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A 3 personas les pareció útil esta reseña
34.4 h registradas (27.4 h cuando escribió la reseña)
I love this game. I can already say it is the best theme park game i ever played.

This game is so great because it is limitless in regards to building and creativity.
The amount of themes looks okay but once you start combining items from other themes together you can basically make any theme you can imagine.
Lovely graphics, art design and the detail is extraordinary and looks so realistic.

There is a good amount of Flat rides, a great amount of Coasters, 2 Transport rides and they even added some water rides like the log flumes and river rapids.
You can also make Darkrides and there are options to set trigger events to your rides and coasters.
For those who like their own music better then the ingame music, wich is great, you can add custom music to the rides and speakers.

The park management is very in-depth and allows you to do just about everything you need as a park manager.

My final verdict (based on theme park games): 10/10
Publicada el 23 de noviembre de 2016.
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16.5 h registradas (7.5 h cuando escribió la reseña)
This Game Is Amazing!

Publicada el 8 de diciembre de 2015.
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6.5 h registradas (5.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Best. Game. Ever. <3
Publicada el 8 de diciembre de 2015.
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705.8 h registradas (184.8 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Best. Game. Ever.
Publicada el 8 de diciembre de 2015.
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50.8 h registradas (22.9 h cuando escribió la reseña)
To begin my review, I want to comment on most of the negative reviews. No game today comes out without bugs. This is because PCs and software is different, and the developers do not have reasources to test it on all machines. This will however be fixed. I'm not working for Square Enix or Avalanche Studios, but I'm asking you to please reconsider your negative review of the game, because it annoys me that a game like this has a "mixed" score on Steam. This game really deserves more, and when the bugs are fixed and you're able to play, you will realise why. Here is my review of the game. Enjoy!

Just Cause 3, not much different from Just Cause 2, just a whole lot better. You can still blow up everything you see, and do whatever you like. The flying mechanism is much alike, but you can now use a wingsuit, which to me makes the game a lot better than JC2. Instead of making this review look like a conglomerate, I will comment different aspects below:

I could write several pages about the graphics, but to make it short, I'll just say that I love the graphics, and they are improved alot more since JC2. The nature is more detailed, and the shaders look more beautiful.The explosions improved aswell, and even though explosions looked amazing from before, they managed to make them even better. Panau looked more like a plastic world to be honest. Just Cause 2 had crazy graphics at it's time, and Just Cause 3 managed to score well on graphics this time aswell. Great Job developers! Medici is beautiful!

Let me just say it has not changed much, which is good. This game should not be realistic when it comes to physics. Things explode everywhere, and that's how I want my Just Cause, just cause. An important improvement is the lovely new grapple. You can now shoot several of them, and "tigthen" them to move objects closer to eachother. I have used this a lot with helicopters, and crashed them into the ground in a hilarious way.

Game mechanics:
As mentioned above, the new grapple is amazing. Another awesome feature in Just Cause 3 is the wingsuit, which I carefully commented above. Oh, how I love the wingsuit. Thanks to the winguit I'm able to fly from A to Z without having to use any vehicle or fast travel. The Fast Travel is great aswell, but it seems like a rarely used feature. I prefer the wing suit, definitely. The fact that you can shoot out several grappling hook wires is also amazing.

The audio is similar to the one in Just Cause 2, but they made a few changes. One thing that really amazes me is the feeling after capturing a town. After the fireworks, I can hear a calm music in the background, making it seem like the city is a whole new place after probably years of propaganda speakers and killing soldiers. Some soundtracks are from Just Cause 2, but some are brand new aswell, and they are all awesome. Great Job!

After being dissapointed of the short Just Cause 2 story, I was not expecting any better story in Just Cause 3. Right now, I have played for 28 hours, and I have still not finished the story. You have a lot to do, which include random side quests and missions, aswell as tasks to do before unlocking missions. They have really put a lot of new activities to the game, like new challenges and races, and a brand new way of aquiring vehicles and weapons. You no longer have to wait for that annoying guy in the chopper (yay I guess).

That was the most important good things to include, but I should also comment on the few things that I did not like. These are the major problems:

* The AI is bad, and cars keep driving off bridges that I just exploded. Not much better than GTA though :)
* Bases are too easy to capture. I want a more challenging way of doing it.
* Had problems where sometimes in missions, music was not playing during intense scenes. Just a quick restart to fix it though.
* Game crashed once, but I have not seen it again.
* I have to get used to a whole new key setup. I guess it is better for the game, and I could change it back, but you learn it quickly.
*The volcano island and the hidden island in the bottom left was empty. I was left with a huge dissapointment after just finding ruins and a racecar. The hidden/isolated island in JC2 had much more awesome features, where you could not fly in. Could be improved.
* I love military bases, but the map could have a bit more of cities, as the biggest island consists mostly of no cities and civilian people. Not even villlages or farms.
* No big airports other than military airports

Otherwise, the game is amazing. I love it, and I hope you do aswell! :) Vive la revolution!

Written by [RNoAF] Metamon7
Publicada el 8 de diciembre de 2015. Última edición: 8 de diciembre de 2015.
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77.4 h registradas (64.0 h cuando escribió la reseña)
nice game!!!
Publicada el 12 de julio de 2012.
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