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0.5 hrs on record
fun little puzzle game :]
Posted 14 February.
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18.2 hrs on record (13.8 hrs at review time)
I 100%'d the game in about 15 hours, so I feel like I have a really good grasp on this game. This game does a lot of really, really fantastic concepts well, but is held back in one major way: the clipping. I was honestly not even going to mention this-- the game is so fantastic otherwise-- but once I beat the game and went on to ng+ content, I consistently found myself clipping through floors, walls, snow, sometimes even the platform the spawns are on leaving to me falling to my uncontrollable death.
THAT BEING SAID, this game is easily a 9/10
the gun play is immaculate, the objectives are great, the ng+ content is really sweet, and the story is fun enough to keep you engaged, but also not so important that you *had* to pay attention.
One small disclaimer, too: a lot of people have been calling this game indie tf3, and in a lot of ways, I agree. this is a movement shooter, you will be fighting big robots, little robots, foot soldiers with mobility, and you'll be able to do it with an arsenal of weapons... however... you yourself do not actually get in a titan-like robot. You are completely on your own, and personally I enjoy it more for it.

Also there's a perk system that is incredibly fun to mess around with.
Posted 13 February. Last edited 13 February.
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4.7 hrs on record (4.5 hrs at review time)
Incredible concept... incomplete execution
this isn't just "this game has potential." This game shows the right concepts and executes them well. What drags this down from a recommend is death by a thousand paper cuts.
First and foremost, the window this game uses doesn't adjust to your monitor, so you're playing with 2/3rds of your monitor minimum, and I have a pretty small/normal sized monitor, so any big widescreens will be getting shafted.
Next, balance is all over the place. I spend 300 wood for a card that gives me 4x metal production at lvl 2, and then spend 17x that for a card that gives x3 metal production... what? I get that the first card had to be upgraded, but it also is significantly more common. And that's another issue: rarities.
I started out the second area with a card that gives you +4 wood, when most other cards weren't above +2. These weren't hard to get cards, either, as they were in the tier 1 section. This also leads to inflated costs for the card packs, and a lot of sitting around and waiting.
Additionally, the settings menu leads me to believe this was first uploaded to congregate, meaning the engine likely hasn't been updated since early 2010s. If this game got an overhaul, I would be thrilled.
I will be playing further into this game to find out if there's some savior hidden gem of a mechanic that makes it all worth it, but I'm guessing the answer will be no.
Edit: additional paper cuts include
- the bulk buy button being a number input instead of something like a % buy toggle. Not a deal breaker, but annoying
- the visual rarities on a card making no sense. It would be nice if tier 2 cards always had higher stars than tier 1s. Alternatively, change the color of the stars or give the cards a border or something to signify the tier change.
- leveling costs are inflated beyond belief, and the bonuses are too low. To get a card from lvl 1 to 2, it costs 10 of that card. Expensive, but reasonable. going from lvl 2 to lvl 3 costs 100 of that card. Oh, and did I mention each level is +50% cumulatively? You're only getting 2x effectiveness for losing 110 of that card.
- many cards are direct upgrades. There is a +4 wood/s card, and a +4 wood/s but it can't be in the same row as any other wood cards. These are both in the same tier and area.

And here are some more subjective gripes I have with the game:
- prod mults don't scale exponentially. If I put down two +50% wood cards, I get 2x0.5 instead of 1.5^2. This significantly reduces the amount of thought you get to put into trading out a card for a specific location, because instead of super charging one card with the most effective multipliers, you're just connecting big number to big number.
- there's no automation. This is not a deal breaker for me, but automation feels like a necessary part of any modern idle game.
- literally only one compound interest mechanic. The investor imp and dog cards are the only "get resource based on how much resource you have" cards, and that's a shame. It's a fun mechanic and I was really excited to see them when they first appeared... and then I was disappointed when they were the only ones in the area.

Overall, a great house on a weak foundation. I recommend for those interested in long grinding idles, but otherwise I advise against it.
Posted 17 January. Last edited 18 January.
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5.3 hrs on record (4.1 hrs at review time)
Incredibly fun game.
I think this borders foddian without actually making you frustrated at the game. Any mistakes that lead to losing are entirely your fault, and that's really good.
If anything, I think the grabbing radius is a bit too forgiving. I can easily skip a significant portion of the hand holds for lots of the climbing sections by simply reaching further than the next available hand hold.
I'm really excited to see the full release of this game!

edit: after getting to 900m in the campaign, I can safely say this is my favorite climbing game. The main reason is how the game shows you the climbing "puzzles". While there is a "correct" path to take, you can also forge your own with your climbing materials. So instead of wasting a full 20 seconds wrapping around a wall, you can just climb over the wall.
As previously stated, I still think the hand reach is quite forgiving, but I've found that's probably for the best. Past 500m, the game gets significantly harder and you honestly need that forgiving reach. Plus, there are some obstacles (no spoilers) that make you focus on them before continue climbing, so just out-climbing the issues is almost entirely not an option.
Posted 14 November, 2024. Last edited 27 January.
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0.6 hrs on record
Doom gameplay with titan fall 2 movement. Great idea with mid execuution.

Overall, I don't hate it, but I wouldn't recommend it.

I had issues with the first boss fight. The first time I went into the arena, the boss put up his shield and then never put it down. I found out only after dying that when you kill the adds it's supposed to also lower the shield, but it wasn't doing that the first time around. Second time, he spawned exactly four shredders and I soft locked. Had to drop into the acid to restart the level.
Finally on the third try, I got it working well, but by then I was less interested.
Definitely not a bad game, just... eh.
Posted 8 November, 2024.
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8.8 hrs on record
Haven't played this game in a while, but it used to be my go-to in middle school. Over the years, the balance has gotten worse and worse, and it's slowly become less fun to play non-meta options. Additionally, there seems to be such a high skill floor for most of the classes outside of run-n-gun and maybe triggerman.

For context, I've played hunter almost exclusively for my entire time on Krunker, and I've just been disappointed with nerf after nerf for my favorite class + what I feel should be the main class for balance (it is most certainly not).
It seems the devs haven't made any actual balance decisions once they realized they could monetize the game, and now there's a battle pass, loot crate drops, a marketplace, vip systems, and so much more.

If you need a fast-paced game, try it out. Otherwise, any other arcade shooter will scratch the same itches this one does. And usually, with a better monetization model.
Posted 2 November, 2024.
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1.2 hrs on record
Very neat little game! Some puzzles felt bs (mostly the sliding and untitled ones), but overall a very well made collection of mazes!
Posted 23 October, 2024.
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0.4 hrs on record
Pretty decent. It's simple, but it's also not long, so the gameplay doesn't drag on too long.
Posted 25 September, 2024.
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1.0 hrs on record (0.1 hrs at review time)
It'd be nice if there was a flow chart/graph of all the endings you've gotten (and some way to know the endings you haven't gotten yet), but overall a pretty good game.
Posted 4 September, 2024.
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0.2 hrs on record
nice little game.
It's objectively bad-- basically no gameplay, incredibly short run time, the story was alright and only told through books you had to read-- but it held my attention, so if you're into cli-fi and want to spent <30 minutes reading about a world, be my guest.
Posted 28 August, 2024.
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