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8 people found this review helpful
0.9 hrs on record
We're back with milk, but we're not better yet. We have a lot of trauma and scattered thoughts to work through. The world in milk outside is a bit more detailed and colorful. It's almost as if some of the monochromatic splotchy visuals from inside a bag of milk have cleared as a product of us finishing our task and working through some of the trauma in the first game. The game is still shades of black purple and red, however. The world is still colorless, the outside of our home is still an abyssal blur. We have much more options of proceeding. We can drown in it all and die or we can help ourselves work through some more of our trauma.

I thought milk inside was the most quickly relatable a character could be to someone who dissociates and deals with trauma and executive dysfunction. Milk outside has come in and thrown suicidality and online harassment into the mix. Milk girl is honestly one of my favorite characters in gaming. You get so much depth to her character in a playthrough of a half hour. It's crazy.
Posted 2 March.
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2 people found this review helpful
3.7 hrs on record
Doom, but doom guy is a badass hick with dual wielded sickles is good
Posted 27 February.
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0.4 hrs on record
Quite possibly the most accurate depiction of dissociative depression I have ever seen in such a cheap and short package. I really felt my executive dysfunction resonate strongly with this considering there are times I also have had to make games out of doing basic tasks in order to maintain volition. The unsettling, drab, and dreary art style really adds to the feeling of dissociation. Every word and image just bleeds into this grotesque mess of solid colors and blotched monsters. Getting the milk should be a relief. We got the thing in the title. We slayed our demons, conquered our dragons. Little did we know the horrors that awaited us outside the bag of milk outside the bag of milk.

I recommend it, it's a buck. Shoddy English translation and the kind of obnoxious text-to-speech didn't stop me from enjoying this short ride.
Posted 19 February.
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91.2 hrs on record (7.1 hrs at review time)
My wife left me because I was too busy trying to get the perfect Joker combo to instantly win on the first hand every blind.

Damn you, LocalThunk. You will be hearing from my lawyer as soon as he finishes his all Foil Straight Flush combo.
Posted 22 January.
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49.7 hrs on record (32.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I'm not usually that into MMORPGs. I have played The Old Republic for the first dozen levels or so and I recall trying out Champions Online and DC Universe online at one point like a decade ago?? Wasn't too terribly impressed of any of them. They always felt like huge time sinks that involved a lot of really grind-y gameplay and usually also involved paying subscription fees if you wanted to keep playing their more expansive content. It's not much but those fees add up over time.

However, I do have very fond memories of Phantasy Star Online on the Gamecube so when I was told about Atlyss and how similar of an experience to PSO it is I figured why the hell not, paid the prerequisite 10 bucks, and hopped on to the furry wonderland.

This game is only....kind of.....similar to PSO. The class and leveling system do really remind me of PSO, aesthetics too furry character models notwithstanding. The game also kind of has a very Gamecube/PS2 era visual design that really helps the nostalgia trip when you launch it. Even the audio sounds like audio that's being run through an old dusty console's speakers and into my headphones. It's delightful.

Many reviews of this game are going to talk about the boob and butt sliders and, honestly, yeah those things are in this game if that floats your boat. This game both low and high key horny. There are a lot of people in chatrooms in this game who will engage in horny rp. If that's not for you, I'd maybe shy away. I usually just ignore chat for the most part so my experience is pretty much fine.

If I had one real big complaint with this game, it's that it isn't finished. I feel like the amount of content we do have (only really enough to finish the game in a short few hours) is puddle deep. Hoping future updates expand more on this. I'm also hoping future updates expand on the class system since it's clear from the different elemental items in the game that there's room for having all different kinds of water, fire, and shadow mystics, fighters, and bandits to be full on character builds. There's a pretty astounding lack of different character skills that are useful in later levels as well. Most builds are generally going to be pretty similar to eachother outside of weapon types and one different elemental spell if you're a mystic.

Foundations are here for something great and an MMORPG that I actually really enjoy playing. Hope the devs stay with it and give us some good content. Hope they don't cave too much to the horny crowd. A little horny as a treat is fine, but I want this to be a good RPG on top of that.

Anyway, for now, buy it. You'll have several hours worth of replayability going through the different builds and character races and hanging out with friends in game. You'll also be getting in on the ground floor of any future potential updates.

Have a nice day and happy yiffing, poonbros! ^_^
Posted 16 January. Last edited 16 January.
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62.4 hrs on record (10.3 hrs at review time)
They put chemicals in my water that turned the freaking fish trans!
Posted 19 November, 2024.
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0.0 hrs on record
This is the best Crusader Kings DLC ever released. Landless adventurers offer absolutely limitless potential in game paths you can take. Want to be a Norman conqueror of Byzantium? Now you can. Want to be a roving sect of Gnostic Christians winning every intellectual debate against the Catholic west? Now you can. Want to found the Assassins and completely destroy The Holy Roman Empire? Now you can. Want to form a resistance group to the Norman conquest of England? Now you can.

