good1   Brazil
backstabbed so many times i started walking backwards
Currently Online
fps_max_menu "30"
volume 0.1


rate "128000"
cl_interp "0.01"
cl_interp_ratio "1"
cl_lagcompensation "1"
cl_cmdrate "128"
cl_updaterate "128"
cl_resend "3"
cl_timeout "60"
cl_allowdownload "0"
cl_allowupload "0"
cl_predictweapons "1"


cl_crosshair_drawoutline "0"
cl_crosshair_dynamic_maxdist_splitratio "0.35"
cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_innermod "1"
cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_outermod "0.5"
cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitdist "7"
cl_crosshair_friendly_warning "1"
cl_crosshair_outlinethickness "1"
cl_crosshair_sniper_show_normal_inaccuracy "0"
cl_crosshair_sniper_width "2"
cl_crosshair_t "0"
cl_crosshairalpha "255"
cl_crosshaircolor "5"
cl_crosshaircolor_b "0"
cl_crosshaircolor_g "0"
cl_crosshaircolor_r "0"
cl_crosshairdot "0"
cl_crosshairgap "-2"
cl_crosshairgap_useweaponvalue "0"
cl_crosshairsize "2"
cl_crosshairstyle "4"
cl_crosshairthickness "1"
cl_crosshairusealpha "1"
cl_fixedcrosshairgap "3"


cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt "0.500000"
cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt "0.250000"
viewmodel_fov "68.000000"
viewmodel_offset_x "2.5"
viewmodel_offset_y "0"
viewmodel_offset_z "-1.5"
viewmodel_presetpos "3"
cl_bob_lower_amt "5.000000"
cl_bobamt_lat "0.100000"
cl_bobamt_vert "0.100000"
cl_bobcycle "0.98"
cl_righthand 0


r_drawtracers_firstperson "0"
r_dynamic "0"
r_eyegloss "0"
r_eyemove "0"
r_eyeshift_x "0"
r_eyeshift_y "0"
r_eyeshift_z "0"
r_eyesize "0"
muzzleflash_light "0"
sys_antialiasing "1"
sys_aspectratio "-1"
sys_refldetail "0"
mat_queue_mode "-1"
cl_minimal_rtt_shadows "1"


cl_mouseenable "1"
m_customaccel "0"
m_customaccel_exponent "0"
m_customaccel_max "0"
m_customaccel_scale "0"
m_forward "1"
m_mouseaccel1 "0"
m_mouseaccel2 "0"
m_mousespeed "0"
m_pitch "0.022"
m_rawinput "1"
m_side "0.8"
m_yaw "0.022"
sensitivity "2.2"
zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse "1"


cl_showhelp "0"
cl_autohelp "0"
cl_autowepswitch "0"
cl_downloadfilter "all"

cl_forcepreload "0"
cl_loadout_colorweaponnames "1"
cl_showfps "0"
cl_showhelp "0"
cl_teammate_colors_show "2"
cl_disablefreezecam "1"
cl_disablehtmlmotd 1
cl_forcepreload 1

cl_debugrumble "0"
cl_dm_buyrandomweapons "0"
cl_freezecameffects_showholiday "0"
con_enable "1"
econ_highest_baseitem_seen "63"
gameinstructor_enable "0"
mat_monitorgamma "1.6"
mat_monitorgamma_tv_enabled "1"
player_nevershow_communityservermessage "1"
bot_chatter "off"
cl_use_opens_buy_menu "0"
ui_steam_overlay_notification_position "bottomleft"
lobby_voice_chat_enabled "0"
cl_color "3"


hud_scaling "0.8"
hud_showtargetid "1"
hud_takesshots "0"
cl_hud_playercount_pos "1"
cl_hud_playercount_showcount "1"
cl_hud_color "6"
cl_hud_background_alpha "1"
cl_hud_bomb_under_radar "0"
cl_hud_healthammo_style "0"
net_graphproportionalfont "0"
net_graphheight "0"
cl_autowepswitch "0"


alias "+jumpthrow" "+jump;-attack"
alias "-jumpthrow" "-jump"
alias "+ng" "+showscores; net_graph 1";
alias "-ng" "-showscores; net_graph 0";


bind "1" "slot1"
bind "2" "slot2"
bind "3" "slot3"
bind "5" "slot5"
bind "6" "slot6"
bind "8" "slot8"
bind "a" "+moveleft"
bind "b" "buymenu"
bind "d" "+moveright"
bind "e" "+use"
bind "F7" "+lookatweapon"
bind "g" "drop"
bind "alt" "+voicerecord"
bind "m" "teammenu"
bind "q" "invnextnongrenade"
bind "r" "+reload"
bind "s" "+back"
bind "u" "messagemode2"
bind "w" "+forward"
bind "y" "messagemode"
bind "," "buyammo1"
bind "." "buyammo2"
bind "p" "toggleconsole"
bind "-" "slot11"
bind "TAB" "+showscores;r_cleardecals"
bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect"
bind "PAUSE" "pause"
bind "SHIFT" "+speed"
bind "CTRL" "+duck"
bind "F3" "askconnect_accept"
bind "F12" "jpeg"
bind "MOUSE1" "+attack"
bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2"
bind "MWHEELUP" "+jump"
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "+jump"
bind "alt" noclip
bind "F9" "incrementvar cl_radar_scale 0.25 1.0 0.05";
bind "F10" "incrementvar cl_radar_scale 0.25 1.0 -0.05";
bind "f" "use weapon_flashbang"
bind "c" "use weapon_smokegrenade"
bind "4" "use weapon_hegrenade"
bind "x" "use weapon_molotov;use weapon_incgrenade;"
bind "z" "use weapon_knife;use weapon_decoy"
bind "SPACE" "+jumpthrow"
bind "n" "radio2"
bind "k" +voicerecord
bind "TAB" "+ng";

// Toggle FPS for loading maps faster

alias fpschange "fpschange_high"
alias fpschange_high "fps_max 999; playvol buttons\blip1 0.5; alias fpschange "fpschange_low"
alias fpschange_low "fps_max 60; playvol buttons\blip2 0.5; alias fpschange "fpschange_high"
fpschange_low //This turns your FPS low when the game starts to load maps faster
bind "F6" "fpschange" //Bind F6 to whatever you prefer

Bind to align smoke grenades. Make sure you set the - value to your original crosshair size
// Bind pra alinar smokes. Certifique-se de que o valor - é o seu crosshair size original
alias -smoke_throw "cl_crosshairsize 2.5;"
alias +smoke_throw "cl_crosshairsize 9999;"
bind MOUSE4 +smoke_throw

alias +showinv "+cl_show_team_equipment"
alias -showinv ""
bind MOUSE5 "+showinv"



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F3rnand0_0 20 Jul, 2024 @ 8:17pm 
lv 12 lixo
Lightzi 1 Feb, 2021 @ 5:51pm 
🚨 piuuuuu ✋🏻👮🏾 paradoh ai ✋🏻 voce taah sendu investigado 👀 na operacao Lava Zap 🚓😂

passa p ca seu zap 😎 pra q possamos resolver issooh 😘😘🙊
FREAK 23 Mar, 2017 @ 10:19pm 
EliGE 14 Feb, 2017 @ 1:16am 
signed by EliGE :D
RPG44 11 Feb, 2017 @ 2:35pm 
Signed by chrisJ :servicesign:
Uhtred 6 Feb, 2017 @ 4:21am