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Recente recensies door Barry Burn

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38.6 uur in totaal (28.1 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Its like minecraft but with mods
Geplaatst 22 april 2023.
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191.5 uur in totaal (61.6 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Geplaatst 14 maart 2022.
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9.6 uur in totaal (6.8 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Fun game. If full price 75% get this jawn, if its on sale 95% get it.
Geplaatst 10 augustus 2020.
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58.6 uur in totaal (56.8 uur op moment van beoordeling)
car go vroom ball go zoom
Geplaatst 17 juli 2020.
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14.9 uur in totaal (10.9 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Best VR game you can play

Update: still best vr game
Geplaatst 28 maart 2020. Laatst gewijzigd 26 november 2020.
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15.6 uur in totaal (11.3 uur op moment van beoordeling)
made me punch my wall and bed. Very cool boneworks
Geplaatst 25 december 2019.
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36 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
43 mensen vonden deze recensie grappig
0.9 uur in totaal
really makes you FEEL like youre spiderman
Geplaatst 1 juli 2019.
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107.9 uur in totaal (76.2 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Sekiro is masturbating for the 30th time in one day. It great because you letting it out, but you peepee is in writhing pain.

All in all good game
Geplaatst 26 april 2019.
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44.8 uur in totaal (36.0 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Ver good lookin, ver fun
Geplaatst 22 november 2018.
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12 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
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110.8 uur in totaal (99.3 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Bad Rats Show. The Sequel to Bad Rats Revenge. The first game was a stunning masterpeice, a technical achievement. The sequel makes the first game look like an absolute joke. Bad Rats Show blows the original out of the water and this is why.