This isn't even getting into the updated Byzantine flavor and the entirely new start bookmark or the historical wandering characters added to the game. CK3 is officially a more complete game than CK2 ever was. The sins of Legends of the Dead have been paid for and then some.
Posted 4 October, 2024.
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10.6 hrs on record
One of the most dry hilarious scenes in 1993’s Jurassic Park is a scene in which one of the scientists, Ian Malcolm portrayed by Jeff Goldblum, walks up to a pile of triceratops dung and exclaims, “that is one big pile of ♥♥♥♥.” Anyway, Bioshock is set in an objectivist paradise scenario gone horribly wrong as the runaway capitalist decadence and selfishness cause banditry and chaos in the underwater city of Rapture. Bioshock throws you right into the midst of the conflict and asks simple questions of the player: Do you choose to be kind to the Little Sisters? Do you forsake the capitalist game of gain at the expense of a used and abused class or do you choose the easiest path, the path of the baron, Andrew Ryan, cutthroat business and all and sacrifice innocents for power? Ryan says a man chooses and a slave obeys, but people are people and what else can I say? These are but roles and shackles of an inhuman system that Ryan benefits from. Even when you find the guy, he’s just chilling playing golf. Yeah, I didn’t choose to do what I did to him, but you know what, I would do it all the same. ♥♥♥♥ that guy. Anyway anyway, that scene from Jurassic Park is what I think of every time I see Atlas Shrugged or The Fountainhead come up in conversations.

Bioshock has quite possible some of the best atmosphere in any game I’ve played. I feel the cold cruelty of Rapture and its collapse with every step I take. The chipper tunes of The Inkspots ground this world in golden, early-mid century art deco beasts. It’s beautifully, hauntingly corrupt. The out of time vending machines preaching to me about the “circus of value” every time I find a lust for more bullets, wonderfully sardonic.

If I had one complaint, it’s that the smoothness of combat feels rather stiff at points. The final boss fight is a bit of a snoozefest too. Not really difficult and, honestly, anti-climactic. The ending cut scene if you saved all the Little Sisters is genuinely really sweet and heartfelt. It made going out of my way to be kind to them worth it.
Posted 1 September, 2024.
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5 people found this review helpful
86.2 hrs on record
You either die a legend or you live long enough to be a soulless, pay to win, monetized to the point where even changing your [redacted] username costs in game currency that you can buy with real world money, MOBA-fied shell of itself with barely any players remaining.

They massacred my boy. For shame.
Posted 9 March, 2024.
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828.2 hrs on record
Rockstar is not capable of making a bad single-player game. Bad remasters? Sure. Bad, wallet-draining online gameplay? Definitely! Rockstar, for all the ills that mar it, is the one AAA developer that still maintains a degree of consistency where others slip and fall. Does it come off the blood, sweat, tears, and missed family matters and emergencies of its workers? Very much so. It's not a matter of what they signed up for. Everyone goes into the industry wanting to have passion for the art they love. It's developers like this that drip poison through an IV bag into that dream and create stress and pain for people just trying to create what they love. If there's one quote from Dutch, rascal that he is, that holds weight in my mind it's that love is "all we got".

Soap box time done, there's a game to talk about. RDR2, online mode notwithstanding, is a masterpiece. The story is this perfected blend of darkly comedic, outright harrowing, and nostalgic for a time and place that none of us alive can even fathom remembering and yet, at the same time, feels vaguely familiar like a visit to a friend's place a long time and many state lines ago. The characters are all so defined and strong in their characterizations. Lenny is the young upstart. Bill the grizzled, sardonic veteran with a hint of some complex feelings about men thrown in (read: bro is gay). Arthur is the loyal, but hardened right hand. Hosea the wise old huckster. Kieran the turncoat in search of identity. John Marston is there. There's even more. It's crazy how they managed to balance all of this, but when you have a game with side content thicker than molasses in 1919 Boston, you have a lot of time you can dedicate towards building each and every individual in the gang up as their own unique person.

The world is downright, drop dead gorgeous. The graphical fidelity of this game defines the modern era of gaming. RDR2 set the bar in this aspect. Does it run well? No, not really, sometimes, maybe???? Does it matter? [Redacted] no, it doesn't, cowpoke. This game is a real thing of beauty. The attention to detail is just superb. Did you know they literally digitally restored extinct bird species to life for this game? You do now. You're welcome. Just maddening how much effort was put into this.

Avoiding the soap box I already climbed onto earlier, this game is something really special. The efforts, inhumane and demanding of the very souls of its real creators, the programmers, testers, and designers who are but blurbs on a credit roll if even that, bore the fruit of genius design. RDR2 is absolutely the defining game to come out in the 2010s.
Posted 29 February, 2024.
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