Dayton Does
Brandon Dayton   Zambales, Philippines
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Godot Engine
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Proteus Gameplay : What is this I don't even
Review Showcase
5.8 Hours played
Where have you been all my life?? Axiom Verge tops so many lists for good reason. It took everything that Metroid did to the extreme. And polishes it to the most lusterous sheen I've seen in decades. I love drilling for secret paths, hacking enemies that are difficult to deal with, swapping weapons to get the job done right... It's just an amazing experience. Graphically it's superb, the sound is also done justice. My only complaint would be that the sound of the drill takes me back to sitting in a dentist's chair. I cringe a little bit at the sound, which is unfortunate since many secrets will require a ton of drilling to find but that's just one of my personal issues. Maybe I shouldn't eat so much candy. Instead, I'll sit down with the sweet treat that is Axiom Verge.

There is always something to critique in games and although I had to dig fairly deep, I would change just a couple things in this title. Namely the shooting... While none of the enemies present too much of a problem the shooting in Axiom Verge still feels rather clunky. 8 directions simply isn't enough. This is almost remedied by the addition of being able to lock yourself in place, but I'd much rather lock my shooting position and still be able to move since in Axiom Verge you will often need to be moving in some way. Still, the solution is functional and it really is a minor complaint that is buried under a trove of retro-styled nostalgic goodness. I can't believe I've waited this long to actually sit down and give Axiom Verge a try... This should've been on my channel during its release.

We are living in a golden age of indie games and Axiom Verge is definitive proof of that fact. Metroidvanias are almost never done by larger companies anymore, so I rely on indie studios to get my fix... And boy, do they deliver! Chasm was sitting at the top of my list as the most enjoyable Metroidvania in recent years but the tight action and refined mechanics of Axiom Verge have put it up and over. Don't get me wrong, Chasm is a fantastic title... But it can't hold a candle to Axiom Verge. So much thought has gone into Axiom Verge, backtracking isn't a slog as there are tons of items to pickup with your new abilities. You literally can't go 5 rooms without tripping over some sort of powerup. That is glorious, and keeps me thirsting for more. I'm sure that Thomas Happ has been told 1000 times, but congratulations on a masterpiece.
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cumpster 20 Oct, 2023 @ 2:23am 
hey buddy i saw you played never coming home by pat the bunny on audiosurf 2. good taste! godspeed
Worsethanthem 25 Jul, 2022 @ 2:46am 
Hello, I would like to ask if you trade humble bundle cd-keys, even if you do not trade them, I am looking for a few old bundled ones, so you might have a few and I'm ready to offer some games from your wishlist, in case you are interested - accept my friendship, I'm also ready to go first if we find decent trade for both of us, thanks
76561198050566937 Trade Banned 12 Nov, 2021 @ 1:35am 
hey, might you accept the friend request? wanna ask you a question about humble bundle :)
tehn4tric 10 Nov, 2021 @ 7:40pm 
Is this Dayton Does? This is me Natric B from Killing Floor 2
Lyn 11 Jan, 2020 @ 12:27pm 
From kind words hehe I hope you have a great 2020!
Sen 5 Jan, 2020 @ 2:41pm 
lmao everyone is here for your kind words review. Now more people give a ♥♥♥♥ about you