Эщкере 16 févr. 2022 à 10h59 
Hi, I want to buy some of your stuff in tf2. Add me for discussion :3
windizzy 4 oct. 2021 à 13h14 
Hey Filloax, I'd love to buy one of your TF2 hats, I can pay good! Shoot me an add?
shaggy 28 juin 2021 à 8h57 
nice profile
Castlemario 19 juin 2021 à 11h32 
Will you be updating The Drawn mod at anytime for Repentance?
Lakir ♔TF2♔ 24 mai 2021 à 13h30 
add ,me pls i can you good idea
Acguy 25 oct. 2019 à 20h21 
HI, I'm very sorry for this sudden request. I'm interested on your Team Spirit Footprints The Triad Trinket. Please consider trade with me.
CrAzyDoginฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ 11 juil. 2018 à 7h16 
helloo i see you make great itens for isaac can you make this one? >///<
i always want this one
mistical hope
your tears explodes when touch the floor or a enemie also create fire on the floor xD and also you fly now:8bitheart: but you get -3 red hearts but gain one blue heart
Tzuki 27 mai 2018 à 8h26 
Your mode is amazing. Thank you for your job!
my friends call me bell 17 févr. 2018 à 18h09 
i just want to tell you filloax, you did an absolutely incredible job working on that revelations mod. 10/10, wait no... over 9000/10. Wait, that meme died a long time ago. 420/10 i guess?
Lokajesper 29 janv. 2018 à 9h18 
Yoyo i got a problem with your mod, got ipecac as an item and i am in that broken mirror room, isaac goes down to like 1 bar then i cant do anything? how will i fix this? added u if you can help me maybe :/
Denk 19 nov. 2017 à 5h54 
Hey filloax, i'd like to ask you something about your mod and as well the permission/help to isolate an item (the wooden ring) from your blacksouls mod, i've sent you a friend request already :P
chowanatohr 11 sept. 2017 à 19h03 
Hi, is it at all possible that I could make items from the Black Souls mod the starting items for the character Soleil from the Isaac Souls mod, as well as making them exlusive to that character? Thanks loads!
Haze_XDriven 29 mai 2017 à 12h16 
hey i was wondering if you could help me with codeing / lua mod makeing i am new and would like make a mod pack but need help could you msg me if possible
YOWCH! 22 avr. 2017 à 13h24 
how do u enable the black souls mod? pls halp
LordOfCinder1020 7 avr. 2017 à 14h17 
Hey man I really like your mod black souls for the binding of isaac afterbirth+ . I'm an artist and I had the desire to create a full visual overhaul theme on dark souls and wondered if you would of been interested to partner up!