I like playing in the sand, what's mine is ours if it doesn't remind me of anything
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mic0912 17 Oct, 2022 @ 11:59am 
Ho risposto! Nel caso non ricevi la notifica. Ps non conosco Cultic
Epee Princess 22 Mar, 2015 @ 6:17am 
Cioa! Come' va?
Epee Princess 26 Nov, 2012 @ 2:29pm 
So I was in Italy... and I missed you :( Sad Jenny...
Epee Princess 8 Nov, 2011 @ 9:03am 
Hey hey :D mio ragazzo mi ha comprato un laptop (?) per il mio compleanno... and that's why I am on steam :D Also, I'll be in Italy at some point next year! We shall all have to catch up!
- ThePಠnz - 3 Jul, 2011 @ 7:25am 
dai su, solo perché mi facevi da bersaglio semovente senza impegnarti.. :P
beuna 3 Jul, 2011 @ 3:02am 
Non farlo