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6 people found this review helpful
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17.7 hrs on record
You bought this to play Day Z. Yes you did. Stop lying. Don't look at me in that tone of voice.
Posted 10 August, 2024.
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47.4 hrs on record
My wife says if this review gets 50 likes and 5 rewards, I can finally stop posting this ♥♥♥♥♥ copypasta
Posted 10 August, 2024.
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10.2 hrs on record (7.4 hrs at review time)

one shot by sniper
Posted 16 June, 2024.
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43.2 hrs on record (4.1 hrs at review time)
I will preface this by saying the games themselves are excellent, and I cannot wait to replay them. I will also state that issues with AMD GPUs have been rectified (as of a preview driver which will be released as stable probably at the start of September). Do note that I have not experienced, but have no reason to believe, the random menu crash (that also affects Nvidia GPUs) has been fixed. I personally was never affected by it though and I'm still not now that the game is stable.

However, I am still upset that 2 months after buying this game on launch day, I've only just now been able to play them. These games were on Epic Games Store from 2021 and some people have waited as many as THREE YEARS for a fix. It should not have taken a Steam release to fix this issue, it should've been resolved in 2022 at the latest. A timeline for the fix was indeterminate until the preview drivers were released by AMD all of a few days ago. On official channels it's still "indeterminate" so the fact that we had only one update, on a throwaway comment by an AMD dev in the AMD subreddit, over two months, is inexcusable, frankly for both SqEnix and AMD. As a result, I'm leaving this review as Negative and won't be changing it back. Remember - the games themselves are excellent and now run like a dream - but if I had bought this on EGS I'd be incensed that I'd had to wait 3 full years for a fix, like I am already for 2 months on a Steam release.
Posted 13 June, 2024. Last edited 26 August, 2024.
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19.0 hrs on record (11.4 hrs at review time)
EDIT: Tony Huynh has stated that many features are coming in patches soon (input buffer, side/neutral switch, team colours instead of outlines, more events including PvP ones, end-of-game stats, all characters available in Lab without need to purchase, spectator mode, etc). With this in mind, and the justification that the UE5 change was made quite late into development thus these features had to be left out to meet the WB deadline, I am leaving my review as negative but my overall view on the game now is less sour. If they keep these changes going and add more to alleviate player concerns, I will happily change to a positive review. Until I see these changes and others that need drastic addressing, I'm leaving it Negative.


I feel like I'm playing the Beta and the full release in reverse.

The Beta felt more complete and felt more like it respected your time. The Beta's netcode also felt more stable.

Cool to see that they've released the game in this state knowing that backlash will ensue and they will "listen to the community" and implement "changes" they've likely planned from the beginning, to slip in to drive up player numbers after removing the game from playability for a FULL YEAR.

This had the potential to be the best Smash clone game on the market. But even Nickelodeon All Stars is light years ahead of this with less dev-time and hype. This could've beaten Brawlhalla for god sakes. That I'd sooner pay for Nick All Stars or buy Brawlhalla DLC rather than play this for FREE is insane.

Come back in a year, if the game lasts that long. Maybe then it'll equal the hilariously fun beta.
Posted 29 May, 2024. Last edited 2 June, 2024.
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25.6 hrs on record
Let's be honest here, it's just like 5.

Game sucks fat ♥♥♥♥ if you don't own the DLC, and if you do own the DLC, it'll have a stranglehold on you for hours until you're melded to your chair after your 250th "just one more turn" of the night at 9am in the morning on a work day.

Don't play base, it sucks. Do play with the DLC enabled, just don't ask where your time went.
Posted 29 May, 2024.
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5.6 hrs on record (4.3 hrs at review time)
(Only now deciding to review now that Sony has relented. Had the switch gone through, this would be negative. If they change it in future, even with large incentives like a free warbond, I'm still changing it to negative even if the community is fine with it after that.)

I was late to the Helldivers party by a few months, and I pretty heavily regret it. The game's fantastic. A horde shooter that's forgiving but with actual difficulty is right up my street. Well optimised, looks fantastic. The atmosphere and world-building are some of the best I've seen in a game that's solely multiplayer, it nails the Starship Troopers feel with perfection. Even ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ up and killing your allies by accident is so funny that you'll laugh it off when it happens to you.

Battle passes (called Warbonds here) are optional, permanent with no time limit, and can after a lot of effort be earned for playing the game rather than being bought, and two of the 3 currently available ones can be bought for less than half the price of the game. Given how good the game is, you actually WANT to buy these despite having paid for the game itself. Now that Sony have backed down, I can say they've struck gold again with yet another second-party banger of a game, this time a multiplayer experience that Microsoft can truly be jealous of. If they keep account linking permanently optional, this is one of the games of the year, and the fact that it's stuck around instead of the other fad games this year like Palworld or Battlebit is a testament to how good it is.
Posted 6 May, 2024.
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1.6 hrs on record
It's not outrageously bad by any means. It's good. But it's only good. I haven't played too much of it (I got it for free with my GPU so no sunk-cost motivation for me), but what I did play was good, and little more than good.

The game will improve massively when it gets full mod support from Bethesda, 100% it will. But until then, you have probably the most unremarkable 3D RPG Bethesda have made. It's still a decent bar compared to other games, but it's still low compared to Bethesda's other games.
Posted 1 May, 2024.
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0.2 hrs on record
I got this game gifted to me and I still requested a refund.

Arrow keys are not bindable. Over a year after this game released btw. The screen looked blurry on my 1440p monitor, on Anniversary Mode, even with settings tweaked and the resolution definitely set to 1440 in settings. There's better ways to play these games even without original hardware and even if you didn't buy the Genesis/Mega Drive classic versions before they delisted those in favour of... this.. Save yourself the bloody trouble.
Posted 26 December, 2023.
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2.0 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I played 2 hours too much of this game.
Posted 4 October, 2023.
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