n my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave
me some advice that I’ve been turning over in my mind
ever since.
‘Whenever you feel like criticizing any one,’ he told me,
‘just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had
the advantages that you’ve had.’
He didn’t say any more but we’ve always been unusually
communicative in a reserved way, and I understood that he
meant a great deal more than that. In consequence I’m inclined
to reserve all judgments, a habit that has opened up
many curious natures to me and also made me the victim
of not a few veteran bores. The abnormal mind is quick to
detect and attach itself to this quality when it appears in a
normal person, and so it came about that in college I was
unjustly accused of being a politician, because I was privy
to the secret griefs of wild, unknown men. Most of the confidences
were unsought—frequently I have feigned sleep,
preoccupation, or a hostile levity when I realized by some
unmistakable sign that an intimate revelation was quivering
on the horizon—for the intimate revelations of young
men or at least the terms in which they express them are
usually plagiaristic and marred by obvious suppressions.
Reserving judgments is a matter of infinite hope. I am still
a little afraid of missing something if I forget that, as my fa-
 The Great Gatsby
ther snobbishly suggested, and I snobbishly repeat a sense
of the fundamental decencies is parcelled out unequally at
And, after boasting this way of my tolerance, I come to
the admission that it has a limit. Conduct may be founded
on the hard rock or the wet marshes but after a certain point
I don’t care what it’s founded on. When I came back from
the East last autumn I felt that I wanted the world to be in
uniform and at a sort of moral attention forever; I wanted
no more riotous excursions with privileged glimpses
into the human heart. Only Gatsby, the man who gives his
name to this book, was exempt from my reaction—Gatsby
who represented everything for which I have an unaffected
scorn. If personality is an unbroken series of successful
gestures, then there was something gorgeous about him,
some heightened sensitivity to the promises of life, as if he
were related to one of those intricate machines that register
earthquakes ten thousand miles away. This responsiveness
had nothing to do with that flabby impressionability which
is dignified under the name of the ‘creative temperament’—
it was an extraordinary gift for hope, a romantic readiness
such as I have never found in any other person and which
it is not likely I shall ever find again. No—Gatsby turned
out all right at the end; it is what preyed on Gatsby, what
foul dust floated in the wake of his dreams that temporarily
closed out my interest in the abortive sorrows and shortwinded
elations of men.
My family have been prominent, well-to-do people in
this middle-western city for three generations. The Car-
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raways are something of a clan and we have a tradition that
we’re descended from the Dukes of Buccleuch, but the actual
founder of my line was my grandfather’s brother who
came here in fifty-one, sent a substitute to the Civil War and
started the wholesale hardware business that my father carries
on today.
I never saw this great-uncle but I’m supposed to look
like him—with special reference to the rather hard-boiled
painting that hangs in Father’s office. I graduated from New
Haven in 1915, just a quarter of a century after my father,
and a little later I participated in that delayed Teutonic migration
known as the Great War. I enjoyed the counter-raid
so thoroughly that I came back restless. Instead of being the
warm center of the world the middle-west now seemed like
the ragged edge of the universe—so I decided to go east and
learn the bond business. Everybody I knew was in the bond
business so I supposed it could support one more single
man. All my aunts and uncles talked it over as if they were
choosing a prep-school for me and finally said, ‘Why—yees’
with very grave, hesitant faces. Father agreed to finance
me for a year and after various delays I came east, permanently,
I thought, in the spring of twenty-two.
The practical thing was to find rooms in the city but it was
a warm season and I had just left a country of wide lawns
and friendly trees, so when a young man at the office suggested
that we take a house together in a commuting town
it sounded like a great idea. He found the house, a weather
beaten cardboard bungalow at eighty a month, but at the
last minute the firm ordered him to Washington and I went
 The Great Gatsby
out to the country alone. I had a dog, at least I had him for a
few days until he ran away, and an old Dodge and a Finnish
woman who made my bed and cooked breakfast and muttered
Finnish wisdom to herself over the electric stove.
It was lonely for a day or so until one morning some man,
more recently arrived than I, stopped me on the road.
‘How do you get to West Egg village?’ he asked helplessly.
I told him. And as I walked on I was lonely no longer. I
was a guide, a pathfinder, an original settler. He had casually
conferred on me the freedom of the neighborhood.
And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves
growing on the trees—just as things grow in fast movies—I
had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over
again with the summer.
There was so much to read for one thing and so much
fine health to be pulled down out of the young breath-giving
air. I bought a dozen volumes on banking and credit and
investment securities and they stood on my shelf in red and
gold like new money from the mint, promising to unfold
the shining secrets that only Midas and Morgan and Maecenas
knew. And I had the high intention of reading many
other books besides. I was rather literary in college—one
year I wrote a series of very solemn and obvious editorials
for the ‘Yale News’—and now I was going to bring back all
such things into my life and become again that most limited
of all specialists, the ‘well-rounded man.’ This isn’t just an
epigram—life is much more successfully looked at from a
single window, after all.
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It was a matter of chance that I should have rented a
house in one of the strangest communities in North America.
It was on that slender riotous island which extends itself
due east of New York and where there are, among other
natural curiosities, two unusual formations of land. Twenty
miles from the city a pair of enormous eggs, identical in
contour and separated only by a courtesy bay, jut out into
the most domesticated body of salt water in the Western
Hemisphere, the great wet barnyard of Long Island Sound.
They are not perfect ovals—like the egg in the Columbus
story they are both crushed flat at the contact end—but
their physical resemblance must be a source of perpetual
confusion to the gulls that fly overhead. To the wingless a
more arresting phenomenon is their dissimilarity in every
particular except shape and size.
I lived at West Egg, the—well, the less fashionable of the
two, though this is a most superficial tag to express the bizarre
and not a little sinister contrast between them. My
house was at the very tip of the egg, only fifty yards from the
Sound, and squeezed between two huge places that rented
for twelve or fifteen thousand a season. The one on my right
was a colossal affair by any standard—it was a factual imitation
of some Hôtel de Ville in Normandy, with a tower on
one side, spanking new under a thin beard of raw ivy, and a
marble swimming pool and more than forty acres of lawn
and garden. It was Gatsby’s mansion. Or rather, as I didn’t
know Mr. Gatsby.

In conclusion Bad Rats Show is better

Geplaatst 28 augustus 2018.
Was deze recensie nuttig? Ja Nee Grappig Prijs
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