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111.1 hrs on record (18.2 hrs at review time)
This game is fantastic and it has scratched an itch I've had for a long time.

This the action rpg with turn based combat and interesting skill system and multi classing I've been looking for.

It has interesting randomized fights which is great. 15 classes you can mix and match from. Great to play with friends.

The only gripe I have with it is that you can't use keyboard and mouse along with a controller. But using only controllers work for split screen fun times.

Very fun and chill game, has some deep strategy elements too.

Have not gotten to beat the game yet, but I am playing with some friends and I am enojying every minute of it!
Posted 10 June, 2024.
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131.4 hrs on record (79.2 hrs at review time)
Game is good, but very hard solo
Posted 11 August, 2023.
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21.6 hrs on record
Great terminator game. Main game is great. Infiltrator mode is interesting, but the DLC had some shortcomings at the end. All in all great terminator game.

I played the game on extreme difficulty from the start with 0 knowledge of the game.
Though I did find

The Good:
Feels authentic to the franchise
Gun play is good. Plasma Weapons feels nice
Enemies are brutal (on extreme)
It was a challenge and felt like you were fighting terminators as they killed you quickly if you were out of position.
Story is cheesy
Player choices matters on ending
Crafting and resource collecting
Skynet has no dialogue with you
Some allied NPC characters dies in non heroic ways, sometimes quite quick and mercilessly.
Exploring is rewarding

The not so good
Audio mixing on protagonist gets drowned out by music, not sure how this got past quality control. The DLC did not have this issue.
Story is very predictable. Acting is "now I talk, now you talk, now I talk , now you talk"
Allied NPC Characters are bland and forget-able, no emotion, everyone reads from a script with little to soul, with a few exceptions
Fights never progressed without you, allied NPC's will wait forever, telling you to hurry over and over until you show up. It's very clear you are the protagonist and the world doesn't progress without you.

The bad
Plasma Sniper Rifle stacking is too good. Ended up with over 1000 ammo at the end as I always went in plus each fight when looting everything.
It said that under extreme difficulty resources were supposed to be scarce, but I could take every single fight in the game, win and come out with more bullets than I started with.
Some balancing was needed there. As this was the optimal strategy for the base game and the DLC.
There was literally no point in using any weapon besides the sniper rifle, rocket launcher / grenade launcher and grenades. Sniper used less ammo, did more damage and could be cheese from far away with no risk to the player. Why would I bother go for a stab when I can two shot quickscope every terminator with ease at any range?
Health system is a joke. You basically have a "resist death" where you reach low health. And the AI's won't shoot you until some time has passed. This became painfully obvious making it so I never really had to use a healthpack ever (only on the last DLC boss).
The last part of the DLC breaks the rules that the game follows entirely. Suddenly stealth is mandatory (has been optional throughout the entire game until now) and Allied NPC's suddenly has their plotarmor removed, making them die (and also you die) instantly if spotted.
Some abuseable things with the AI, specifically how they are tied to loaded chunks of the map, Making it so you can walk back to de-render the terminator, wait for your health to regenerate, walk forward, as the terminator would spawn in the same spot, shoot once, step back, repeat until dead. This was immersion breaking.

Still a fun game even if you don't know that much about Terminator.
Posted 7 October, 2022. Last edited 7 October, 2022.
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19.6 hrs on record (3.2 hrs at review time)
Excellent game.

Two things I don't like.

1 Shredders voice actor
2. The Song We Ain't Came to Lose, the only song the entire soundtrack that's not made by Tee Lopes, also ends up being the only bad song in the entire soundtrack. Did it get in there by pity points or something? It's extremely outside the bar and theme ALL the other songs have set. 0/10 song that one. while all the others are 8 to 10/10.

This is a must buy, but I do hope they remove the one non Tee Lopes song from the soundtrack as it's utter garbage and sours the experience
Posted 18 June, 2022.
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73.6 hrs on record (20.1 hrs at review time)
Is good game, old favorite, my first Resident Evil game, but they need to include the Xboxlive.dll file with the install so people can play it out of the box
Posted 20 April, 2021.
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1 person found this review helpful
425.4 hrs on record (29.2 hrs at review time)
Play with a group of friends of 10, best way to enjoy the game
Posted 24 November, 2020.
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4 people found this review helpful
413.5 hrs on record (354.0 hrs at review time)
is good
Posted 12 July, 2020.
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39.4 hrs on record (19.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Is a simple and fun game, addicting
Posted 9 July, 2020.
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61.2 hrs on record (3.8 hrs at review time)
Very good game
Posted 2 June, 2020.
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5 people found this review helpful
80.8 hrs on record (11.5 hrs at review time)
The single player is ok, many bugs, seems unpolished, but the gameplay is amazing

Online lags and has a lot of rubber banding issues even on low ping. It would be good if the clients were hosting the games and not some external server.
Posted 29 February, 2020.
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