Gabriel   Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Move along citizen
Currently Offline
Item Stealer 23 Nov, 2018 @ 3:01pm 
bendkok 15 Nov, 2017 @ 6:08am 
Th€ int€nt i$ to provid€ pla¥€r$ with a $€n$€ of prid€ and a¢¢ompli$hm€nt for unlo¢king diff€r€nt h€ro€$. A$ for ¢o$t, w€ $€l€¢t€d initial valu€$ ba$€d upon data from th€ Op€n B€ta and oth€r adju$tm€nt$ mad€ to mil€$ton€ r€ward$ b€for€ laun¢h. Among oth€r thing$, w€'r€ looking at av€rag€ p€r-pla¥€r ¢r€dit €arn rat€$ on a dail¥ ba$i$, and w€'ll b€ making ¢on$tant adju$tm€nt$ to €n$ur€ that pla¥€r$ hav€ ¢hall€ng€$ that ar€ ¢omp€lling, r€warding, and of ¢our$€ attainabl€ via gam€pla¥. W€ appr€¢iat€ th€ ¢andid f€€dba¢k, and th€ pa$$ion th€ ¢ommunit¥ ha$ put forth around th€ ¢urr€nt topi¢$ h€r€ on R€ddit, our forum$ and a¢ro$$ num€rou$ $o¢ial m€dia outl€t$. Our t€am will ¢ontinu€ to mak€ ¢hang€$ and monitor ¢ommunit¥ f€€dba¢k and updat€ €v€r¥on€ a$ $oon and a$ oft€n a$ w€ ¢an.
KZ0 2 Dec, 2009 @ 12:33pm 
What sick bastard would want to eat your soul.