EVOL O)))))))
Sam Meacham   Auburn, Washington, United States
Valve blew it. TF2 is an MMO, L4D was poised to become one of the greatest competitive multiplayer games of all time save for a few issues, but those were only fixed in L4D2, which is a giant turd of a game. I swear they merged all the code for input, and the kb/mouse input is processed through some xbox 360 controller garbage. And Portal 2 was the easiest, most boring game I have ever played. Worst possible follow up to one of the BEST games ever made. Enjoy the money Valve. Your fans from the HL1 days are enjoying hot steel in their backs.

So I really only play Quake Live anymore guys. You can find me on there, my name is EVOL.

I created the Hunter Games and UNREST mods for Left 4 Dead.


Currently Offline
Waterloo 16 Sep, 2020 @ 2:13pm 
I had a dream the night Sam died. In it, Sam was playing with his kids and I in his house in Washington. Looking at him, It was obvious he loved his kids. We played and laughed and it felt amazing to see him. It truly felt like he was there and alive. He sat criss-cross on the ground and brought his three children into his arms. I looked at him and we smiled at each other. But Sam’s smile faded. He got up. He started heading for the door. I started to cry. I asked him why he had to go. I begged him to stay. I said I needed him. I said we all needed him. He hugged me. He said I was strong and that I could do this. He kneeled down to his kids. He went to each of them, putting his hands on their shoulders and saying something reassuring to each individual kid. He hugged them one last time and headed for the door. As he left, I said “goodbye, Sam.” I woke up crying and repeated to the empty room around me, “I miss you, Sam. I miss you.”
The Decoy 20 Jul, 2017 @ 1:05pm 
Such a different world without you in it Sam, miss you buddy
Maxxx™ 1 Dec, 2016 @ 5:06pm 
Saw you on my friends list and thought I would say hi . Miss you buddy . You have now officially reached legendary status !!!!!!
Lynx 6 Sep, 2016 @ 10:15am 
Miss you Sam was just thinking about you.
Queen'Glory 21 Jun, 2009 @ 12:55am 
I'll have to rule you as well. =D