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9.7 hrs on record
I picked up this game for free some time ago and decided to give it a shot. I'm not a big tomb raider fan and this is the first game of the series i've played. The game is good but has some cons. It's direct competitor which i would say everyone agrees is uncharted is way up above even with just it's first installment. The story takes about 6-7 hours to complete and as you can see i have 9 hours just because i did a bit of side questing. This brings me to the main problem of the game imo: the side quests. There's no actual side quests, it's just time consuming chores, usually leads you to uncover just small details about the island where you are stranded and you only get rewarded with some minor scraps and stuff like that. It's really just filler and for the "completionist" type of guy. The climbing mechanics are tedious at times but overall not too bad. The gameplay itself is very simple and actually rather easy. It's very rewarding tough and headshotting people feels pretty satisfying. The story is... kinda cool actually but it falls short with most of the characters: you don't even know who half the people are (as in, you know you guys are friends, but you're just like whatever) and the guy that was supposed to sort of be the villain is just really there and that's it. The only character you really emphasise with is Lara and i gotta say she is portrayed very nicely, as just a lady that finds herself in a completely new scenario and has to make it out alive... you feel the struggle and its very cool, especially at the start of the game. The big set pieces are also cool as hell and the game is actually packed with them, the action is really the main focus here. As far as graphics go it certainly is a treat for the eye, nothing extreme, again, if you compare it to even uncharted 2 that came out in 2009, but still very pleasant. Almost as good as the witcher 3 for comparison. A great incentive for playing this game is the optimization. On my pc i was able to run this ALL THE WAY THROUGH at 144fps stable on all high with a gtx 1060. Gotta say i was crazy impressed by that. Haven't tried the MP but i saw some videos online and i gotta say it looks like the sort of multiplayer that's just there so if you don't got enough of the game mechanics in the SP and don't wanna just shoot NPCS you can get more of it. Overall i'd recommend it, but if you're getting this nowadays, wait for an extremely cheap sale. I guess it's a solid 7/10
Posted 23 April, 2020.
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24.2 hrs on record (24.2 hrs at review time)
game has terrible frame skipping and stuttering issues, terrible UI, terrible servers and bland graphics. Regret jumping on the hype train and wasting my money on this. Stay away from pubg
Posted 3 June, 2018.
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1.6 hrs on record (0.8 hrs at review time)
I usually go for a clear shot when I buy a game. I want to spend my money correctly... but this time around I just wanted to try something I didn't know anything about--- I made a huge mistake

Don't get me wrong, the game by itself has infinite amount of potential, but the execution? Really terrible

The "tetris like"inventory management is greatly done and innovative... that's what I thought at first... but as you find pieces of the... thing (?) it gets full in no time and you have to go back and forth between islands.
The saves, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, the saves! Why can't you save whenever you want? Why do you have to be in a boat or go to the Stonehenge construction thingy? Why? It seems like the developers wanted a way to keep you as busy as possible, when instead, they are just annoying you with having to do all those ungrateful tasks.
The combat is decent, but really, the same everytime: get in area, kill 2-3 bots, get out. That's it!
Traps are also friking terrible.

Another HUGE problem is how big the island are: this isn't a real problem by itself, but considering that most of the times you will have to sneak around enemies... it could litterally take you 15 minutes to get from one side to another of the map.
The looting is uninteresting, the game lacks rare and cool guns, bibs and bobs, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ for a game that's, in great part, composed of looting, the only things you find are rat meat and useless junk 90% of the times?

No. No. No.

There is no excuse to this repetitive and badly made gameplay.

This game has nothing more to offer, than a headache. Not recommended at all.
I will come back to this when and if there will be a great changelist, that's gonna get me interested again in the game.
Posted 12 January, 2015.
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1.0 hrs on record (0.2 hrs at review time)
I wanted something really.... really.... REALLY bad to play. You know.... when you are bored of triple a games and you think a good (in this case bad) indie game can catch your interest for some days.
Yes, I was deliberately looking for a crappy game to play, and during winter sales, for the very low price of 0,14€... I thought I could with no problem, giving this a shot.
But why this game? Well, just look at the reviews---
AAAAND! This game even failed in in being bad enough to fill my hunger of badness. Do yourself a favour, if you are willing to pay 99cents for this failed abort, just give those money to some homeless in the streets.... you will make someone happy instead of making you wanting to kill yourself.
Posted 9 January, 2015.
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1 person found this review helpful
18.7 hrs on record (14.8 hrs at review time)
I can't the describe the feels this game gives me. I think tha AC2 and Brotherhood are just 2 masterpieces in the AC saga and probably the whole modern gaming generation. I remember playing this the first time on a ps3, and some days ago it was on sale, and I got caught by nostalgia and decided to buy it. Probably the best spent money in my life. Also, I live in Italy... so the feels are really. The places are so well done and just look so real, like they where taken directly from here! The graphics are the only thing that might disappoint you... in 2010 we had some really good games with amazing graphics, and AC2 really wasn't up to the standars, and it still isn't of course. But you know, the emotions a game gives you is what really matters. Great game. Get it.

P.s. the mac port is fairly decent
P.s.s. you might have to rebind some keys on your keyboard and find the best setup that's good for you... cause default is seriously messed up
Posted 6 December, 2014.
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1.2 hrs on record (0.3 hrs at review time)
Was talking to a friend on the steam voice chat
Decided to try out the game
Could not hear anything at all from my computer included my friend
Decided to reebot my pc
Noticed the game was actually blocking EVERY sound for some reason

45 sounds/69 "Would scream at my friend -Turn your volume up- again" IGN

Posted 6 December, 2014.
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37.8 hrs on record (5.9 hrs at review time)
Approfittatene finché ci sono i saldi. A 1.19€ comprate ore di divertimento con gli amici. Consigliato al 100%
Posted 2 December, 2014.
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2,997.3 hrs on record (2,757.0 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
make yourself a favour and dont make the same mistake i did... avoid this piece of trash of a game for your own good
there's so many other competitive games you can get into... siege is way better than this from a tactical standpoint
♥♥♥♥ even that sack of ♥♥♥♥ called pubg is better
Posted 2 December, 2014. Last edited 2 June, 2018.
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Showing 1-8 of 8 entries