Arnaxus 3 Jul, 2011 @ 2:57am 
we need to play PORTAL! and yeah also free ticket ta :)
Cap'n JABBA 2 Jul, 2011 @ 11:21am 
\\[^.^]// free ticket [*.*]
Radio Guy 28 Dec, 2010 @ 3:58pm 
Ive updated my account - Right I suck at comments on this as it never alerts me to a new one. There are some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Left 4 Dead custom campaigns we should try.

I Hate Mountains is a decent one for the original - however there was one in PCG about Dawn of the Dead et al.

Will go through my old copies - should be a fun evening!
Adam 19 Dec, 2010 @ 3:10pm 
Hey, where have you disasppeared to?
Radio Guy 18 Dec, 2010 @ 11:03am 
Fancy trying some custom Left 4 Dead 2 campaigns sometime?
akiradice 27 Oct, 2010 @ 8:15am 
Brindelmold 25 Jun, 2010 @ 1:01pm 
Man... that was one deep poem you said. Deeep.
Adam 19 Jun, 2010 @ 11:58am 
Sorry, my desktop has bsod'ed three times in half an hour and no refuses to connect the internet (I'm posting this on my netbook)
TomM 3 Jan, 2010 @ 8:14am 
Whatever, lets shoot some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ zombies.
Wrathius 24 Dec, 2009 @ 4:55pm 
Because hes awesome
TomM 30 Nov, 2009 @ 7:56am 
Dan, why do you have 241 friends?
fox 2 13 Nov, 2009 @ 4:19pm 
funk i missed you the other day! yes i have mw2 do u?
Tommmmm 30 Aug, 2009 @ 10:00am 
i do not understand you.
fox 2 14 Aug, 2009 @ 5:48am 
Where ya hiding at these days?
TomM 8 Jun, 2009 @ 7:06am 
You mess :)
FunkiYeti 20 May, 2009 @ 1:41am 
I'm gonna get the other 2 deep dish adverts sorted as well, cos they're also hilarious.
fox 2 19 May, 2009 @ 9:17am 
Dinner's Ready!