Owner, CTO: Jump Academy - - GitHub []
Plugins Developer: JumpBot [], SyncR [], JSE [], CSR
Sysadmin: Jump Academy , RetroServers , ECJ , SimplyTF
Понастоящем извън линия
Любима група
Jump Academy - Публична група
For Jumpers, by Jumpers.
46 066
1 584
В игра
8 919
На линия
2 593
В чата
Owner and Server SysAdmin of Jump Academy

My roles in Jump Academy are group coordinator, negotiator, and chief technical officer.
Please do * not * add for matters unrelated to business or technical issues with the jump community.

Have a general question about JA? Please ask on the forums or contact me on Discord [].

For JA donation inquiries, see here . * Do not add me for trades *

To learn rocket jumping, please find a teacher on the jump servers. I will not accept requests to teach.

Ban disputes:
Bug reports:

SourceMod Plugins Developer

JumpBOT / SurfBOT
- Recorder and replay system for in-game jump/surf tutorials

- Market gardening arena bot for JA servers

- Real-time visual and audio feedback for rocket syncs

Jump Server Essentials
- Modular jump server environment addons

Cross-Server Relay (CSR)
- Asynchronous bidirectional player motion data forwarding across multiple game servers

- ???
Изложение на видеа
TF2 RTS Unit Attack Test
18 6 1
Скорошна дейност
5,5 изиграни часа
последно пускане 15 март
54 изиграни часа
последно пускане 15 март
1 изиграни часа
последно пускане 15 март