the air but nothing that prevents a person from proceeding with the campaign. The patchs that were released for the game definitly sorted out all the issues that were present on launch. My system specs:

EVGA GTX 980 ti SC Edition. (Nvidia Drivers: 381.89. Windows 8)
i7 4790K CPU
16GB DDR3 Ram @ 2400Mhz
MSI Gaming 7A Mobo
Samsung EVO 250GB SSD

Just to give you an idea of the setup that I ran the game on and I was getting 100 plus FPS and the game never dropped below 60fps at any point so the patchs DO WORK!!! All my settings were tuned to the max and I was running the game on my 27" BenQ 144Hz monitor as well.

Secondly, moving on to the general gameplay that is Homefront: The Revolution's main campaign. Like any campaign, if you want to rush through it by all means do that but the way I played it and did the side missions and sort to find all the collectables (well most of them) the game took me a while to finish. My first playthrough has taken +- 32 hours which is very good consdering the general length of FPS games now a days! So the game is worth it in terms of the general length.

The side misssions at times felt like they were lacking a bit and slighly repetetive but nothing really off puitting for me personally. The main missions that are tied into the story line are great and lots of fun and for me a good campaign always allows the player to get invloved in the story line and relate to the characters and this game defintly did that for me. So 10/10 for that aspect hands down!

I must say that the weapon system is really really well done in terms of all the modifications that you the player can do. When you start the game for the first time you might feel like they have limited you with weapon choices but trust me, get out there and scavange for currency and upgrade your weapons because there are so many different modifications that you can use throughout the game and what ever situation you find yourself in, there is a mod that will help you.

I have also purchased the season pass and within the main story (Campaign) I was able to use all the goodies so another aspect of the game that I felt was not a waste of money at all. Just wanted to add that in for the people that do like to add DLC content on to the general game experience.

I could drag on for a long time on all the aspects of the game but I would like to conclude this review and say that I really enjoyed the time I spent on the game so far and I am defintly going to play the game again and I am also really keen to try out the CO-OP features as well. So the choice is yours as the player, but I would recommend Homefront: The revolution to any adventure,item finding,weapon mod,story driven,side mission,fps enthusiast out there!

Posted 21 May, 2017.
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3 people found this review helpful
100.9 hrs on record (86.0 hrs at review time)
Dark souls is a game that is meant to test a person's patience and it is the hardest game you will ever play without the option of changing the difficultly like all other games out there.

You have been warned!!!

The story is for an acquired taste but truely amazing, breath taking and darkly bizzare. The enemies keep changing, the areas need further exploration and your stratagy is for ever changing and just when things start getting a bit easier you face a boss that will strike and never die ( well maybe on the 101th attempt)

Overall the game can keep you busy for hours on end and also with the game having even harder difficulty settings such as NG+ the challenge never ends.

The performace of the game is great overall, no FPS drops and runs great on a 144Hz monitor. The graphics are amazing and really go well with the general mood the game. The controllers are easy to get into and customise to your personal feel.

Posted 24 November, 2016.
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3 people found this review helpful
10.0 hrs on record
This game has received mixed reviews and I can personally say this is a load of nonsense and I will recommend this game to any Resident Evil fan and I will explain why.

The story is different and played from the perspective of Wolfpack which is a spec-ops unit under Umbrella Corporation which is great because you always play as the main characters which fall outside of the Umbrella Corporation. This really does give a different perspective to the Resident Evil sotry as a whole which I enjoyed.

Relating to the gameplay issues people are having:

- There was not one single game crash when I launched the game or during playing the game through.
- There are no bugs during the game either, everything runs smoothly.

The game overall was exciting as you can upgrade your character and unlock new weapons, abalities etc... During the actual missions there is a lot to do in terms of finding collecatables etc which for me extended the gameplay time as well.

Making a quick point on the DLC content, I had NO ISSUES!!!! I bought the DLC add-on and the extra ECHO SIX missions were there, all new added costumes and weapons as well.

In conclusion and not to give too much away story wise, I would recommend this game with a double thumbs up to any Resident Evil fan out there!
Posted 26 March, 2016.
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9 people found this review helpful
2 people found this review funny
62.1 hrs on record (60.6 hrs at review time)
This Open World Title is absolutly amazing to say the least.... Shadow of Mordor is a continued story based on where the Lord of the Rings finnished off.

The story is really good and being a fan of the Lord of the Rings, Shadow of Mordor really made sense stroy wise and I really enjoyed the new characters that were introduced and how they refer back to old characters from Lord of the Rings. Overall 10/10 for the story line.

The action and combat system is unreal and I felt at home just after a little while playing. The combos are insane and you can really rank your abilities to draw one mean ass combo that will destroy an entire Uruk army!

The ranking system is broken into two sections which require different tasks to rank them up and unlock new abilities. How to unlock new abilities is really straight forward to understand and really fun to do.

The side quests are really enjoyable and take some time to complete which in my book is great because if you want to take a slight break from the story then you can try out some challenging side quests before carrying on with the main stroy. Some of the side quests are hard so prepare yourself and hold on to your paitence levels.

The maps are great and there is a lot of exploring to do and the layout allows you to use the enviroment to your advantage during combat which I really liked a lot. The creatures that dwell around are amazing too and really add a great impact to the general map feel.

Overall the game felt like a 10/10 for me and I am really looking forward to the follow up on the Shadow of Mordor in the Future.
Posted 27 December, 2015.
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5 people found this review helpful
0.9 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Hit-Reg needs a lot of work but the general game play is really good. Overall good especially for a FTP!
Posted 9 October, 2015.
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20 people found this review helpful
2 people found this review funny
0.6 hrs on record
If you have 30 minutes to spare during the day and a warm cup of coffee then Half-Life: Before is for you. Only a 40mb download and you are off!!!!!!

The gameplay is not bad at all minus a few bugs here and there with a few crashes but entertaining non the less.

I will play this one again in the future when I have 30 minutes spare and coffee :)
Posted 1 October, 2015.
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5 people found this review helpful
75.7 hrs on record (32.3 hrs at review time)
Being a Mortal Kombat fan from the early age of seven and watching the various titles roll out over the years, I have to say well done Mr Boon... Flawless Victory!

Mortal Kombat X has really taken the series to a new level with the introduction of "FACTION" game mode along with the general leveling system in place and let's not even get started in how amazing the layout for the Krypt is.

The characters are very unique in their own way and the three different fighting variations brings a lot more attention to your chosen fighting style. The stage interaction is fanstatic and allows room for that final epic blow just before the announcer shouts "FINNISH HIM".

The online play is loads of fun as well with many options and game modes to choose from, so go explore it for yourself.

I would seriously recommend this game to any fan of the series or for anyone that is into fighting games or someone who likes to purchase a game that will give you hours and hours of play time because lets face it, Call of Duty does not have a single player mode this fun.
Posted 28 June, 2015.
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Showing 1-8 of 8 entries