glaring my way through the fluff
if you fluffy butt you can be my bff
if i meowmeow would you purrpurr?
I complain about being #3 on pigpig's fav list when he is #5 on mine.
:BR_Heart: stupidly got rgb on everything but gets annoyed by all the lights constantly
:heart_cool: top IT indian korkor jeffy
:call_soulmate: fafa is cute
:heart_sad: fafa's owner needs a slap
:heart_shy: father clem
:heart_blue: bluey bodoh babs
:heartdealwithit: leky weky
:heart_fun: wisio?
:heart_laugh: hellar wofl
:HeartDead: stfu fortyshit
:boop: kiwi iwi
:pinkheart: moehoebby
Items Up For Trade
Items Owned
Trades Made
Market Transactions
My items up for trade aren't really up for trade. Just wanna show off them cute emoticons
Grizzy 10 Mar @ 8:23pm 
raided base award
snow 27 Feb @ 10:47am 
best of luck on your transition journey bro
-MeMo^ 23 Feb @ 10:48am 
uwu thanks
krych4 21 Feb @ 2:05pm 
My friend unban today and we both log in same account playing same tournament one. My ban is unfair.
Traps 21 Feb @ 9:52am 
The lion (me) does not turn around when the small dog (you) barks